Don Thai Theerathada

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Du plomb dans la tête
Tueur à gages à La Nouvelle-Orléans, James Bonomo, dit « Jimmy Bobo », a pour règle de ne jamais tuer un innocent. Après l’exécution d’un contrat, il laisse derrière lui un témoin, vivant. Pour le punir de ce travail bâclé, son partenaire Louis est abattu par un mystérieux assassin. Lorsque l’inspecteur de police Taylor Kwon arrive en ville pour rejoindre son équipier et suivre une nouvelle piste sur une ancienne affaire, il découvre que celui-ci a été tué. Tous les indices accusent Jimmy et son complice désormais disparu, Louis. Pour trouver qui a tué leurs partenaires respectifs, le flic et le tueur à gages vont être forcés de faire équipe. Bien que chacun d’un côté de la loi, ils vont vite se rendre compte que la frontière est mince…
Dead or Alive 3

Dead or Alive 3

Jan 12, 2002
Yokohama, 2346. La belle ville portuaire japonaise est devenue un véritable cauchemar urbain. Pour lutter contre la surpopulation, la ville, dirigée par un maire fou, force les citoyens à prendre une drogue qui les rend stériles. La résistance cherche malgré tout à renverser le pouvoir en place. Ils vont être aidés par un répliquant (droïde à image humaine), qui va rapidement se retrouver confronté à un policier déterminé à mettre fin aux agissements des révolutionnaires. Jusqu'à ce qu'il découvre que la vie qu'il menait n'était qu'un énorme mensonge…
Le Livre d'Eli

Le Livre d'Eli

Jan 14, 2010
Dans un futur proche, l'Amérique n'est plus qu'une terre désolée dont les villes sont des ruines et les routes autant de pièges infestés de bandes criminelles. Depuis des années, Eli voyage seul, se protégeant des attaques et se battant pour trouver de quoi survivre. Lorsqu'il arrive dans ce qui fut autrefois la Californie, Eli se heurte au redoutable Carnegie, un homme qui ne recule devant rien pour imposer sa volonté à la petite communauté qu'il contrôle. Eli fait aussi la connaissance de la très belle Solara et découvre que Carnegie compte bien étendre sa sombre domination à toute la région. Eli parvient à échapper de Carnegie, mais Solara l'a suivi... Même s'il est décidé à poursuivre sa route en solitaire, Eli comprend qu'il ne peut abandonner la jeune femme. Pour elle, il va prendre des risques qu'il n'a jamais pris pour lui-même.
Fast & Furious 4

Fast & Furious 4

Apr 02, 2009
Un meurtre oblige Dom Toretto, un ancien taulard en cavale, et l'agent Brian O'Conner à revenir à L.A. où leur querelle se rallume. Mais confrontés à un ennemi commun, ils sont contraints à former une alliance incertaine s'ils espèrent parvenir à déjouer ses plans. De l'attaque de convoi aux glissades de précision qui les mèneront hors de leurs propres frontières, les deux hommes trouveront le meilleur moyen de prendre leur revanche : en poussant les limites de ce qui est faisable au volant d'un bolide.


Dec 31, 1998
Eight thieves went in a jewelry store to steal diamonds and they killed innocent people in the store because they didn't want them to give the evidence to the police. One cop named Rik was chasing after them but he failed. A year later, a day before Rik's marriage to his girlfriend named Fah, there was another heist but this time Rik's girlfriend- Fah was at the store at wrong time. She was held as a hostage with other hostages from the store but some hostages were killed for no reason but this showed obviously that two cops- Rik and Tanin were getting too close to them and failed to follow their requests. Now those two cops wanted to catch them because they had enough of unreasonable killings and also to save Fah.
Finishing the Game: The Search for a New Bruce Lee
In 1973, martial arts great Bruce Lee died, his final film, Game of Death, left unfinished. With the public hungry for more Lee, movie execs decide to find a replacement. This outrageous satire looks at the entire process, from the oddball candidates to the greed and racial motivations that drive the final decision. There's big business in the movies, and Finishing the Game skewers it with an eye for '70s detail.
Le Tour du monde en 80 jours
À Londres, dans les années 1880, Phileas Fogg, un brillant inventeur avide d'être enfin pris au sérieux, lance à Lord Kelvin, le président de la Royal Academy of Science, un challenge : il parle de faire le tour du monde en 80 jours.


Dec 31, 1998
Eight thieves went in a jewelry store to steal diamonds and they killed innocent people in the store because they didn't want them to give the evidence to the police. One cop named Rik was chasing after them but he failed. A year later, a day before Rik's marriage to his girlfriend named Fah, there was another heist but this time Rik's girlfriend- Fah was at the store at wrong time. She was held as a hostage with other hostages from the store but some hostages were killed for no reason but this showed obviously that two cops- Rik and Tanin were getting too close to them and failed to follow their requests. Now those two cops wanted to catch them because they had enough of unreasonable killings and also to save Fah.
Dracula Untold

Dracula Untold

Oct 01, 2014
Eight thieves went in a jewelry store to steal diamonds and they killed innocent people in the store because they didn't want them to give the evidence to the police. One cop named Rik was chasing after them but he failed. A year later, a day before Rik's marriage to his girlfriend named Fah, there was another heist but this time Rik's girlfriend- Fah was at the store at wrong time. She was held as a hostage with other hostages from the store but some hostages were killed for no reason but this showed obviously that two cops- Rik and Tanin were getting too close to them and failed to follow their requests. Now those two cops wanted to catch them because they had enough of unreasonable killings and also to save Fah.
Dracula Untold

Dracula Untold

Oct 01, 2014
Eight thieves went in a jewelry store to steal diamonds and they killed innocent people in the store because they didn't want them to give the evidence to the police. One cop named Rik was chasing after them but he failed. A year later, a day before Rik's marriage to his girlfriend named Fah, there was another heist but this time Rik's girlfriend- Fah was at the store at wrong time. She was held as a hostage with other hostages from the store but some hostages were killed for no reason but this showed obviously that two cops- Rik and Tanin were getting too close to them and failed to follow their requests. Now those two cops wanted to catch them because they had enough of unreasonable killings and also to save Fah.


Jun 10, 2010
Eight thieves went in a jewelry store to steal diamonds and they killed innocent people in the store because they didn't want them to give the evidence to the police. One cop named Rik was chasing after them but he failed. A year later, a day before Rik's marriage to his girlfriend named Fah, there was another heist but this time Rik's girlfriend- Fah was at the store at wrong time. She was held as a hostage with other hostages from the store but some hostages were killed for no reason but this showed obviously that two cops- Rik and Tanin were getting too close to them and failed to follow their requests. Now those two cops wanted to catch them because they had enough of unreasonable killings and also to save Fah.


Jan 14, 2015
Eight thieves went in a jewelry store to steal diamonds and they killed innocent people in the store because they didn't want them to give the evidence to the police. One cop named Rik was chasing after them but he failed. A year later, a day before Rik's marriage to his girlfriend named Fah, there was another heist but this time Rik's girlfriend- Fah was at the store at wrong time. She was held as a hostage with other hostages from the store but some hostages were killed for no reason but this showed obviously that two cops- Rik and Tanin were getting too close to them and failed to follow their requests. Now those two cops wanted to catch them because they had enough of unreasonable killings and also to save Fah.


Apr 16, 2012
Eight thieves went in a jewelry store to steal diamonds and they killed innocent people in the store because they didn't want them to give the evidence to the police. One cop named Rik was chasing after them but he failed. A year later, a day before Rik's marriage to his girlfriend named Fah, there was another heist but this time Rik's girlfriend- Fah was at the store at wrong time. She was held as a hostage with other hostages from the store but some hostages were killed for no reason but this showed obviously that two cops- Rik and Tanin were getting too close to them and failed to follow their requests. Now those two cops wanted to catch them because they had enough of unreasonable killings and also to save Fah.


May 21, 2010
Eight thieves went in a jewelry store to steal diamonds and they killed innocent people in the store because they didn't want them to give the evidence to the police. One cop named Rik was chasing after them but he failed. A year later, a day before Rik's marriage to his girlfriend named Fah, there was another heist but this time Rik's girlfriend- Fah was at the store at wrong time. She was held as a hostage with other hostages from the store but some hostages were killed for no reason but this showed obviously that two cops- Rik and Tanin were getting too close to them and failed to follow their requests. Now those two cops wanted to catch them because they had enough of unreasonable killings and also to save Fah.
American Dad!

American Dad!

Mar 03, 2025
Agent de la CIA, Stan Smith est aussi l'époux comblé de la douce Francine et le fier papa de Hayley et Steve. Le tableau est idyllique. Le problème c'est que Stan a une légère tendance à verser dans la paranoïa. Prêt à tout pour défendre son Amérique chérie et ses valeurs conservatrices, il n'hésiterait pas à tirer sur son grille-pain si celui-ci était suspecté de trahison... Rajoutez à cela la présence dans la maison des Smith de Roger, l'alien sarcastique, et de Klaus, le poisson rouge d'origine germanique, et vous aurez le portrait haut en couleurs de ce père américain si parfait !
American Dad!

American Dad!

Mar 03, 2025
Agent de la CIA, Stan Smith est aussi l'époux comblé de la douce Francine et le fier papa de Hayley et Steve. Le tableau est idyllique. Le problème c'est que Stan a une légère tendance à verser dans la paranoïa. Prêt à tout pour défendre son Amérique chérie et ses valeurs conservatrices, il n'hésiterait pas à tirer sur son grille-pain si celui-ci était suspecté de trahison... Rajoutez à cela la présence dans la maison des Smith de Roger, l'alien sarcastique, et de Klaus, le poisson rouge d'origine germanique, et vous aurez le portrait haut en couleurs de ce père américain si parfait !
Surface: Menace sous la mer
Qu'ont en commun des officiers de la marine, une famille de San Diego, l'Institut Océanographique de Monterey et des pêcheurs dans le Golfe du Mexique ? Leur découverte : une nouvelle forme de vie sous-marine, mystérieuse et à première vue amicale. Mais, cette rencontre du Troisième Type est-elle si innocente ou annonce-t-elle plutôt un grand désastre pour l'Humanité ?
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Hawaii 5-0

Hawaii 5-0

Apr 03, 2020
Le détective Steve McGarrett se rend à Oahu pour enquêter sur l'assassinat de son père. Une fois sur place, le gouverneur le persuade de rester et rejoindre l'unité des forces spéciales, qui combat le crime à Hawaii...