Leonid Obolensky

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Вид на жительство
A young talented doctor Rostislav Saveliev, who believes that he is not valued enough in his homeland, taking advantage of a tourist trip, stays in one of the European countries. But failing to find a job in his specialty, he is forced to agree to a proposal from the school of saboteurs...
Чисто английское убийство
A classic detective story based on one of the best-loved Golden Age crime writers, Cyril Hare, novel "An English Murder" originally published in 1951. The setting of An English Murder seems, at first, to be a very conventional one. A group of family and friends come together for Christmas at a country house, Warbeck Hall. The house is owned by Lord Warbeck, a dying and impoverished peer who wants to be among loved ones for what he thinks will be his last Christmas. The holiday decorations are up and snow is falling fast outside. The guests range from the Lord's difficult son to a visiting Czech historian. There is, of course, a faithful butler and his ambitious daughter. But when the murders begin, there is nothing at all conventional about them - or the manner of their detection...


Jun 06, 1981
A famous singer is going through the dark period of her life...
Les Silences du docteur Evans
Victime d'un crash d'avion au-dessus de l'océan Atlantique, Dr Martin Evans est secouru par un groupe d’extraterrestres dont la civilisation, bien en avance sur celle de la Terre, a déjà réussi à développer ce qui constitue son sujet de recherche, à savoir une très grande espérance de vie. Mais lorsque le Dr Evans les interroge sur l'ensemble des techniques le permettant ses nouveaux amis lui disent douter que l'humanité en fasse bon usage. Il finit par se ranger de cet avis après une attaque de la base d'extraterrestres par les garde-côtes. Revenu de son expédition, il en fait la déclaration lors d'un congrès, mais il va payer cher son revirement...
Science Fiction
Легенда о княгине Ольге
The film is a poetic adaptation of a series of stories (oral and written) about Princess Olha of Kyivan Rus' (Ukraine-Rusʹ) at the start of the 11th century. Inspired by chronicles and folk legends this is a story of a common girl Olha who married Prince Ihor and became his successor on the throne after his murder and one of the most remarkable political leaders in early medieval European history. She converted to Christianity and brought her realm into Europe.
Riešutų duona

Riešutų duona

Dec 17, 1977
Lithuania, 1977. Memories of childhood, adolescence, and first love in a small provincial town, shown through complexity of human relations at this periodical film.
Le groupe sanguin zéro
Facts is a dramatization of a massacre in a Lithuanian village during World War II when Nazis rounded up over 100 men, women, and children accused of partisan activity and then torched the houses in which they were held. Using Russian interrogations of a few survivors, the testimony of villagers, and some of the Germans responsible for the killing, the film gradually reconstructs the event and its context.
Европейская история
Two candidates are vying for the post of mayor of one of the major Western European cities - the Social Democrat Dr. Hayden and the "free nationalist" Alden. On the eve of the election, an independent journalist receives documents confirming Alden's connection with the secret services. He becomes the object of blackmail, but does not change his intentions to expose Alden.
На исходе лета
An old man in need of care and attention moves to his son in the city. But soon the son and his wife send the old man to a shelter for the elderly. However, the grandson, who loved his grandfather and understood the cruelty of what is happening, leaves his parents and takes the old man to his future wife.


Apr 04, 1966
General Zhuravlev fought on the fronts of World War II, and is now designing spacecraft. Sending a rocket with astronaut Borodin on the flight, he recalls the namesake of the astronaut - a young tankman whom he had the chance to meet on the roads of war ...


Sep 24, 1924
L'ingénieur Los réceptionne un curieux message qui semble venir de l'espace. Déçu par sa femme Natacha qui se laisse séduire par la bourgeoisie russe, Los s'évade en rêvant de la planète Mars. Il imagine une société totalitaire où il pourrait mener la révolution, et tomber amoureux de la reine Aelita.
Science Fiction
Ждите писем

Ждите писем

Sep 18, 1960
A group of young people comes to a Siberian construction site. They form a brigade, one of their tasks being cutting of a track for a power line. Different reasons made these people go to taiga and become pathfinders. One of them, a former taxi-driver Leonid (A.Kuznetsov) went to earn lots of money, Rimma (A.Zavialova) from the undivided love, the yesterdays schoolboy Constantine to find romantic appeal and adventures, and Vladimir (N.Dovzhenko) attempting to escape his shadowy past. Far away from the city fuss, in severe labor conditions and unsettled way of life, relations of these absolutely unknown to each other people gradually resume the normal course. Here many of them experience revaluation of values, others even find their love.


Jan 01, 1978
Factory director Kungurtsev returns from a trip abroad and finds out that his longtime and only friend engineer Alexei Putyatin is going to marry Vera, who is very different from everyone's beloved Lipa, Alexei's first wife.


Feb 12, 1979
Feature film based on a short story by Yuri Trifonov.
Les Aventures extraordinaires de Mr West au pays des bolcheviks
Un citoyen américain, Mr West, visite l'Union soviétique. Tétanisé par l'influence de la propagande capitaliste, il ne prévoit que misères et dangers et n'en devient que plus facilement la proie d'une bande d'escrocs qui renchérissent sur ses craintes. Par bonheur, une compatriote éclairée et une escouade de purs bolchéviks, animée des meilleures intentions, se portent à son secours et lui ouvrent les yeux sur l'avenir radieux de l'URSS…
Юлия Вревская
The film is based on a true dramatic story of the fate of a wonderful Russian woman - Countess Yulia Petrovna Vrevskaya, one of the first Petersburg beauties. The events of the movie take place during the Russian-Turkish war for the liberation of the Bulgarian people from the Turkish yoke. An early widowed baroness, having left Petersburg, and having invested all her money in organizing a volunteer sanitary detachment, she becomes a sister of mercy on the front of the Bulgarian war with the Ottoman Empire of 1878.
Скворец и Лира
Soviet intelligence spouses — Lyudmila ("Lyre") and Fyodor ("Starling") Grekov at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War are tasked with settling in Germany. Personnel intelligence officers with vast experience are successfully introduced into German society and begin to work actively. At the end of the war, during the bombing of Berlin, fate separates them, but then they will meet in the new Germany and continue their work.
Svešas kaislības

Svešas kaislības

Jan 01, 1983
It is the post-war era on the Latvian border, and the Lithuanian girl Maryte has located her relative, Antanas. Having been a farmhand on a rich farm as well as the lover of the owner's wife, upon his return from the war Antanas hopes to gain as much as he can from the collapse of the old world. The wife's daughter, Ausma, has since grown up and seems much more desirable to Antanas than his former lover. The historical situation makes for a tense atmosphere, because in the nighttime partisans may emerge from the forest, while during the daytime everyone must be careful to follow the new rules of life under Soviet rule.
Le Rayon de la mort

Le Rayon de la mort

Mar 16, 1925
Dans un pays capitaliste, les travailleurs sont fortement réprimés mais parviennent à se procurer un « rayon de la mort » pour se défendre.
Science Fiction


Aug 03, 1928
About the struggle of a Soviet agronomist to create a drought-resistant variety of wheat. His work is hampered by bureaucracy. When excellent qualities of Albidum, as the developed variety is called, receive wide recognition and authorities decide to export it, external market monopolies do everything possible to prevent the export of Albidum. The film is considered to be partially lost as only one seven-minute fragment is known and found.
Le Rayon de la mort

Le Rayon de la mort

Mar 16, 1925
About the struggle of a Soviet agronomist to create a drought-resistant variety of wheat. His work is hampered by bureaucracy. When excellent qualities of Albidum, as the developed variety is called, receive wide recognition and authorities decide to export it, external market monopolies do everything possible to prevent the export of Albidum. The film is considered to be partially lost as only one seven-minute fragment is known and found.
Science Fiction
Эх, яблочко, куды котишься
1918 Odessa. German occupiers plunder the city. Sailor Petrus, who has lagged behind the Red Army detachment, saves one of the victims of bandit terror - the girl Marusya... Years have passed. The time has come for peaceful construction in the country. Red commander Petrus and Marusya, who has become a teacher, meet in Moscow in one of the cafes, where both were attracted by the sounds of the popular song “Eh, apple...”, accompanying the adventure of the heroes.
Les Sibériens

Les Sibériens

Nov 05, 1940
1918 Odessa. German occupiers plunder the city. Sailor Petrus, who has lagged behind the Red Army detachment, saves one of the victims of bandit terror - the girl Marusya... Years have passed. The time has come for peaceful construction in the country. Red commander Petrus and Marusya, who has become a teacher, meet in Moscow in one of the cafes, where both were attracted by the sounds of the popular song “Eh, apple...”, accompanying the adventure of the heroes.
Le Grand Consolateur

Le Grand Consolateur

Nov 17, 1933
1918 Odessa. German occupiers plunder the city. Sailor Petrus, who has lagged behind the Red Army detachment, saves one of the victims of bandit terror - the girl Marusya... Years have passed. The time has come for peaceful construction in the country. Red commander Petrus and Marusya, who has become a teacher, meet in Moscow in one of the cafes, where both were attracted by the sounds of the popular song “Eh, apple...”, accompanying the adventure of the heroes.
Le Grand Consolateur

Le Grand Consolateur

Nov 17, 1933
1918 Odessa. German occupiers plunder the city. Sailor Petrus, who has lagged behind the Red Army detachment, saves one of the victims of bandit terror - the girl Marusya... Years have passed. The time has come for peaceful construction in the country. Red commander Petrus and Marusya, who has become a teacher, meet in Moscow in one of the cafes, where both were attracted by the sounds of the popular song “Eh, apple...”, accompanying the adventure of the heroes.