Arthur Lane

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Wings of Danger

Wings of Danger

Apr 01, 1952
A former pilot suffering from blackouts discovers that a fellow flyer is suspected of being mixed up with a web of smugglers. While searching for his missing buddy, he unwittingly becomes entangled in a morass of suspicion.
Secret Venture

Secret Venture

Nov 10, 1955
An American is visiting Britain and finds himself in possession of a briefcase full of secret documents that the spies of many different countries seem determined to get.
Face the Music

Face the Music

Jan 29, 1954
A famed trumpet player is suspected of murdering a blues singer. Using only two minor clues, he narrows the suspects to four people, but only after surviving poison placed on the mouthpiece of his trumpet!
The Interrupted Journey
When John North, a budding author, pulls the communication cord of a late night train that is taking him away on a weekend with his publishers wife, he sets in motion a series of events that lead to a train crash, a murder and a police man hunt, but all is not what it seems.
It Started in Paradise
A talented dress designer, who lets nothing get in the way of her success, rises in the fashion world then loses contact with her own humanity. She also forgets that you meet the same people on the way up as on the way down.
Boulevard du crépuscule
Norma Desmond, grande actrice du muet, vit recluse dans sa luxueuse villa de Berverly Hills en compagnie de Max von Meyerling, son majordome qui fut aussi son metteur en scène et mari. Joe Gillis, un scénariste sans le sou, pénètre par hasard dans la propriété et Norma lui propose de travailler au scénario du film qui marquera son retour à l'écran, Salomé. Joe accepte, s'installe chez elle, à la fois fasciné et effrayé par ses extravagances et son délire, et devient bientôt son amant. Quand son délire se transforme en paranoïa et qu'elle débarque au milieu des studios Paramount pour convaincre Cecil B. DeMille de tourner à nouveau avec elle, Gillis commence à prendre ses distances...
Diamond City

Diamond City

Sep 20, 1949
Set in the diamond fields of South Africa, Stafford Parker is a lawman trying to maintain a semblance of law and order in the "Wild South".