Cecilia Bârbora

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Trop tard

Trop tard

May 01, 1996
Dumitru Costa, procureur stagiaire, se voit confier sa première enquête lors de la mort suspecte d’un mineur de la vallée du Jiu, en Roumanie. Il tombe amoureux d’Alina, jeune ingénieur topographe, qui l’aide dans ses recherches.
Sistemul nervos

Sistemul nervos

Apr 08, 2005
Ca sa poata trai, batrana Nica (Rodica Tapalaga) isi transforma casa de la tara intr-o "pensiune" anemica, falimentara. Singurele sale bucurii sunt cicalitul cainelui si programul de stiri de la televizor. Din singuratate, ea se inchipuie uneori eroina de telenovela: in secret, Nica este indragostita de prezentatorul de stiri Paul (Mircea Radu). Batrana hotaraste sa faca o calatorie la Bucuresti, unde fiica ei, Tuta (Cecilia Barbora), sora medicala, locuieste impreuna cu concubinul ei, Jenel (Valentin Teodosiu) si cu Marilena (Beatrice Benezi), fiica ei de 15 ani. In capitala, pasiunea sa pentru Paul ia forme paroxistice. Nica acapareaza telecomanda pentru a ramane pe acelasi canal de televiziune pentru care Paul prezinta stirile, ceea ce-i va atrage ironiile familiei. Ajunge chiar sa-l caute pe "cerbisorul" ei la Televiziune, ii scrie, expunandu-se la umilinte si batjocura. Rezista insa pana o doboara boala si rusinea. Totul culmineaza cu tentativa batranei de a se sinucide...


May 13, 2011
Această lehamite

Această lehamite

Jan 01, 1994
Young Doina has a car accident. In intensive care, the doctor, Vali, calls her time of death but discovers that the child she was carrying is still alive. Wishing to save its life, the doctor puts the mother on artificial life support. Just then, Bebe, the supposed father of the unborn child, enters the scene. A former teacher and mountain climber, Bebe will soon fall in love with the doctor...


Oct 03, 1988
Jacob (Dorel Visan) is a gold miner who risks his life daily to support his wife, mother-in-law, and four children in this socio-political drama. Under the rule of an oppressive monarchy backed by military force, the miners often resort to stealing gold to compensate for their meager wages. Workers are subjected to strip searches and are forced to take laxatives by the often brutal guards and inspectors as they look for stolen gold, and Jacob raises his vocal objections over the treatment of his fellow workers.
Les Escargots du sénateur
Venu pour inaugurer une éolienne, le sénateur désire manger des escargots. Comme au temps de Ceaușescu, tous les habitants du village sont mobilisés pour en trouver. Un drame survient, mais le sénateur, déçu par son dîner, ne veut pas s’en mêler.
Tusea și junghiul

Tusea și junghiul

Jan 01, 1992
An old man and an old woman each have a girl. Influenced by old woaman, the old man compared to banish their home, and it goes in the world. Because of its virtues, she will gain from Holy Friday a box full of riches. Jealous, old woman's daughter and she is looking to get a gift from the Holy Friday, but because of its flaws will only get out of trouble.
Pădurea de fagi

Pădurea de fagi

Aug 17, 1987
In August 1944 Romania, a group of telephone operators are caught in the events in a new center placed in a forest to evade bombardment.