Dominic Desjardins

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Sans elle

Sans elle

Sep 22, 2006
Camille, une jeune violoniste en fugue, est rapatriée d'urgence dans sa ville natale, lorsqu'au terme d'un long voyage d'études en Europe elle est la proie d'un étrange malaise. Amenée d'urgence dans un hôpital psychiatrique, on la croit atteinte du syndrome de Stendhal, un dérèglement psychologique qui affecte certains touristes souffrant d'une vulnérabilité face à la beauté des œoeuvres d'art. Ce malaise exige qu'elle soit rapatriée dans son pays d'origine. C'est alors que son retour précipité la condamne à affronter un drame qu'elle avait voulu fuir: la disparition mystérieuse de sa mère. La disparition de sa mère survenue deux ans auparavant n'a jamais été élucidée et qu'elle a laissé Camille et ses proches devant un deuil impossible. Lorsqu'elle se rend à Matane, dernier endroit où sa mère avait été vue vivante, Camille commence à faire des découvertes qui l'entrainent au cœoeur d'une enquête insolite qui lui fera vivre des émotions aussi fortes qu'inespérées.
Standing on the Line

Standing on the Line

May 08, 2019
In both amateur and professional sports, being gay remains taboo. Few dare to come out of the closet for fear of being stigmatized, and for many, the pressure to perform is compounded by a further strain: whether or not to affirm their sexual identity. Standing on the Line takes a fresh and often moving look at some of our gay athletes, who share their experiences with the camera. They’ve set out to overcome prejudice in the hopes of changing things for the athletes of tomorrow.
La Course Destination Monde
"La Course destination monde" is a Canadian reality television series, which aired on Télévision de Radio-Canada from 1988 to 1999. The series was a filmmaking competition which sent young, emerging filmmakers from Quebec around the world to make short films about their destinations, with prizes awarded at the conclusion of each season to the best films coming out of the competition. The show premiered in 1988 as "La Course des Amériques", sending filmmakers to destinations in North and South America. The second season, "La Course Amérique-Afrique", continued to highlight destinations in the Americas as well as opening to destinations in Africa, while the third season, "La Course Europe-Asie", centred on destinations in Europe and Asia. From the fourth season onward, the show was titled "La Course destination monde", and permitted filmmakers to travel to anywhere in the world.
La Course Destination Monde
One day, a tunnel opens up between Philippe's basement in Paris, Ontario and Paris, France. Here's a chance for Philippe, caught up in a midlife crisis, to escape his quiet life and go wild and crazy in the City of Light.
La Course Destination Monde
One day, a tunnel opens up between Philippe's basement in Paris, Ontario and Paris, France. Here's a chance for Philippe, caught up in a midlife crisis, to escape his quiet life and go wild and crazy in the City of Light.