Steven Van Zandt

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The 50 Greatest Television Dramas
Boasting an amazing selection of the most watched, most influential and most highly acclaimed programmes ever made, The 50 Greatest Television Dramas presents a long overdue assessment of the rich heritage television drama has to offer. Channel 4 invited over 200 of Britain's top television drama professionals – writers, directors, producers and commissioners – to take part in an exclusive poll to discover what they consider the finest dramas ever produced.
Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band - The Legendary 1979 No Nukes Concerts
“The Legendary 1979 No Nukes Concerts,” a Bruce Springsteen and The E Street Band film featuring ten never-before released performances from the Madison Square Garden MUSE benefit concerts, and full footage of the band’s entire setlist, will be released worldwide for the first time. Edited by Bruce’s longtime collaborator Thom Zimny from the original 16mm film alongside remixed audio from Bob Clearmountain, “The Legendary 1979 No Nukes Concerts” represent the highest quality and best recorded Bruce performances from an explosive, ascendant and rarely-filmed era of the E Street Band.A composite of two performances captured during the multi-day ‘No Nukes’ concerts, the film packs the intensity of a marathon show into a crackling 90 minute run-time.
25 ème Anniversaire du Rock and Roll Hall Fame
Pendant deux nuits octobre en 2009, quelques-uns des groupes rock les plus vénérés du monde se sont réunis pour réaliser une paire de concerts pour célébrer l'anniversaire d'argent du Rocher et Roll Hall of Fame. Cette fois-in-a-lifetime concert DVD capte ces deux spectacles en entier, y compris des ensembles de Bruce Springsteen, U2, Mick Jagger, Simon & Garfunkel, Crosby, Stills & Nash parmi beaucoup d'autres.
Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band: Houston 78 House Cut
Excellent quality Pro-shot inhouse recording of Bruce Springsteen, recorded live in Houston, during 1978, exact date and venue unknown during the "Darkness on the Edge of Town tour. DVD has a total running time of 175 minutes, and quality is about 8/10. Track listing is as follows: Badlands Streets Of Fire It’s Hard To Be A Saint In The City Darkness On The Edge Of Town Spirit In The Night Independence Day The Promised Land Prove It All Night Racing In The Street Thunder Road Jungleland The Ties That Bind Santa Claus Is Coming To Town The Fever Fire Candy's Room Because The Night Point Blank She's The One Backstreets Rosalita (Come Out Tonight) Born To Run Detroit Medley Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out You Can't Sit Down Quarter To Three
Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band: Largo 24/11/1980
Decent quality proshot recording of Bruce Springsteen, at Landover Maryland, on November 24th, 1980. Prove it all night Two hearts Tenth avenue freezeout You can look (but you better not touch) Darkness on the edge of town Independence day Factory Jackson cage The promised land Racing in the street The river Badlands Thunder road Cadillac ranch Sherry darling Hungry heart Fire Because the night Fade away Growin’ up Stolen car Wreck on the highway Point blank The ties that bind Crush on you Ramrod Backstreets Rosilita (come out tonight) Jungleland Born to run Motown medley
Bruce Springsteen - Human Rights Final - Buenos Aires
Amnesty International Finale River Plate Stadium Buenos Aires, Argentine Setlist: 01 - Born In The USA (6:16) 02 - The Promised Land (5:26) 03 - Cover Me (3:02) 04 - I'm On Fire (4:51) 05 - The River (6:13) 06 - Cadillac Ranch (6:14) 07 - Guerre (2:52) 08 - My Hometown (10:01) 09 - Dancing In The Dark (6:15) 10 - Glory Days (6:52) 11 - Raise Your Hand (4:40) 12 - Twist And Shout (14:07) 13 - Chimes of Freedom (5:42) 14 - Get Up Stand Up (06h58) Bonus Tracks: 15 - The Promised Land (SOS Racisme) (5:40) 16 - My Hometown (SOS Racisme) (5:40) 17 - Blowin 'in the Wind (SOS Racisme) (3:10) ) 3:25 - 18 Bad Moon (Rising SOS Racisme)
Nordic Noir - Dans le secret des séries scandinaves
Les polars scandinaves sont devenus un phénomène. Des séries télévisées comme "Bron", "The Killing", "Wallander" ou la trilogie "Millenium" ont été adaptées dans différents pays, captivant le public du monde entier. Comment se fait-il que les séries scandinaves rencontrent un tel succès ? Enquête auprès de ses instigateurs et de ses ambassadeurs, commes les actrices de "Borgen" et "The Killing".
Bruce Springsteen - Mönchengladbach 2013
Stadion im Borussia-Park, Monchengladbach, Germany – 5 July, 2013 1. Jackson Cage, 2. My Love Will Not let You Down, 3. Better Days 4. SHAKE, RATTLE & ROLL (tour debut), 5. ONE WAY STREET (tour debut), 6. Mary’s Place, 7. Wrecking Ball, 8. Badlands,9. Death to my Hometown, 10. Point Blank, 11. Trapped, 12. The Promised Land, 13. Hungry Heart, 14. MAN’S JOB (tour debut), 15. Because the Night, 16. Candy’s Room, 17. She’s The One, 18. Leap of Faith, 19. Rosalita (Come out tonight), 20. Shackled and Drawn, 21. Waitin’ On A Sunny Day, 22. Radio Nowhere (with Jay Weinberg), 23. Thunder Road, 24. Rocky Ground, 25. Born in the USA, 26. Born to Run, 27. Dancing in the Dark, 28. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out, 29. Rockin All Over the World
The Trainer

The Trainer

Oct 16, 2024
It unfolds over eight days of sleep-deprived chaos and follows Jack, a down-on-his-luck fitness expert living with his mother in Los Angeles, who takes a maniacal swing at fame and fortune, trying to realize his version of the American dream.
One World, One Voice

One World, One Voice

Dec 09, 1990
An extraordinary music special is the climax to One World week. The brainchild of ex-10cc drummer Kevin Godley, it features the first true global composition involving rock stars, classical musicians and artists from all over the world. Godley and a film crew toured the globe in just 44 days with a 'chain tape', asking musicians to add a new theme or idea. Artists include Sting, Dave Stewart, Peter Gabriel, Clannad, Lou Reed, Leningrad Symphony Orchestra, Afrika Bambaata and the Kodo Drummers.
Sous la promenade

Sous la promenade

Oct 27, 2023
Lorsque le timide crabe de Jersey, Armen rencontre l'audacieuse touriste et crabe de mer, Ramona, cela crée une tension à casser des coquillages dans la ville. Mais le duo est emporté par une tempête, alors les deux crabes se lancent dans un voyage extraordinaire pour rentrer chez eux. Leur courage unit leurs familles et ouvre la voie à de futurs super étés, au-delà de la promenade.
The Nelson Mandela 70th Birthday Concert
Le Concert hommage des 70 ans de Nelson Mandela s'est tenu le 11 juin 1988 au stade de Wembley à Londres. Cet événement musical de 11 heures visait à sensibiliser le public international à l'emprisonnement de Nelson Mandela et à l'injustice du régime de l'apartheid en Afrique du Sud. Le concert a réuni environ 72 000 spectateurs sur place et a été diffusé dans 67 pays, atteignant une audience estimée à 600 millions de personnes.
Stevie Van Zandt: Disciple
Stevie Van Zandt, connu comme le consigliere le plus célèbre du New Jersey pour Bruce Springsteen et Tony Soprano, occupe le devant de la scène. Avec de nombreuses images inédites, ce documentaire retrace la carrière de Van Zandt en tant que producteur, musicien, auteur-compositeur, activiste, acteur et plus encore, des clubs d'Asbury Park, N.J. aux arènes et aux stades, en passant par le Bada Bing Club et l'Underground Garage.
Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band: Live in New York City
En 1999, l'enfant du New Jersey repartait en tournée avec son groupe légendaire, le E Street Band. Cela faisait près de dix ans qu'ils n'avaient plus tourné ensemble ! Jamais Bruce n'a aussi bien chanté, jamais les musiciens n'ont aussi bien joué. Ils attaquent chaque titre comme une bande de gamins morts de faim. Le groupe est au cordeau, Springsteen revisite ses classiques avec la même dévotion qu'il y a vingt ans !
Bruce Springsteen & the E Street Band: Live in Barcelona
A l'occasion d'une tournée européenne avec les E Street Band, Bruce Springsteen se produit à Barcelone en octobre 2002, interprétant, à côté de ses plus grands tubes, des extraits de son dernier opus, le 12e, intitulé "The Rising". Composé après les attentats du 11 septembre, le disque contient quelques chansons inspirées par l'événement, comme "My City of Ruins".
Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band - Newark, NJ 01-31-2016
THE highest quality audience shot video of all times! My Newark film has extraordinary image quality. You won't see anything like this on any other audience shot film! Newark was much more limited editing wise because I didn't have many other sources but my shoot is so good and so steady (only at some times stupid periscopers and other "mobile phone people" got in the way) that with additional footage from friends I was able to create a mighty fantastic film. Video specs: 1080p/24 Audio specs: PCM 24bit 48kHz
Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band: Rock In Rio 2013
Bruce Springsteenat Cidade do Rock, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on September 21, 2013. Setlist: 01. Sociedade Alternativa (Raul Seixas cover) 02. Badlands 03. Death To My Hometown 04. Spirit In The Night 05. Hungry Heart 06. Born In The USA 07. Cover Me 08. Darlington County 09. Working On The Highway 10. Downbound Train 11. I'm On Fire 12. No Surrender 13. Bobby Jean 14. I'm Goin' Down 15. Glory Days 16. Dancing In The Dark (with fans on stage) 17. My Hometown 18. Shackled And Drawn 19. Waitin' On A Sunny Day 20. The Rising 21. Land Of Hope And Dreams 22. Thunder Road 23. Born To Run 24. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out 25. Twist And Shout 26. This Hard Land (solo acoustic)
Les Chroniques de Noël
Kate et Teddy sont tout occupés à épier la venue du Père Noël. Alors que celui-ci apparaît, comme par magie, les enfants parviennent à se glisser dans son traîneau et se lancent dans une folle aventure, où un accident manque de gâcher les fêtes. Ils vont alors tout faire pour aider le Père Noël et ses fidèles elfes à sauver Noël, avant qu'il ne soit trop tard.
Chuck Berry

Chuck Berry

Dec 01, 2018
C'est l'homme qui a inventé le rock’n’roll. Consacré à l'immense Chuck Berry, disparu en 2017, ce documentaire exceptionnel évoque ses errements de jeunesse, qui lui valent un séjour en prison, ses origines, mais surtout ses chansons mythiques et ses fulgurances musicales révolutionnaires qui influencèrent les grandes stars des années 1960, à commencer par les Beatles et les Rolling Stones.
The Irishman

The Irishman

Nov 01, 2019
Cette saga sur le crime organisé dans l'Amérique de l'après-guerre est racontée du point de vue de Frank Sheeran, un ancien soldat de la Seconde Guerre mondiale devenu escroc et tueur à gages ayant travaillé aux côtés de quelques-unes des plus grandes figures du 20e siècle. Couvrant plusieurs décennies, le film relate l'un des mystères insondables de l'histoire des États-Unis : la disparition du légendaire dirigeant syndicaliste Jimmy Hoffa. Il offre également une plongée monumentale dans les arcanes de la mafia en révélant ses rouages, ses luttes internes et ses liens avec le monde politique.
Eric Burdon: Rock 'n' Roll Animal
Born in 1941, Eric Burdon was – along with his band The Animals – one of the most important standard-bearers of the British Invasion of America, right after The Beatles and ahead of The Rolling Stones, The Who and The Kinks. Their 1964 interpretation of House of the Rising Sun was a global hit and inspired Bob Dylan (who recorded an acoustic version on his first album) to go electric and hit the stage from then on backed by a rock band.
Asbury Park: Riot, Redemption, Rock & Roll
The story of the long troubled town of Asbury Park, and how the power of music can unite a divided community. A once storied seaside resort, Asbury Park erupted in flames during a summer of civil unrest, crippling the town for the next 45 years and reducing it to a state of urban blight. A town literally divided by a set of railroad tracks, the riot destroyed the fabled Westside jazz and blues scene, but from the flames of the burning city emerged the iconic Jersey sound.
Bruce Springsteen: The Complete Video Anthology 1978-2000
The video kicks off from a 1978 performance of 'Rosalita' with a 29 year old Bruce wailing away with chicks jumpin' on the stage grabbing him! Lucky guy! The other songs featured include all the popular tunes like 'Born To Run', 'Born In The USA', 'I'm On Fire' and 'Glory Days'. Even some lesser known songs such as 'Spare Parts' (from 'Tunnel Of Love' album) and 'Tougher than the rest' from 'Tunnel Of Love' also which are both live. I like Bruce Springsteen a lot. He has the edge as a showman and musical innovator without losing the plot onstage. Fans will love this video for it's authentic live performances, music videos and classic Springsteen songs. Great
Bruce Springsteen - Thrill Hill Vault - The River Tour 1980
Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band in concert delivering a raucous celebration of rock 'n' roll on The River tour of 1980. Filmed on November 5 at the former ASU Activity Center (now Wells Fargo Arena) in Tempe, part of metropolitan Phoenix, Arizona, in front of an enthusiastic 10,000-strong audience. Starting with the album's meditative title track, the concert opens up into a celebratory stomp culminating in that E Street Band staple Jungleland, and taking in rock 'n' roll anthems from The River including Hungry Heart, Cadillac Ranch and You Can Look (But You'd Better Not Touch).
Bruce Springsteen : « Letter to You »
Dans ce documentaire intimiste qui va au‑delà de la musique, Bruce Springsteen retrouve The E Street Band en studio pour la première fois depuis Born In The U.S.A. et partage ses réflexions sur l’amour, le deuil et la façon dont la musique a façonné sa vie.
Bruce Springsteen - BBC Presents: Glory Days
On four nights in the summer of 1985 Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band filled to capacity the Los Angeles Coliseum, home of the 1984 Olympics. It was the culmination of a 16-month world tour, during which Bom in the USA became the CBS label's biggest-selling album of all time. In this world-exclusive interview, Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band talk to David Hepworth , with extracts from 14 previously unseen performances including 'Sandy' from Springsteen's English debut performance at the Hammersmith Odeon concert in 1975.
Wings for Wheels: The Making of 'Born to Run'
What can be said about Born To Run that hasn't already been said or written over the years? The album took Springsteen from punk to rock star, from rags to riches, from boy to man, educating his crowd in lessons of love, broken dreams and cars. This documentary details the making of the album and covers everything from the pressure that Springsteen was working under to produce a hit album for Columbia Records to working with the band in the studio to achieve the sound he wanted for the album. Finally the "Hype" of Springsteen that threatened to overtake the value of the album and the artist is also discussed. Featuring vintage footage and new interviews, it's a marvelous glimpse into the creation of one of the top ten albums of all time. There are also three performances from 1973 recorded in Los Angeles-"Spirit in the Night" "Wild Billy's Circus Story" and "Thundercrack".
Little Steven and the Disciples of Soul: Summer of Sorcery Live! At The Beacon Theatre
Professionally filmed and recorded before a sold-out crowd at New York City’s historic Beacon Theatre on November 6, 2019, the live concert extravaganza, Summer Of Sorcery Live! At The Beacon Theatre, expertly captures Little Steven bringing the house down with his Disciples of Soul as they showcase their acclaimed 2019 album, Summer Of Sorcery: a 12-track record about the first rush of summer and the electric feeling of unlimited possibilities.
Les Soprano

Les Soprano

Jun 10, 2007
USA, New Jersey, Tony Soprano, dit « T » descend d'une lignée de caïds dans le crime organisé. Son père Johnny et son oncle Corrado Junior dit « Junior » ont développé le réseau local et les connexions avec la Mafia de New York. Il doit faire face à des problèmes de succession au sein de la mafia, des vendettas personnelles, et aux enquêtes du F.B.I.. Il souffre de crises d'angoisse et consulte, en secret, un psychiatre, le Dr Jennifer Melfi. Son rang dans la Mafia ne lui autorise aucune faiblesse. Si l'argent coule à flot, Tony doit aussi gérer sa famille, sa mère Livia, sa sœur Janice, sa femme Carmela, sa fille Meadow et son fils Anthony Jr. mais aussi ses amantes et le tout n'est pas des plus reposants...
Best Week Ever

Best Week Ever

Mar 08, 2013
Best Week Ever is a weekly television program on the United States cable/satellite network VH1. It started airing in 2004 and was put on hiatus in the summer of 2009. In January 2010, it was announced that the show was cancelled. On August 3, 2012, VH1 announced the return of Best Week Ever. New weekly episodes began January 18, 2013. On the show, comedians analyze the previous week's developments in pop culture, including recent happenings in entertainment and celebrity gossip. The show's tagline is, "It's everything you love, everything you missed, and all the stuff you need to see again."
The Colbert Report

The Colbert Report

Dec 18, 2014
The Colbert Report is an American satirical late night television program that airs Monday through Thursday on Comedy Central. It stars political humorist Stephen Colbert, a former correspondent for The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. The Colbert Report is a spin-off from and counterpart to The Daily Show that comments on politics and the media in a similar way. It satirizes conservative personality-driven political pundit programs, particularly Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor. The show focuses on a fictional anchorman character named Stephen Colbert, played by his real-life namesake. The character, described by Colbert as a "well-intentioned, poorly informed, high-status idiot", is a caricature of televised political pundits. The Colbert Report has been nominated for seven Primetime Emmy Awards each in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012, two Television Critics Association Awards Awards, and two Satellite Awards. In 2013, it won two Emmys. It has been presented as non-satirical journalism in several instances, including by the Tom DeLay Legal Defense Trust and by Robert Wexler following his interview on the program. The Report received considerable media coverage following its debut on October 17, 2005, for Colbert's coining of the term "truthiness", which dictionary publisher Merriam-Webster named its 2006 Word of the Year.


Dec 17, 2014
Frank « The Fixer » Tagliano, un ancien parrain de la mafia italienne de New York, entre dans le programme de protection des témoins après avoir fourni au FBI des éléments à charge contre Aldo Delucci, le frère du défunt caïd auquel Frank devait succéder. Tagliano demande à être installé à Lillehammer en Norvège, attiré par la ville parce qu'il avait regardé les retransmissions télévisées des Jeux olympiques d'hiver de 1994. Sa nouvelle identité est celle de l'immigré américano-norvégien Giovanni Henriksen.Il a tout perdu, à part de bonnes économies en espèces et sa longue expérience du « crime organisé ». Dans le pays de la « seconde chance », Frank y voit des opportunités pour édifier de nouvelles ressources financières...
Real Time with Bill Maher
Chaque semaine, Bill Maher s'entoure d'un panel d'invités qui comprend des politiciens, des acteurs, des comédiens, des musiciens et autres, pour discuter de ce qui se passe dans le monde.


Dec 03, 2021
Skavlan is a Norwegian-Swedish television talk show hosted by Norwegian journalist Fredrik Skavlan. It premiered in Sweden on Sveriges Television in January 2009, and the first guests to appear on the show were former Prime Minister of Sweden Göran Persson and his wife Anitra Steen. On 8 May 2009, it was announced that Skavlan had been renewed for a second season. It was also announced that the show would no longer only be produced by SVT in Sweden; Skavlan would now be partly produced in Norway by the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation. The first twelve episodes of Skavlan's second season were produced by SVT in Sweden, and the remaining twelve by NRK in Norway. Skavlan speaks Norwegian and his dialog is therefore subtitled in Swedish in Sweden, even though the two languages are quite similar and mutually intelligible. If the persons being interviewed by Skavlan are Swedish, he often tells them to let him know if they do not understand what he is saying. Swedish novelist Jan Guillou has criticized SVT for subtitling the program, stating "there is no need for that. If the host had been Danish, subtitling would have been necessary, but with a Norwegian host it does not make any sense."
60 Minutes

60 Minutes

Mar 02, 2025
America's popular television News magazine in which an ever changing team of CBS News correspondents contribute segments ranging from hard news coverage to politics to lifestyle and pop culture.
Saturday Night Live

Saturday Night Live

Mar 01, 2025
Saturday Night Live est une émission de divertissement retransmise en direct depuis le Studio 8H du GE Building au Rockefeller Center de New York. Diffusé le samedi soir sur la chaîne NBC, le programme se compose de sketches, de parodies et de performances musicales. Il s'agit de l'un des programmes phares de la télévision américaine, qui a permis l'émergence de nombreuses stars de la comédie lors des trente dernières années.


Jan 21, 2011
The story of the big names that have shaped the musical genres, plus an occasional stopgap for the new rock 'n' roll - comedy.
American Dad!

American Dad!

Feb 24, 2025
Agent de la CIA, Stan Smith est aussi l'époux comblé de la douce Francine et le fier papa de Hayley et Steve. Le tableau est idyllique. Le problème c'est que Stan a une légère tendance à verser dans la paranoïa. Prêt à tout pour défendre son Amérique chérie et ses valeurs conservatrices, il n'hésiterait pas à tirer sur son grille-pain si celui-ci était suspecté de trahison... Rajoutez à cela la présence dans la maison des Smith de Roger, l'alien sarcastique, et de Klaus, le poisson rouge d'origine germanique, et vous aurez le portrait haut en couleurs de ce père américain si parfait !
Seven Ages of Rock

Seven Ages of Rock

Jun 30, 2007
A definitive landmark series charting the emergence and re-emergence of rock music as a global force, told through the musicians who have shaped this most enduring of genres.
Talking Sopranos

Talking Sopranos

Dec 20, 2021
Cast members Michael Imperioli and Steve Schirripa host Talking Sopranos. Michael reviews the Sopranos episode by episode giving inside info, insights and behind the scenes stories.
Les Soprano

Les Soprano

Jun 10, 2007
USA, New Jersey, Tony Soprano, dit « T » descend d'une lignée de caïds dans le crime organisé. Son père Johnny et son oncle Corrado Junior dit « Junior » ont développé le réseau local et les connexions avec la Mafia de New York. Il doit faire face à des problèmes de succession au sein de la mafia, des vendettas personnelles, et aux enquêtes du F.B.I.. Il souffre de crises d'angoisse et consulte, en secret, un psychiatre, le Dr Jennifer Melfi. Son rang dans la Mafia ne lui autorise aucune faiblesse. Si l'argent coule à flot, Tony doit aussi gérer sa famille, sa mère Livia, sa sœur Janice, sa femme Carmela, sa fille Meadow et son fils Anthony Jr. mais aussi ses amantes et le tout n'est pas des plus reposants...
Les Soprano

Les Soprano

Dec 17, 2014
Frank « The Fixer » Tagliano, un ancien parrain de la mafia italienne de New York, entre dans le programme de protection des témoins après avoir fourni au FBI des éléments à charge contre Aldo Delucci, le frère du défunt caïd auquel Frank devait succéder. Tagliano demande à être installé à Lillehammer en Norvège, attiré par la ville parce qu'il avait regardé les retransmissions télévisées des Jeux olympiques d'hiver de 1994. Sa nouvelle identité est celle de l'immigré américano-norvégien Giovanni Henriksen.Il a tout perdu, à part de bonnes économies en espèces et sa longue expérience du « crime organisé ». Dans le pays de la « seconde chance », Frank y voit des opportunités pour édifier de nouvelles ressources financières...