Shawna Trpcic

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Jun 19, 1990


During a time when the city of Los Angeles is terrorized by animal attack style murders, a kindly elderly lady provides a nomad with room and board. It turns out that he is a werewolf and is responsible for the recent killings. He bites the elderly woman, turning her into a hungry werewolf. Now her adult son must try to prevent the both of them from doing any more harm.
Star Time

Star Time

Jan 20, 1992
During a time when the city of Los Angeles is terrorized by animal attack style murders, a kindly elderly lady provides a nomad with room and board. It turns out that he is a werewolf and is responsible for the recent killings. He bites the elderly woman, turning her into a hungry werewolf. Now her adult son must try to prevent the both of them from doing any more harm.


Feb 04, 2004
During a time when the city of Los Angeles is terrorized by animal attack style murders, a kindly elderly lady provides a nomad with room and board. It turns out that he is a werewolf and is responsible for the recent killings. He bites the elderly woman, turning her into a hungry werewolf. Now her adult son must try to prevent the both of them from doing any more harm.


Jul 21, 2000
During a time when the city of Los Angeles is terrorized by animal attack style murders, a kindly elderly lady provides a nomad with room and board. It turns out that he is a werewolf and is responsible for the recent killings. He bites the elderly woman, turning her into a hungry werewolf. Now her adult son must try to prevent the both of them from doing any more harm.
Frankenstein's Monster's Monster, Frankenstein
During a time when the city of Los Angeles is terrorized by animal attack style murders, a kindly elderly lady provides a nomad with room and board. It turns out that he is a werewolf and is responsible for the recent killings. He bites the elderly woman, turning her into a hungry werewolf. Now her adult son must try to prevent the both of them from doing any more harm.


Nov 12, 1992
During a time when the city of Los Angeles is terrorized by animal attack style murders, a kindly elderly lady provides a nomad with room and board. It turns out that he is a werewolf and is responsible for the recent killings. He bites the elderly woman, turning her into a hungry werewolf. Now her adult son must try to prevent the both of them from doing any more harm.
The Never List

The Never List

Dec 11, 2020
During a time when the city of Los Angeles is terrorized by animal attack style murders, a kindly elderly lady provides a nomad with room and board. It turns out that he is a werewolf and is responsible for the recent killings. He bites the elderly woman, turning her into a hungry werewolf. Now her adult son must try to prevent the both of them from doing any more harm.


Jan 22, 1992
In the future, national boundaries have been broken down and two giant super-states remain—the bleak, oppressive, and totalitarian "Hemisphere," and the sprawling and futuristic "Megaville." Megaville has an elected president, but the entire system is rife with corruption. All forms of media are encouraged in Megaville, but this freedom has aided moral decay with the distribution of pornography and violent movies. Outside Megaville lies the Hemisphere; whereas Megaville is clean and ordered, the Hemisphere is in a state of decay. Travel from the Hemisphere to Megaville is restricted with few exceptions to the powerful. An outwardly totalitarian regime governs the daily life of civilians in the Hemisphere and the people live in fear of the "CKS" (the secret police). All forms of media are illegal in the Hemisphere. CC

Apr 19, 2023

Après les aventures de Jango et Boba Fett, un nouveau héros émerge dans l'univers Star Wars. L'intrigue, située entre la chute de l'Empire et l'émergence du Premier Ordre, suit les voyages d'un chasseur de primes solitaire dans les contrées les plus éloignées de la Galaxie, loin de l’autorité de la Nouvelle République.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Feb 09, 2022

Après s’être hasardés dans les bas-fonds de la galaxie, le légendaire chasseur de primes et la mercenaire Fennec Shand reviennent au milieu des dunes de Tatooine pour y revendiquer le territoire autrefois dirigé par Jabba le Hutt et son syndicat du crime.
Action & Adventure

Oct 05, 2014

Deux jeunes femmes font partie sans le savoir d'une longue lignée de sorcières. Alors qu'elles mènent une existence paisible, une série d’évènements va amener leur mère à leur dévoiler la vérité sur leur héritage familial : elles sont en fait de puissantes et immortelles sorcières.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Oct 03, 2023

Au lendemain de la chute de l'Empire, l'ex-chevalière Jedi Ahsoka Tano enquête sur une menace latente qui pourrait bouleverser le fragile équilibre d’une galaxie encore vulnérable...
Sci-Fi & Fantasy