Alfredo Varelli

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La gondola del diavolo
In the Venetian Republic a series of murders are carried out by a hooded man in black who always makes his escape through the city's waterways on a gondola.


Aug 18, 1967
John Chandler is sentenced to death only to re-emerge as his own brother, courtesy of the CIA who have arranged the subterfuge so they can use him as a double agent.
Gringo joue sur le rouge
Chef d'une bande mexicaine, le bandit El Chacal agit sans scrupules et sans pitié aucune. Lorsqu'il attaque une ferme familiale, il viole une femme puis la tue et enlève un enfant pour l'élever comme son propre fils. Quand Gringo revient à la ferme et voit sa famille ainsi massacrée, il promet de se venger à tout prix.
Tripoli, bel suol d'amore
The young Alberto Ruotolo leave the country cottage to go for the sharpshooter. But the command does not pull good air, three riflemen arrogant and unruly bear much disorder as anger Marshal Nero.
La smania addosso

La smania addosso

Sep 14, 1963
Two young men in a village in Sicily raping a girl. In the end, two skilled lawyers will succeed in getting them to complete the trial, but one, who in the meantime has fallen in love with the victim.
Il Sacco di Roma

Il Sacco di Roma

Sep 29, 1953
Rome, 1527. Massimo Colonna is in love with Angela, a member of the Orsinis, the Colonnas'arch enemies. As she is officially engaged to Tancredi Serra, the latter, a faithless individual, has Massimo accused of the murder of Prince Orsini whereas he himself has woven it. Massimo is rejected by an outraged Angela and banned from Rome.Meanwhile the Eternal City has to face a brutal attack by armed invaders from Spain. The Spaniards are about to storm Rome when Massimo and his troops appear. The invading forces are defeated and Massimo is acclaimed by the crowd. After clearing his name, he can marry Angela.
Io, suo padre

Io, suo padre

Mar 08, 1939
An ex-boxer has trained his own son and leads him on to win the middle-weight championship of Italy. But the boy falls easy prey to a woman of light morals and renounces the hard work of sport to follow her to a winter luxury resort and at a certain moment, offers to marry her but she, not wanting to give up an advantageous connection, turns him down, advising the youth to not change the nature of their relationship. Then, the boy feeling the entire baseness of his situation, returns home to his parents who welcome him back with joy and takes up again a commitment to sport.
Io, Amleto

Io, Amleto

Sep 27, 1952
The adventures of Hamlet who, following many adventures, manages to kill Claudio the usurper, marry Ophelia and be elected President of the Republic.
La cena delle beffe

La cena delle beffe

Feb 10, 1942
In Florence, at the time of Lorenzo de Medici, known also as Lorenzo the Magnificent, the aristocrat brothers Chiaramantesi rule with an iron fist the streets of the city. Ruthless and fierce, the two brothers have chosen as their special victim the innocent and harmless Giannetto. Even though determined to not react to the cruel pranks of the brothers, Giannetto is forced to take a stand when Ginevra, a beautiful girl that works in the Chiaramantesi household, is dragged into the game. To defend his honor and protect the girl, Giannetto works out a fiendish plot that will end in blood and madness.
Vino, whisky e acqua salata
An Italian submarine commander manages to sink an English warship and take its very British commander as prisoner. The film is based on the relationship which develops between the two characters.
Killer Rules

Killer Rules

Jan 24, 1993
Two adoptive brothers -- one a mob hit man, the other a Department of Justice investigator -- who are unaware of each other's existence until they become involved with the same woman, end up in a deadly triangle in this thriller.
Quo Vadis

Quo Vadis

Nov 08, 1951
À Rome, le général Marcus Vinicius rencontre Lygia, une esclave, dont il tombe amoureux. Mais elle est chrétienne et ne veut rien avoir à faire avec un homme de guerre. Marcus la rachète pourtant à l'empereur Néron, mais elle s'échappe avec l'aide d'un ami. En la retrouvant, Marcus va apprendre à connaître les Chrétiens.
La notte del grande assalto
In 15th century Romagna rules violence and fright. Cesare Borgia wants to incorporate the duchy of Catherine Sforza. But in between is the independent county Fabis, which he wants to bring into his possession.
Le Ventre de l'architecte
Stourley Kracklite, un architecte américain, est invité à Rome pour organiser et ouvrir une exposition sur l'architecte français Étienne-Louis Boullée. Très vite, Kracklite se rend compte qu'un autre architecte, Caspasian Speckler, complote pour lui arracher le projet de l'exposition tout en faisant la cour à Louisa, sa femme. À ce problème, viennent s'ajouter d'horribles crampes d'estomac d'origine inconnue qui plongent le bedonnant Kracklite dans un état de profond désarroi. Les monuments de Rome se transforment alors en un enfer de marbre dans lequel Kracklite erre désespérément alors que tout contrôle des événements lui échappe.
Vecchia guardia

Vecchia guardia

Jun 01, 1934
There were very few commercial feature films made during the Italian fascist era that were as openly propagandistic as this famous (notorious?) dramatic paean to the Blackshirts. The story takes place in a small village in Italy in October of 1922, on the eve of the fascist "March on Rome", in which King Victor Emanuel III was persuaded to consign power to Benito Mussolini. Gianfranco Giachetti is Dr. Cardini, a doctor at the local psychiatric hospital, where a strike has been called by the local socialists. Cardini turns to the fascists to help avert the strike. His son Roberto (Mino Doro) rounds up fascist friends to fight those aligned with the strikers and the town's socialists.
Die letzten Drei der Albatros
Three soldiers find they can no longer handle the battlefield slaughter of World War II. They desert and make their way to a serene South Seas island hopeful that they can find peace. Mutiny in the South Seas
The Man From Cairo

The Man From Cairo

Sep 03, 1953
"The Man from Cairo", a Michaeldavid production for distribution by Lippert, with Ray Enright the only credited director on the film print, finds Mike Canelli, the man from Cairo, nosing around Algiers with mystery surrounding the people he meets and the things he does and has done to him, all deriving from the war-time theft of $100,000,000 in gold which lies somewhere in the adjacent desert. People representing many nationalities and reasons are also seeking the gold. It boils down to a battle between Canelli and the original looter aboard a speeding train.
La Charge de Syracuse

La Charge de Syracuse

Mar 17, 1960
La ville de Syracuse est dans une situation difficile, prise entre Rome et Carthage. Le roi Hiéron fait appel à Archimède, un jeune savant, pour organiser la défense de la cité. Ce dernier doit s'arracher à son amour pour la danseuse Diane qui se rend à Rome pour épouser le consul Marcellus.
Orazi e Curiazi

Orazi e Curiazi

Oct 19, 1961
Noble romain, Horatius dirige une légion impériale pendant la longue et sanglante guerre entre les Romains et les Albanais. Un arrangement désespéré est convenu sur la façon de régler la guerre. Trois vaillants frères sont choisis de chaque côté pour livrer un dernier duel féroce et sanglant ...
Le Géant de Thessalie
A la tête des Argonautes, le roi Jason part à la recherche de la Toison d'Or. Il laisse la Reine Creuse et son fils sous la surveillance de son ami Adraste. Mais celui-ci terrorise la population et menace Creuse. Pendant ce temps, Jason et les Argonautes doivent affronter la tempête, des monstres, la soif et la faim,...
Commissariato di notturna
Rome police headquarters. A new commissioner, promoted by the political team at "night", has to deal with the case of a girl seriously injured at Villa Borghese.
Sous le Signe de Rome

Sous le Signe de Rome

Mar 05, 1959
Zenobia, Queen of Palmira, revolts against Rome and defeats the Roman troops, but she makes a big mistake when she falls in love with enemy officer Marco Valerio.
All'ombra della gloria
Situé en Sicile dans les jours qui ont anticipé le débarquement des Mille. Un noble et son fermier organisent la révolte contre les Bourbons pour atteindre Garibaldi.
Sette contro la morte

Sette contro la morte

Jun 26, 1964
Adventure drama during WW2 in Italy where a mixed group of people get trapped inside a cave after a bomb raid. But can they co-operate? And will they survive?
Amori e veleni

Amori e veleni

Feb 21, 1950
Christina of Sweden, in exile in Rome, takes a handsome Italian officer as her lover. But he is in love with the very young wife of an elderly count. After many adventures, duels, settling of old scores, the officer and the countess get married. Former Queen Christina finds herself another captain of the guard.
Ponce Pilate

Ponce Pilate

Feb 15, 1962
Ponce Pilate, accusé par Caligula d'abus de pouvoir retrace pendant son interrogatoire sa carrière et le procès de Jésus.
Un homme à détruire

Un homme à détruire

Mar 12, 1952
Un vagabond désillusionné tue accidentellement la propriétaire d'un magasin. Pour éviter d'être arrêté, il fuit, bientôt rejoint par un jeune garçon rebelle qui a perdu ses parents et, pauvre, n'a pas d'autre moyen de subsister que le vol.
La Reine des Amazones

La Reine des Amazones

Sep 08, 1960
L'herculéen Glaucus, Pirro et un groupe d'anciens combattants de la Guerre de Troie, dupés par des trafiquants, se trouvent dans l'île des Amazones. Ces femmes guerrières se servent des hommes seulement pour perpétuer l’espèce puis les tuent. Le même sort serait réservé aux nouveaux venus si Glaucus et Pirro ne réussissaient pas, l'un par la force, l'autre par l'astuce, à séduire les deux femmes qui aspirent à devenir reine. Après de nombreux événements, les femmes doivent subir l’assaut de pillards, qu’elles réussissent à vaincre avec l'aide de Glaucus.
Hemingway's Adventures of a Young Man
Young and restless Nick Adams, the only son of a domineering mother and a weak but noble doctor father, leaves his rural Michigan home to embark on an eventful cross-country journey. He is touched and affected by his encounters with a punch-drunk ex-boxer, a sympathetic telegrapher, and an alcoholic advanceman for a burlesque show. After failing to get a job as reporter in New York, he enlists in the Italian army during World War I as an ambulance driver. His camaraderie with fellow soldiers and a romance with a nurse he meets after being wounded propel him to manhood.
La Lycéenne se marie

La Lycéenne se marie

May 26, 1976
A rich older man dies during a massage (you see, uh--never mind). His young widow (Lucrezia Love) decides she needs some male help in managing her deceased husband's estate (for some reason she doesn't ask the family lawyer who she spends all her time rolling around in the hay with), so she summons her younger step-brother to come stay with her and her "little stepdaughter" (Gloria Guida). Of course, Guida's character ends up being attracted to her new "uncle" and plots to get "his bird in her bush" by, among other things, arranging for him to witness a steamy lesbian encounter between her and a friend in a, uh, steam room. To resist this temptation, the "uncle" marries Guida off to another guy while he in turn marries her friend, but they still can't resist each other.