Paweł Iwanicki

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Sep 14, 2005
Lucjan Bohme is a ruthless debt collector working in a post-industrial Silesian town. In the land of unemployment and misery, he's got a lot of work and no mercy at all. Until something happens.
Pitbull. Ostatni pies

Pitbull. Ostatni pies

Mar 15, 2018
A policeman gets killed and the short-staffed police chief sends for a few experienced officers to support him in his fight with organized crime. Meanwhile, a conflict between local gangster groups escalates.
Ostatni dzwonek

Ostatni dzwonek

Oct 27, 1989
As high school students put on a politically-engaged school play, tensions begin to rise between them and their headmaster. The conflict seems to mirror the social situation in the 1980s Poland.


Dec 15, 1993
Do jednostki wojskowej przyjeżdżają nowi poborowi. Starsi koledzy ostrzegają ich przed Tygrysem, byłym kryminalistą, faktycznym władcą kompanii, słynącym z bezwzględności i sadyzmu. Co gorsza jest on w praktyce bezkrany, gdyż przełożeni chociaż wiedzą o jego wybrykach, nie reagują. Już pierwsze dni służby wystawiają cierpliwość świeżo upieczonych "kotów" na ciężką próbę. Grupka starszych żołnierzy, czekających na przejście do rezerwy bije, upokarza i demoluje dobytek poborowych. Ich okrucieństwu i złośliwości najodważniej próbuje przeciwstawić się niejaki Kowalski.


Oct 22, 2021
Une policière fait à son ex-petit ami une offre qu'il ne peut pas refuser : Soit il s'infiltre et dénonce une bande de voyous, soit son frère va en prison.
O największej kłótni
The protagonists of the film are three brothers: Eino, Aho and Laje. The brothers live from the cultivation of the family land. Eino works from dawn to night. Aho likes to spend time playing at a nearby inn. Laje once helps Eino, and once accompanies Aho. Once Aho gets cheated by playing dice and losing his family land. The brothers set off in search of a job. They reach a road fork. Eino wants to go left, Aho to the right, and Laje agrees once with one, once with the other brother. The brothers, unable to convince each other for their reasons, start a great quarrel.
Pora na czarownice

Pora na czarownice

Feb 28, 1994
Twenty years old prostitute and drug addict, Jola, by chance meets Andrzej, a "railway station gay". They try to stay together, in spite of numerous diffculties. They both are carriers of the HIV virus. At the end of their travels they find themselves in the Red Palace - formerly the recreation centre for Party dignitaries, now a home for AIDS sufferers - which is run by father Jan. In the nearby small town aggression begins to grow again the unwanted guests; the house have been promised to the local people for housing purposes... The lives and fates of Jola, Andrzej, and father Jan become increasingly intertwined with one another...
Wielki tydzień

Wielki tydzień

Jan 01, 1995
During the Nazi era, a Jewish woman on the run takes a trolley which passes near the Warsaw ghetto, where the uprising battle is taking place, and some passengers are struck by stray bullets. They take temporary refuge in an empty building, and there she has a chance meeting with her ex-fiancé. He offers to put her up--that is, hide her--for a few days. He's now married, a professional who lives in an idyllic suburb reached by a trolley that runs through the woods. His wife seems more committed to putting up the fugitive than he is. The story involves the neighbors, the building owner who avoids involvement and seeks solace in classic poetry, and the super and his suspicious wife.
Zenek, roi du disco polo
Dans ce biopic sur le chanteur Zenon Martyniuk, un jeune garçon enjoué vivant dans un petit village cherche à devenir une star de la pop en évitant les pièges du succès.
Ninas resa

Ninas resa

Nov 04, 2005
Nina's Journey is a feature film, but with an authentic narrator. We follow Nina and her family during six dramatic years, half of them spent in the Warsaw ghetto. The film tells the story of a young girl coming of age under extreme circumstances: Nina falls in love, goes to parties, and graduates high school - all in the Warsaw ghetto. One could say that, in these horrid times, she is almost living the life of a normal teenager. If it wasn't for the fact that all those around her are vanishing, one by one. Nina's Journey is shot in Warsaw, with Polish actors. But it is narrated by the elderly Nina Einhorn herself.
Generał Nil

Generał Nil

Apr 17, 2009
Generał Nil is a Polish historical film, based on the life of general Emil August Fieldorf, pseudonym "Nil".
Jack Strong

Jack Strong

Feb 07, 2014
Décembre 1970. Sur la côte baltique, la grève ouvrière est brutalement stoppée par la démonstration de force de l'armée polonaise. L'officier Ryszard Kukliński, promis aux plus hautes fonctions, est profondément marqué par cette répression sanglante. Il supporte de plus en plus mal l'ingérence et les manières des soviétiques. Sa connaissance des plans d'une Troisième Guerre mondiale élaborés par l'URSS renforce encore son malaise. Au péril de sa vie et des siens, il contacte l'ennemi juré, les Etats-Unis…
Śmierć Rotmistrza Pileckiego
Captain Witold Pilecki was a Polish intelligence officer during WWII who volunteered for a Polish resistance operation to get imprisoned in the German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp Auschwitz-Birkenau in order to gather intelligence and enable the Polish government-in-exile to inform the allies about the ongoing Holocaust in occupied Poland. The film also tells the story of Witold Pilecki’s fate at the hands of the Communist government after the end of WWII. The film is a reconstruction of the trial which took place in Warsaw during the communist regime in Poland. Captain Pilecki described his investigation as more cruel than his stay at Auschwitz.


May 24, 2008
Kryminalni was a Polish crime drama television series that aired on TVN network from September 18, 2004 until May 24, 2008. It ran for 8 seasons and 101 episodes were broadcast in total. It was created by Polish director and screenwriter Piotr Wereśniak and produced by MTL Maxfilm studio. The series followed life and work of police officers from the elite Criminal Terror and Murders Division of the Warsaw Metropolitan Police; the title refers to police officers in the crime section. The three main characters were Adam Zawada, an experienced, tough cup, his younger colleague Marek Brodecki and Barbara Storosz, an ambitious female officer who in the first season joins the team just after graduating. Although none of the main actors had had star status before the series debuted, all three of them rose to prominence and popularity during the 5-year-long run. Many of Poland's best known actors guest starred, usually playing roles of people involved in just one particular investigation. The serial was one of the most popular in Poland: each week it had an audience of 4 million.