6 殺殺(あや〆) Jan 01, 1999 殺殺(あや〆) 1999 60 min 1 vues A woman shoots herself. A woman hangs herself. A woman commits harakiri. Were they the victims of "Suicide Dolls", or were they themselves the dolls? Horror
1 糞達磨 Jan 01, 2001 糞達磨 2001 94 min 1 vues After a young woman is struck by a car she is examined by two nurses. Doctor straddles the girl and urinates and defecates. Horror
5.3 肉だるま Aug 01, 1998 肉だるま 1998 72 min 15 vues Kana tries to end her starring role in an abusive porno. For her, the end comes only after she's been reduced to a "Tumbling Doll of Flesh". Horror
5.3 肉だるま Aug 01, 1998 肉だるま 1998 72 min 15 vues Kana tries to end her starring role in an abusive porno. For her, the end comes only after she's been reduced to a "Tumbling Doll of Flesh". Horror