Ronald Tanet

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Crypt of Dark Secrets

Crypt of Dark Secrets

Oct 13, 1976
Sur une petite île, près d'un marais, un vétéran du Vietnam est assassiné. Sa « protectrice », en fait une sorcière nommée Damballa, le ressuscite et décide de le venger de ses meurtriers…
Mardi Gras Massacre

Mardi Gras Massacre

Aug 11, 1978
Dans une ville de Louisiane, un assassin s'installe et choisit ses proies dans les dancings érotiques où les femmes se donnent pour quelques dollars. Ses seules exigences sont qu'elles soient "very evil" et vénales! Il les amène ensuite dans son antre où il pratique un rituel sacrificiel pour la déesse Coatla, sous couvert de jeux sado-masochistes, et comptant sur le prochain carnaval de Mardi Gras pour offrir à sa déesse moult coeurs de femmes... Heureusement, Serge, un flic à la moustache fournie, prend l'affaire en main, et écume ces bars "exotiques" et luxurieux à la recherche du criminel. Il en profite pour jouer de ses charmes et de son pouvoir professionnel auprès d'une des employées.
Death Brings Roses

Death Brings Roses

Jun 06, 1975
Chuck Watts, a fugitive wanted for manslaughter in Kentucky, has been keeping a relatively low profile as an enforcer for Andrew Max, the man who controls the strippers and hookers of New Orleans' club circuit. Unknown to Chuck, Max runs an extensive crime empire with a reach far beyond strippers and hookers--a world of violence and betrayal that quickly overtakes Chuck as he finds himself the key man in a war of competing crime syndicates. As the bloody struggle erupts around him, Chuck is driven to desperate action by one compelling motive--get out alive! (From back of box)


Jul 20, 1991
Based on a true story, this made-for-cable film tells about Barry Seal, a pilot who was a drug smuggler for the infamous Medellin cartel out of Colombia. He was caught by the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and decided to turn over and help the DEA break the cartel. However, he got caught in the middle of the Reagan/Bush administration efforts to topple the Nicaraguan government in the '80s, in which Nicaraguan rebels called "contras" were allowed to smuggle cocaine into the US in exchange for their fighting against the leftist Nicaraguan government. Eventually Seal was murdered by his former Medellin employers, and some critics say it was with the tacit, if not implicit, connivance of the US administration.