Gloria Paul

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Esercizi di stile

Esercizi di stile

Jan 01, 1996
The end of a love story, told in fourteen different styles: from comedy to western, from noir to thriller, silent movie and so on.
I 2 figli di Ringo

I 2 figli di Ringo

Dec 07, 1966
Another spoof from the Franco and Ciccio team in which the boys, who are running a scam pretending to be bounty hunters, are 'persuaded' to help a real bounty hunter discover a treasure by claiming to be the heirs of a deceased lawman.
Due Rrringos nel Texas
A western comedy starring the Sicilian comedians Franco and Ciccio who produced dozens of such spoofs in the 1960s. This time, they quote mainly "The Good, the Bad And the Ugly". Ciccio is sergeant in the army and Franco volunteers to join (after too many drinks). Franco has a talking horse telling him where a treasure is buried. They have to get behind enemy lines in the civil war to get hold of it, though.
Tango blu

Tango blu

Feb 02, 1987
Tango blu is a night club in Milan where various bizarre characters meet. Among them a womanizing photographer and a porter who works in a slaughterhouse.
Tutto Totò - Don Giovannino
Barnabas, said Don Giovannino, is a true lover of beautiful women. One day he chases a beautiful American in his apartment, taking advantage of the fact that her husband is in Rome for a process.
Le sette vipere (Il marito latino)
Lorenzo is an industrialist married in Argentina to a cruel woman who manages to have all her husband's assets seized, to throw him out of the house and to be awarded the two children born of the unhappy marriage. The desperate industrialist repairs in Italy, where he takes with him the children he has kidnapped and the affectionate secretary. But even in Italy the law is against him.
Les deux évadés de sing-sing
Deux préposés aux toilettes publiques de New York sauvent la vie du chef de la mafia, Attanasia. Attanasia transforme l'un d'eux en boxeur à succès en préparant ses matchs et fait de l'autre son bras droit. Lorsqu'une guerre des gangs éclate, les deux hommes sont accusés des meurtres et condamnés à mort. Le jour de l'exécution, ils refusent de quitter leur cellule, même si leur innocence est prouvée.
Darling Lili

Darling Lili

Jun 18, 1970
Durant la Première Guerre mondiale. La chanteuse Lili Smith déchaîne l'enthousiasme des foules à Londres. Nul ne sait qu'elle est en fait une espionne allemande, son vrai nom étant Schmidt. Un soir, en rentrant chez elle, elle reçoit de nouvelles instructions de son supérieur, Kurt von Ruger : elle doit profiter d'un séjour à Paris pour séduire le major William Larrabee, en possession des plans des attaques aériennes des Alliés. Lili n'a aucune difficulté à remplir sa mission. En effet, Larrabee tombe immédiatement sous le charme de la jeune femme. Bientôt, Lili est contactée par deux agents du contre-espionnage allié qui lui demandent de les aider à démasquer le major, qu'ils soupçonnent d'être une taupe...
Copacabana Palace

Copacabana Palace

Nov 03, 1962
For three days at the Copacabana Palace in Rio de Janeiro, amorous cross-fertilizations are intertwined with petty tricks against the backdrop of the famous carnival festivities. Three (sympathetic) accomplices are beaten to a punch in the hotel vault; three charming stewardesses are looking for entertainment, but their three Carioca host, musicians Tom Jobim, Luiz Bonfá, and João Gilberto, are married; a man, separated from his wife, wants to catch her in the act of adultery.
Les Trois Fantastiques Supermen
Deux millionnaires, Tony et Nick, volent pour le plaisir. Le professeur Schwarz invente pour eux des gadgets comme des boulets magnétiques, une voiture téléguidée ou des chaussures à ventouses... Ainsi, ils ont l'impression d'être de vrais cambrioleurs. Brad, un agent du FBI, s'associent avec eux pour lutter contre une organisation souterraine de Golem, qui possède une machine capable de reproduire n'importe quel objet.
Sigpress contre Scotland Yard
Un émule de James Bond pratique le trampoline sur une plage. Non loin, trois amateurs effectuent un cambriolage dans une demeure huppée. Leurs efforts se révéleront vains quand ils se verront privés de leur butin par un visiteur impromptu, aussi poltron qu'habile. Sigpress frappe encore...
Totò, Peppino e la dolce vita
Antonio goes to Rome to represent his fellow peasants, to request a highway that will be built in their region. But the guy is mastered by 'la dolce vita' and wastes the money entrusted to him for his mission. When Peppino is sent to to find out what happened, he lets himself be trapped by the gentle grip of 'la dolce vita'
La ragazza di mille mesi
A fashion designer rents his villa to a woman before leaving to go abroad. The daughter of the woman is forced to pretend to be handicapped in a dark conspiracy aimed to prevent the man from leaving.
Le tardone

Le tardone

Jan 29, 1964
A collection of five episodes dealing with aging women.
Fratelli d'Italia

Fratelli d'Italia

Nov 23, 1989
Three episodes held together by a common element: a car rented by three different characters.
3 Supermen à Tokyo

3 Supermen à Tokyo

May 03, 1968
Les trois Supermen se rendent à Tokyo à la recherche d'un rayon de miniaturisation volé qu'ils finissent par tester sur eux-mêmes.
The Intelligence Men

The Intelligence Men

Apr 13, 1965
A chance meeting with a Schlecht agent forces a humble coffee shop manager into the secret world of spies in Swinging London. With the help of his MI5 friend, he poses as the recently dead Major Cavendish who had managed to infiltrate the dreaded organization; he knows that they are intending to assassinate someone - could it be the famous Russian ballerina who has recently arrived for an appearance at Covent Garden?
Pugni, pupe e marinai

Pugni, pupe e marinai

Nov 17, 1961
Three sailors are sent to an island by their commander to steal a boat, but they are sunk by an enemy ship. Saved from the shipwreck by a fishing boat, they have to get back to the island before their commander knows about their adventure.
Benny Hill: The Lost Years - Bennies from Heaven
Part 1 of 3, featuring sketches never broadcast in America, this hilarious medley contains vintage material from Benny when his cheeky humor established him as one of England's funniest - and naughtiest - comedians. Filled with riotous musical send-ups, fractured fairy tales, wacky commercial spoofs and pitch-perfect impressions, this collection captures the vast range of one of England's most inspired comics!
2  mafiosi contro Goldginger
Nefarious villain Goldginger is thwarted by bumbling secret agents Franco and Ciccio in his scheme to spark an international war by zombifying all government employees in this Italian spoof of the James Bond movies.
Veneri al sole

Veneri al sole

Dec 24, 1964
Three episodes: In the first one a girl gets a journalist to help her recover a case with some precious designs in it; in the second a worker keen on helping his boss gets him into trouble instead and in the third one a shy boy who tries to impress women pretending he is tough ends up in hospital and falls in love with a nurse.
Cacciatori di dote

Cacciatori di dote

Jan 28, 1961
Manlio from Guatemala and Carlo the nobleman are both looking forward to settling down by marrying rich.
Gideon's Way

Gideon's Way

Jul 09, 1967
Les enquêtes du commandant George Gideon de Scotland Yard d'après les romans de John Creasey.