Joel Colodner

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The Kirlian Witness

The Kirlian Witness

Nov 15, 1978
Laurie croit qu'il est possible de communiquer avec les plantes par télépathie et leur consacre tout son temps et son amour. Ses plantes l'avertissent du nouveau copain de sa soeur Rilla, Robert. Quand Laurie a été retrouvée morte dans la rue sous son balcon un matin, Rilla doute que ce soit un accident. Seule une plante a été témoin cette nuit-là, alors elle essaie de trouver un moyen d'apprendre la vérité.
Malice in Wonderland

Malice in Wonderland

Jan 01, 1985
Struggling actress Hedda Hopper can't get a break in Hollywood, even though an acquaintence of hers is the extremely powerful gossip monger Louella Parsons - maker and breaker of careers (and lives) through her daily syndicated newspaper column. The big movie moguls, fed up with Parson's power over their stars, decide to de-claw her by setting up gossip Hopper as a competitor in the rumour industry. What they couldn't forsee was that Hopper would become as big as Parsons -- and every bit as much of a pain. Based on the true life stories of two of the most powerful (and arguably dangerous) women of Hollywood's hay-day.
Carly's Web

Carly's Web

Jul 12, 1987
A woman clerk (Daphne Ashbrook) on "the lowest rung" in the US Department of Justice gets involved in a case of payoff schemes and sets a webbed trap that snares not only the perpetrators, but "one of the few good Senators" as well.
Scum of the Earth

Scum of the Earth

Jul 01, 1974
Newlyweds Helen and Paul are honeymooning in a Texas cabin when Paul is murdered by an unseen assailant. Fleeing into the woods, Helen is taken in by Odie Pickett and his impoverished hillbilly family, becoming trapped in their isolated shack while the killer is still on the loose and wreaking havoc.
Who Is Julia?

Who Is Julia?

Oct 26, 1986
A strikingly beautiful and wealthy woman is hit by a truck and is all smashed up and nearly killed. At nearly the same time, a very plain looking lower middle class woman simply faints and suffers brain death. The beautiful womans brain is fine, so, doctors merely transplant her brain into plain Jane. Problems ensue when plain Janes husband continues to believe she is still his wife. She has no memory of him, and goes to live with the beautiful womans husband. She doesn't mix well with her new socialite friends and family. Mirrors are emotional battlefields as well.
Betrayed by Innocence

Betrayed by Innocence

Mar 01, 1986
A married commercial filmmaker (Barry Bostwick) is charged with statutory rape when it is revealed that his lover (Cristen Kaufman) is only 16.
TV Movie
Clair de Lune

Clair de Lune

May 14, 1989
Maddie Hayes, une riche et belle mannequin, se réveille un matin ruinée. Son comptable est parti avec la caisse. Il ne lui reste plus que quelques placements et une agence de détective privé en faillite. Elle décide de la fermer et rencontre le directeur de l'agence un certain David Addison. Ce dernier, fêtard invétéré qui passe le plus clair de son temps à chanter dans les bars ou perché sur son bureau va tout faire pour convaincre Maddie de ne pas fermer l'agence. Elle finit par accepter à la condition de devenir sa partenaire. C'est le début d'une relation mouvementée…
21 Jump Street

21 Jump Street

Apr 27, 1991
Une brigade de police spéciale a établi ses quartiers dans une ancienne chapelle, au 21 Jump Street. À l'exception des capitaines Jenko et Fuller qui dirigent successivement la brigade, l'équipe est formée de tout jeunes policiers, qui justement en profitent pour s'intégrer dans les milieux des « jeunes à problèmes ».