Markus Botnick

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Black Friday

Black Friday

Jan 19, 2001
Dean Campbell is a high-powered attorney who returns home from work to find his family being held hostage by terrorists.


May 25, 1998
In the 22nd century, seven explorers set out on a mission to earth's nearest sister planet, AURORA. Their mission - to survey and explore for future colonization. When their ship suddenly malfunctions, the crew is forced to crash land on the planet's surface, where crippling heat, poisonous water, and fierce storms threaten their lives at every turn. With a handful of supplies and little hope of rescue, their only option is a grueling four hundred mile trek to their ship's lost supply bunkers. To survive, the men will have to push their endurance to the limit and entrust their lives to a leader who will risk everything to succeed, no matter what the consequences.
American Pie

American Pie

Jul 09, 1999
Mortifié pour avoir été surpris par ses parents devant un film X, Jim, élève de terminale, fait un pacte avec sa bande de copains : devenir des hommes avant l'entrée à la fac. Il leur reste trois semaines pour utiliser toutes les techniques possibles de séduction. Tous les moyens sont bons, même les plus inattendus, car chaque jour compte. Une chose est sûre, Jim ne regardera plus jamais une tarte aux pommes de la même façon !