Rafa Castejón

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Front de l'Est

Front de l'Est

Jan 20, 2012
Russie, 1943. La Division Bleue - 18 000 volontaires espagnols - est envoyée sur le Front de l'Est afin de prêter main forte aux troupes allemandes. Un matin, le corps d'un soldat égorgé est découvert. Sur son torse, une phrase étrange inscrite au couteau : "Prends garde, Dieu te regarde". D'autres crimes suivront. Le lieutenant Arturo Andrade est chargé de l'enquête. Face à lui, 18 000 suspects.
El penalti más largo del mundo
Fernando (Fernando Tejero) is a loser. A gray type, without ambition, that works like bookcases distributor in a supermarket of the quarter. In his free short whiles, he is a substitute keeper of a football team, a third regional one. In all the season he has not played a single minute. But the last Sunday of the league the referee indicates penalty and the regular keeper injures itself. Fernando must occupy the goal for the first time. If penalty scores, the team of the district will proclaim champion. If no, all the effort of a year will not have been worth for anything. When the penalty is just about to be kicked, a group of indignant fans with the referee invades the field and prevents the kick. The competition committee decides that the penalty must play the following Sunday, in the same goal, with same players and the field closed to the public. El Penalti más largo del mundo, (The Longest Penalty Shot in the World) is exactly the history of that week of delay.
Cuento de verano

Cuento de verano

Apr 23, 2015
After four years of living together, Léa dumps Mario. He is going to have to spend the loneliest summer of his life locked up in his Madrid apartment, with multiple broken bones. But this summer promises to be a journey in search of happiness, without leaving the downtown district. This trip will change the life of Mario, Chica, a mysterious young woman who appears on his doorstep, and Olmo the young and sassy neighbor, in love with Mario.
El oro de Moscú

El oro de Moscú

Mar 28, 2003
In an odd destiny coincidence and hospital employee reiceives some important and confident information from a dying old man. He shares it with one friend and both start a crazy and extravangant adventure.
El club de los suicidas
What should you do if you are young, handsome but your life is terribly boring? Of course to die! Who can help you? Of course, two your best friends. But what if assisted suicide becomes an original way to earn? When a business plan comes to mind to the three adventurers they are no longer up to the death!
La última noche de Sandra M.
Freely inspired by the life of the actress Sandra Mozarowsky, who died in 1977 when she fell from the terrace of her house in Madrid, the story will focus on the day before the accident, in which loneliness, fear and anguish in the face of a situation desperate mix with his dreams and ambitions.
El aura

El aura

Sep 15, 2005
De lui, on sait peu de choses. Il est taxidermiste, honnête et simple. Pourtant, cet homme ne peut s'empêcher d'imaginer des vols aussi parfaits que spectaculaires. Chaque événement de la vie courante est pour lui l'occasion de concevoir des opérations si ingénieuses qu'elles seraient forcément couronnées de succès.Un concours de circonstances va lui donner l'opportunité de vivre ce qu'il n'avait fait que rêver. Par hasard, il se retrouve au coeur d'un coup magnifique, une chance unique : le plus grand transfert de fonds d'un casino.Notre homme plonge dans une réalité qu'il n'imaginait pas, dans un vol où il devra tout comprendre sans rien maîtriser... Tout ce qu'il croyait savoir vole en éclats. Il découvre ses limites, l'importance du facteur humain, sans jamais savoir s'il restera conscient assez longtemps pour agir au bon moment...
The Good Boss

The Good Boss

Oct 15, 2021
Dans l'attente de la visite d'un comité qui pourrait décerner à son entreprise un prix d'excellence, le propriétaire d'une entreprise de fabrication de balances industrielles tente de résoudre les problèmes de ses travailleurs.
Relatos con-fin-a-dos

Relatos con-fin-a-dos

Jul 03, 2020
An apprentice hit man who wants to surpass his mentor, two friends whom everyone except themselves sees as a couple, a Real Madrid football player about to embark on an acting career, a serial killer with a heart who finds his soul mate and a corrupt landowner cornered when a “parcel” arrives at his door make up these five self-contained stories, ranging from romantic comedy to drama, as well as terror, dark humour and thriller.