Pauletta Washington

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90 Days

90 Days

Jan 01, 2016
A riveting story of love, integrity and compassion, 90 DAYS explores a beautiful couple's relationship and their life altering decision after ninety days of dating. Fueled with gripping performances by an extraordinary cast of actors led by Teyonah Parris and Nic Few, 90 DAYS is a groundbreaking cinematic piece of art that confronts the human experience of overcoming one of life's greatest perceived challenges. Written by Nathan Hale Williams and directed by Williams and Jennia Fredrique Aponte, the film is entertaining, authentic and a visual masterpiece. 90 Days is a film that will touch hearts while navigating the definition of ultimate compassion.


Apr 20, 2021
A man, after being robbed and shot fourteen years earlier, succumbs to a life of addiction and ultimately loses the love of his life and knowing his only child. After meeting a local pastor, Brian is forced to confront his alcohol addiction. His volunteer work at the pastor's church leads him to a job as a home health-care worker. Upon meeting his first patient, Taj, the two men are unaware that their lives will forever be changed through this trying relationship.
Le sacrifice d'une mère
La vraie histoire de Wanda, mère du joueur de NBA Kevin Durant, et de son incroyable persévérance à éduquer, en ayant été jeune mère célibataire, un des plus grands joueurs de basket au monde.


Oct 16, 1998
Ohio 1873. Sethe, ancienne esclave, a cherement conquis sa liberte. Abandonnee par son mari, elle eleve seule sa fille, Denver. Un jour, elle recoit la visite d'un ancien compagnon d'infortune, Paul D., qui lui propose de partager sa vie. Sethe accepte de le prendre a l'essai dans l'espoir qu'il saura remplacer le pere que sa fille n'a jamais connu. Quelques jours plus tard, le couple voit surgir des marais une etrange creature a peine capable d'articuler son prenom: Beloved. Sethe croit reconnaitre en elle le bebe qu'elle sacrifia dix-huit ans plus tot et decide de l'adopter.
Between the World and Me
Based on Ta-Nehisi Coates’ #1 New York Times bestseller and originally adapted and staged by the Apollo Theater, this special combines elements of that production - including powerful readings from Coates’ book - with documentary footage from the actors’ home life, archival footage, and animation.


Oct 12, 1981
Purlie is a musical based on Ossie Davis' 1961 play Purlie Victorious. In the early days of the civil rights movement, a Southern plantation owner holds his sharecroppers in virtual slavery. Purlie comes home as a preacher who will shake things up and bring freedom to his people. This 1981 television adaptation won a CableACE Award.
Tell It Like a Woman

Tell It Like a Woman

Oct 07, 2022
7 histoires courtes dont le dénominateur commun est le portrait d'héroïnes féminines, aux destins contrastés et issues de régions très diverses du monde. Chacune de ces femmes affronte un défi particulier dans sa vie avec une détermination et un courage extrêmes qui les rendent plus fortes et plus conscientes d'elles-mêmes. Certaines de ces histoires inspirantes et valorisantes sont inspirées d'événements réels, tandis que d'autres relèvent de la fiction narrative.
The Piano Lesson

The Piano Lesson

Nov 07, 2024
1936, Pittsburgh. Au lendemain de la Grande Dépression, les Charles vivent tous chez Doaker Charles, propriétaire des lieux. La maison abrite un piano, transmis de génération en génération, qui illustre l’histoire familiale grâce aux inscriptions qu’y a laissées leur ancêtre, esclave à son époque...


Feb 22, 2024
A chaque saison, son histoire. Genius nous fait découvrir les grands innovateurs.