Bob Mason

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The Missing Postman

The Missing Postman

Mar 28, 1997
When Dorset postman Clive Peacock is forced into early retirement, the years ahead look bleak. But on his last day in the job, in a moment of unexpected rebellion he makes a decision that will change his life. As he makes his final collection from the postbox in the small seaside town where he lives, he decides to deliver the letters himself, by hand, no matter the destination. Mounting his trusty bicycle, he sets off on what proves to be an odyssey of self-discovery. Pursued by the police and lionised by the media, Clive becomes both a fugitive and a reluctant hero.


Dec 12, 2003
Bill, an ex-boxer, is a failure in life but has no idea what to do about it -- until he meets local dodgy businessman Hamid 'Anything-U-Need' Choudhury. Hamid convinces Bill that there is serious money to be made in man vs animal boxing bouts. Bill cashes in his life savings to buy two meters of living, breathing, armor-plated giant mutant mantis shrimp with a smashing right hook, and sets off for London to fulfill his dreams. Along for the ride are his best friend Steve, ex-condom-factory employee and amateur boxer, Steve's highly-strung girlfriend Shaz, and a misunderstood, club-clawed crustacean who is not as stupid as it seems...
Sweet Nothing

Sweet Nothing

Sep 23, 1990
A youth abandoned by his family joins a group of homeless people.
Le Crépuscule des aigles
1964. Les allemands ont gagné la Seconde Guerre mondiale. On s'apprête à fêter les soixante-quinze ans du Führer Adolf Hitler, et pour cet événement, le président du dernier pays à ne pas s'être soumis à la domination allemande, les États-Unis, s'apprête à signer un traité de paix, ce qui aurait assis définitivement l'emprise du Troisième Reich sur le monde. Lorsque le Sturmbannführer Xavier March est chargé d'une enquête sur deux morts, anciens hauts dignitaires, et qu'il est stoppé dans son investigation, il flaire le mauvais coup. Aidé de son collègue Max Jaeger et d'une journaliste américaine, Charlie Maguire, il va découvrir la face cachée de l'Allemagne et devenir un homme traqué.
Whose Baby?

Whose Baby?

Oct 25, 2004
Hard-hitting drama about a man who discovers that he has fathered a child only when he is approached by a child support agency. A few years after the fling that led to his unknown fatherhood, the man has settled into a new life, but the establishing of his paternity makes him determined to pursue a relationship with his child, leading to a heartbreaking struggle.


Jul 22, 1980
Mary and Barry Case's second child, Lindsey, has spina bifida. They must decide whether to allow an operation which would save her life but leave her permanently crippled, or leave her fate to nature.
A Question of Identity
Erwin van Haarlem is a man of mystery. Living in London in 1986 and ostensibly a Dutch art dealer, he is in fact spying for Czechoslovakia with a mission to track down supporters of the dissident group, Chapter 77.
Le Voyage de Felicia

Le Voyage de Felicia

Oct 08, 1999
Félicia, dix-sept ans, traverse la mer d'Irlande, avec pour tout renseignement le nom de la ville où habite son amant pour lui annoncer sa grossesse. Mais c'est Hilditch, célibataire et ami indefectible des jeunes filles sans domicile, qui la trouve.
A Life for a Life

A Life for a Life

Jan 01, 1998
The 1998 dramatization of a 1970s UK miscarriage of justice, centered around Stefan Khizcho, and his mother's subsequent battle for his freedom.
The Emperor's New Clothes
Napoleon, exiled, devises a plan to retake the throne. He'll swap places with commoner Eugene Lenormand, sneak into Paris, then Lenormand will reveal himself and Napoleon will regain his throne. Things don't go at all well; first, the journey proves more difficult than expected, but more disastrously, Lenormand enjoys himself too much to reveal the deception. Napoleon adjusts somewhat uneasily to the life of a commoner while waiting, while Lenormand gorges on rich food.
Beyond Fear

Beyond Fear

Mar 30, 1997
The true story of Stephanie Slater, a British estate agent who was kidnapped, raped, and held for ransom by Michael Sams, who imprisoned her in a coffin-like box for eight days.
Hôtel Paradiso, une maison sérieuse
Le "Paradiso" est le pire des hôtels que l'on puisse trouver. Ses extérieurs lui donnent des allures de ruine : façade terne, murs et fenêtres vermoulus, les gouttières claquent au moindre souffle de vent.L'intérieur est pire encore : les cafards pullulent, la poussière s'accumule, la cuisine n'est plus qu'un amas d'immondices où évolue un cuisinier crasseux et saoul à longueur de journée. Comble de l'horreur, le "Paradiso" se situe à moins d'une centaine de mètres d'une centrale nucléaire qui crache, nuit et jour, une abominable fumée toxique…Au milieu de ce capharnaüm, Richie Twat et son acolyte Eddie Elizabeth Ndingombaba s'unissent et se désunissent. Les deux inséparables se frappent, s'injurient mais ne peuvent se séparer… Burlesque au rendez-vous…


Mar 13, 1979
In a Cheshire village, Jack, an electrician, is rewiring the house where a dissident Russian professor is staying. From mutual dislike and suspicion they move towards tolerance and eventually mutual respect.
The Party

The Party

Mar 08, 1988
10 May 1968. In Paris the barricades are about to burst into flames as students and police clash. In London the fashionable Left are having a dialogue.
Cutting It

Cutting It

Jul 12, 2005
Allie Henshall and Gavin Ferraday are partners in love and business. They own Henshall Ferraday hair salon, where Allie's sisters Darcey and Sydney work alongside them. As Allie and Gavin consider taking over a vacant property across the road, they are rocked by the news that a rival hairdresser has bought it. To make matters worse, Allie discovers that the new salon, Blade Runner, is run by her ex, Finn, and his wife, Mia Bevan. Finn fathered the child Allie claimed to have aborted. He left her when he found out she was pregnant, but he's back in town to try and woo Allie.
Peak Practice

Peak Practice

Jan 31, 2002
Peak Practice is a British drama series about a GP surgery in Cardale — a small fictional town in the Derbyshire Peak District — and the doctors who worked there. It ran on ITV from 10 May 1993 to 30 January 2002 and was one of their most successful series at the time. It originally starred Kevin Whately as Dr Jack Kerruish, Amanda Burton as Dr Beth Glover and Simon Shepherd as Dr Will Preston, though the roster of doctors would change many times over the course of the series. Cardale was based on the Staffordshire village of Longnor for the final series, but was previously based in the Derbyshire village of Crich, although certain scenes were filmed at other nearby Derbyshire towns and villages, most notably Matlock, Belper and Ashover.
Peak Practice

Peak Practice

Jan 31, 2002
Peak Practice is a British drama series about a GP surgery in Cardale — a small fictional town in the Derbyshire Peak District — and the doctors who worked there. It ran on ITV from 10 May 1993 to 30 January 2002 and was one of their most successful series at the time. It originally starred Kevin Whately as Dr Jack Kerruish, Amanda Burton as Dr Beth Glover and Simon Shepherd as Dr Will Preston, though the roster of doctors would change many times over the course of the series. Cardale was based on the Staffordshire village of Longnor for the final series, but was previously based in the Derbyshire village of Crich, although certain scenes were filmed at other nearby Derbyshire towns and villages, most notably Matlock, Belper and Ashover.
The Royal

The Royal

Jul 31, 2011
Follows the staff and patients of a Yorkshire cottage hospital in the 60s, embroiled in tangled love lives and bitter power struggles.
Dalziel & Pascoe

Dalziel & Pascoe

Jun 22, 2007
British crime drama based on the "Dalziel and Pascoe" series of books by Reginald Hill, set in the fictional Yorkshire town of Wetherton. The unlikely duo of politically incorrect elephant-in-a-china-shop-copper Detective Superintendent Andrew Dalziel (pronounced Dee-ell) and his more sensitive and university educated sidekick Detective Sargent, later Detective Inspector, Peter Pascoe is always on hand to solve the classic murder mystery, while maintaining a down to earth wit and humour.
Once Upon A Time In The North
Whimsical tales of the Tollit family, who live in the picturesque Northern town of Sutton Moor. The husband, Len, is a soft-hearted, well-meaning chap who holds strong views on certain subjects and is fiercely proud of his working-class roots. But his determination to prove himself the equal of those who may consider themselves his betters often leads to confrontation and infuriates his wife, Pat. They have two children, the pre-teen Sean and the sexually-maturing Siobhan, who, at 15, is at that 'awkward age'. Living in the granny flat in their yard is Mr Bebbington, who had been Len's late mother's boyfriend but has remained with them for six months since her death. Pat constantly cajoles Len into getting Bebbington out but he is quite content to let him stay and treats him as one of the family. Len's brother, Morris, who lives nearby, is a spiritual man who comes across as half-hippy and half-witted.
Hercule Poirot

Hercule Poirot

Nov 13, 2013
Hercule Poirot, policier belge retraité, à la moustache parfaite dont il est si fier. Il s'est exilé en Angleterre suite aux ravages de la Première Guerre mondiale. Désormais, il vit à Londres et exerce en tant que détective privé. Sa réputation d'enquêteur hors pair est internationale et de nombreuses personnes font appel à lui pour percer des mystères que la police ne pourra pas résoudre ou n'a pas su résoudre.
Inspecteur Barnaby

Inspecteur Barnaby

Nov 10, 2024
L'inspecteur Barnaby, accompagné de son adjoint, enquêtent sur les crimes commis dans la région anglaise fictive du Midsomer...
The Lakes

The Lakes

Mar 14, 1999
Compelling BBC1 drama series embracing sex, death and Catholic guilt, set in a small community in the Lake District. The first four-part series centred on newcomer Danny Kavanagh; the second 10-part series featured other characters in the community.
Between the Lines

Between the Lines

Dec 21, 1994
Detective Superintendent Tony Clark is an ambitious member of the Complaints Investigation Bureau, an internal organisation that investigates claims of corruption inside the police in England and Wales. Along the way Clark overcomes strong influence from his superiors and problems in his private life, most notably the break-up of his marriage following an affair with WPC Jenny Dean.