Patrik Děrgel

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Očitý svědek

Očitý svědek

Oct 27, 2021
"A documentary anatomy of mass murder for one monitor and 34 talking heads." These are the words the filmmakers use in the credits to describe their project, which thematises the execution of more than 260 Carpathian Germans, Hungarians and Slovaks by Czechoslovak army soldiers near Přerov in June 1945. The “massacre at Přerov” is made present through a minimalist dramatisation of the interrogation footage of direct participants, eyewitnesses, and others. It is as if the characters of ancient theatre were entering the Zoom “stage” and delivering a tragic message of fear, hatred and disinterest across the chasm of time.
DonT Stop

DonT Stop

Jun 14, 2012
Prague, 1983. The communist regime, in a suffocating atmosphere ruled over by the secret police, imposes "normalization". Miki and David need some kind of motivation to carry on in the communist wasteland. They discover The Clash's album 'London Calling' and, of course, decide to set up a punk band. But playing punk during normalization in Czechoslovakia isn't the best idea, an opinion shared not only by their horrified parents. Many decisions made under the influence of cheap alcohol and compulsive music could be more fatal than they initially seemed. A story about the revolt of some 18-year-olds against authority, against social norms, against adult duties and responsibility. It is about the search for one's own models and values. Although based on personal experiences from the early 1980s, it could have taken place at any time and anywhere, and is more than likely taking place somewhere right now.
Martin a Venuše

Martin a Venuše

Mar 07, 2013
Juggling demanding careers with three kids, Martin and Vendula decide a big change is needed to keep their marriage from sinking.
Nepravděpodobná romance
Luisa and Erika are prototypes of young women who plunge into relationships with the "wrong" men. Luisa wants to become an actress, which upsets her husband Igor to no end. Erika is trying to work as much as possible so that she can afford to study and thereby achieve a better outlook on life, but she unfortunately runs up against a boss who doesn't have the best intentions with her. Ultimately Luisa's husband demonstratively commits suicide. Erika accidentally kills her boss in self-defense... The women blame themselves for all these failures, and that has got to change. Both have to grow up and start living again. Perhaps even together.
Prázdniny s Broučkem
A family of four sets off for a summer vacation by the sea in the camper van. Even though the Adriatic is within reach, the journey might just take longer than expected.


Oct 08, 2020
When his family moves to the city of Zlín and 16-year-old David joins a new hockey team, the Wolves, he is determined to succeed. There’s, however, the other goalie, Miky – and his position seems unshakeable. The team doesn’t welcome David with open arms either. Captain Jerry and his gang do as they please, while the team follows the ‘law of the pack’. David has been weakened by his recently discovered diabetes, and that is not tolerated here. He is still coming to terms with his body, learning to estimate the insulin doses his life depends on. On the team, David is the outsider, bracing the avalanche of bullying that gradually gains speed.


Jan 08, 2015
Jan Saudek est un photographe tchèque extraordinaire. Né à Prague en 1935, Saudek cultive le rêve de devenir photographe à l'âge adulte. Autodidacte, viscéralement indépendant et otage du régime communiste, il a travaillé comme photographe pendant des années dans le sous-sol de sa maison, violant énergiquement les normes morales et sociales pour poursuivre sa passion. Par la photographie, il a libéré son délire, ses indignations, ses fétichismes. Ses photographies en noir et blanc (qu'il a commencé à colorier à la main en 1977) sont d'un érotisme grotesque et troublant.


Feb 10, 2013
Après que Jan Palach se soit immolé par le feu en signe de protestation contre l'occupation soviétique de la Tchécoslovaquie en 1969, Dagmar Burešová, une jeune avocate, est devenue une partie de son héritage en défendant la famille de Jan dans un procès contre le gouvernement communiste. Un régime qui a essayé de déshonorer le sacrifice de Palach, une action héroïque pour la liberté de la Tchécoslovaquie. L'histoire de Jan et Dagmar est l'une des valeurs fondamentales de l'homme, de la vérité, de l'honneur, de la justice et du courage.
Modrý kód

Modrý kód

Jun 22, 2020
A Czech medical television series that focuses on an emergency department. Each episode follows cases inspired by real-life stories and the cases of patients and healthcare professionals.
Modrý kód

Modrý kód

Jun 22, 2020
A Czech medical television series that focuses on an emergency department. Each episode follows cases inspired by real-life stories and the cases of patients and healthcare professionals.


Feb 21, 2025
During her third pregnancy, a divorced mother decides on an unusual solution to her life situation. Immediately after giving birth, she wants to entrust the child to new adoptive parents of her choice.


Feb 21, 2025
During her third pregnancy, a divorced mother decides on an unusual solution to her life situation. Immediately after giving birth, she wants to entrust the child to new adoptive parents of her choice.