André Cerf

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Sur un air de Charleston
L'histoire se déroule dans le futur, en 2028, comme l'indique la légende. Une capsule spatiale décolle et se dirige vers un endroit indiqué sur une carte avec les mots "Terres inconnues". On reconnait la silhouette de la France. Un homme vu de dos conduit le véhicule.
Science Fiction
Le Petit Chaperon rouge
La fille du seigneur du village et sa mère vivent depuis 7 ans dans l'attente du retour de leur père et mari. Son oncle tyrannique en profite pour faire régner l'ordre, ayant pactisé avec un loup magique pour qu'il espionne sa nièce sous la forme d'un être humain menaçant...
Tire au Flanc

Tire au Flanc

Jul 18, 1928
Jean Dubois d'Ombelles, un jeune homme bourgeois et poète, est appelé à faire son service militaire en même temps que son valet, Joseph Turlot. Le poète est en butte aux brimades de la chambrée pendant que le valet multiplie innocemment les scandales. Las de subir la situation, le poète se compose un personnage apte à en imposer, et à un rythme échevelée met tout sans dessus-dessous.
Le crime du Bouif

Le crime du Bouif

Mar 05, 1952
A poacher nicknamed "Le Bouif" is accused of having murdered his son-in-law, trainer of a horse stable in Maisons-Laffitte.
La Mode rêvée

La Mode rêvée

Jan 28, 1940
A poacher nicknamed "Le Bouif" is accused of having murdered his son-in-law, trainer of a horse stable in Maisons-Laffitte.
Les belles au bois dormantes
Isabelle (Marisa Mell) runs a nursing home for wealthy women who are trying to detox from their various obsessions. Her lover, Serge Belaiev (Robert Hossein), a petty gangster, has pulled off a big hit but his partners have denounced him to the police in order to appropriate his share of the loot. Isabelle takes him in and hides him in an attic of this strange house. In love with Isabelle, Philippe Lansac (Alberto Dalbes), the owner of the place, decides to close the castle...
Le Tournoi

Le Tournoi

Dec 09, 1928
Isabelle (Marisa Mell) runs a nursing home for wealthy women who are trying to detox from their various obsessions. Her lover, Serge Belaiev (Robert Hossein), a petty gangster, has pulled off a big hit but his partners have denounced him to the police in order to appropriate his share of the loot. Isabelle takes him in and hides him in an attic of this strange house. In love with Isabelle, Philippe Lansac (Alberto Dalbes), the owner of the place, decides to close the castle...
Trois de la Canebière
Isabelle (Marisa Mell) runs a nursing home for wealthy women who are trying to detox from their various obsessions. Her lover, Serge Belaiev (Robert Hossein), a petty gangster, has pulled off a big hit but his partners have denounced him to the police in order to appropriate his share of the loot. Isabelle takes him in and hides him in an attic of this strange house. In love with Isabelle, Philippe Lansac (Alberto Dalbes), the owner of the place, decides to close the castle...
La salamandre d'or

La salamandre d'or

Dec 31, 1962
Isabelle (Marisa Mell) runs a nursing home for wealthy women who are trying to detox from their various obsessions. Her lover, Serge Belaiev (Robert Hossein), a petty gangster, has pulled off a big hit but his partners have denounced him to the police in order to appropriate his share of the loot. Isabelle takes him in and hides him in an attic of this strange house. In love with Isabelle, Philippe Lansac (Alberto Dalbes), the owner of the place, decides to close the castle...
Le Mioche

Le Mioche

Nov 05, 1936
Isabelle (Marisa Mell) runs a nursing home for wealthy women who are trying to detox from their various obsessions. Her lover, Serge Belaiev (Robert Hossein), a petty gangster, has pulled off a big hit but his partners have denounced him to the police in order to appropriate his share of the loot. Isabelle takes him in and hides him in an attic of this strange house. In love with Isabelle, Philippe Lansac (Alberto Dalbes), the owner of the place, decides to close the castle...


Nov 24, 1937
Isabelle (Marisa Mell) runs a nursing home for wealthy women who are trying to detox from their various obsessions. Her lover, Serge Belaiev (Robert Hossein), a petty gangster, has pulled off a big hit but his partners have denounced him to the police in order to appropriate his share of the loot. Isabelle takes him in and hides him in an attic of this strange house. In love with Isabelle, Philippe Lansac (Alberto Dalbes), the owner of the place, decides to close the castle...
Si j'étais le patron

Si j'étais le patron

Oct 25, 1934
Isabelle (Marisa Mell) runs a nursing home for wealthy women who are trying to detox from their various obsessions. Her lover, Serge Belaiev (Robert Hossein), a petty gangster, has pulled off a big hit but his partners have denounced him to the police in order to appropriate his share of the loot. Isabelle takes him in and hides him in an attic of this strange house. In love with Isabelle, Philippe Lansac (Alberto Dalbes), the owner of the place, decides to close the castle...
Si jeunesse savait...

Si jeunesse savait...

Apr 30, 1948
Isabelle (Marisa Mell) runs a nursing home for wealthy women who are trying to detox from their various obsessions. Her lover, Serge Belaiev (Robert Hossein), a petty gangster, has pulled off a big hit but his partners have denounced him to the police in order to appropriate his share of the loot. Isabelle takes him in and hides him in an attic of this strange house. In love with Isabelle, Philippe Lansac (Alberto Dalbes), the owner of the place, decides to close the castle...
La Veuve et l'innocent
Isabelle (Marisa Mell) runs a nursing home for wealthy women who are trying to detox from their various obsessions. Her lover, Serge Belaiev (Robert Hossein), a petty gangster, has pulled off a big hit but his partners have denounced him to the police in order to appropriate his share of the loot. Isabelle takes him in and hides him in an attic of this strange house. In love with Isabelle, Philippe Lansac (Alberto Dalbes), the owner of the place, decides to close the castle...
Le mariage de Mademoiselle Beulemans
Isabelle (Marisa Mell) runs a nursing home for wealthy women who are trying to detox from their various obsessions. Her lover, Serge Belaiev (Robert Hossein), a petty gangster, has pulled off a big hit but his partners have denounced him to the police in order to appropriate his share of the loot. Isabelle takes him in and hides him in an attic of this strange house. In love with Isabelle, Philippe Lansac (Alberto Dalbes), the owner of the place, decides to close the castle...
Le crime du Bouif

Le crime du Bouif

Mar 05, 1952
A poacher nicknamed "Le Bouif" is accused of having murdered his son-in-law, trainer of a horse stable in Maisons-Laffitte.

Nov 06, 1975

L'action du feuilleton commence en 1827, sous la Restauration. Roland de Valgeneuse (Robert Etcheverry), dit Salvator, aristocrate qui a été officier dans les armées de Napoléon, est demeuré bonapartiste. Il ambitionne d'abattre le régime ultra de Charles X, but qu'il partage avec la société secrète d'opposants qu'il a rejointe, la Charbonnerie. Afin de rétablir un régime impérial où règnerait l'Aiglon, il obtient de celui-ci, réfugié à Schönbrunn, un engagement écrit qui doit permettre à Salvator de mobiliser ses amis et de ramener en France le fils de Napoléon. Le chef de la police, Jackal (Guy Kerner), soutien actif et intelligent du régime, s'oppose par tous les moyens aux desseins des conspirateurs, et s'appuie sur le sombre Gibassier (André Valmy) et ses sbires. Pourchassé par ceux-ci, Salvator peut compter sur Hortense Fréval (Danielle Volle), la belle actrice du théâtre de la Porte-Saint-Martin, qui l'aide dans ses périlleuses aventures.
Action & Adventure