Hana Brejchová

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Adele n'a pas encore diné
En cette fin de XIXe siècle, Nick Carter, le détective privé le plus célèbre d'Amérique, est appelé à la rescousse par la Police de Prague, après une disparition qui semble inexplicable. Sur place, il est confronté à son plus mortel ennemi, un homme cruel à la main verte et aux plus noires intentions...
Les amours d'une blonde
A Sruc sur Sazava, la population féminine de la gigantesque fabrique de chaussures est en surnombre. Le responsable culturel trouve une solution et fait implanter un cantonnement militaire à proximité pour animer les bals de la culture. Seulement voila, ce sont tous des quadragénaires ridicules et ventripotents. Cependant la jeune Andula sera choisie par le pianiste de l'orchestre.
Kaňka do pohádky

Kaňka do pohádky

Nov 13, 1981
Little Vendulka receives a birthday gift of a seemingly innocuous children's book. Little she knows that the book is actually a portal into the surreal world of nursery rhymes and Josef Lada's paintings.
„Já to tedy beru, šéfe...!“
Láda Pitras (Ludek Sobota) and Oto Vacák (Petr Nározný) founded in the company Pragokov a Research department of recruitment of labor. For recruitment of workers in professions sought after both recruiters worked out an effective, often almost illegal methods. They followed secretly for instance the welder Niederle and managed to record his lovesick courting to his colleague Anicka. The fear of his jealous wife made him to join Pragokov.
Jak se zbavit Helenky

Jak se zbavit Helenky

Jan 12, 1968
Radio announcer Petrícek reads the evening news in a studio. Viki, the female editor of a woman's program, is annoyed by the stereotypical information he provides as well as by the speaker's melodious voice and his heart-felt performance. Then she gets an idea for a prank. She calls the speaker from the neighboring room on the phone and pretends to be an unhappily married woman who draws all her strength to live from Petrícek's voice.
A quelques jours près...
Une jeune femme mariée part en Tchécoslovaquie pour ses études, et tombe amoureuse d'un de ses professeurs, alors que se produisent les évènements du Printemps de Prague.
Grajski biki

Grajski biki

Apr 25, 1967
War orphans rebel against teachers and authority figures in their reform school in this somber social drama. Danny is a teen punk who organizes a breakout, only to become a victim of the code of toughness by which he lives.
Po stopách krve

Po stopách krve

Mar 27, 1970
Major Kalas from the Prague criminal intelligence service has been sent to a small town of Dubá in North Bohemia to help with the investigation of the puzzling death of a child. A gypsy boy has been killed three weeks ago and his body found under a rock. As the investigation continues, another dead boy is found. The boy has bled to death after someone cut his artery with a handsaw. Both deaths are obviously the work of a murderer - a perverted pedophile, sadist who gets sexual satisfaction from the sight of a young boy's blood.


Sep 19, 1984
A Vienne, en novembre 1823. Au coeur de la nuit, un vieil homme égaré clame cette étonnante confession : "Pardonne, Mozart, pardonne à ton assassin !" Ce fantôme, c'est Antonio Salieri, jadis musicien réputé et compositeur officiel de la Cour. Dès l'enfance, il s'était voué tout entier au service de Dieu, s'engageant à le célébrer par sa musique, au prix d'un incessant labeur. Pour prix de ses sacrifices innombrables, il réclamait la gloire éternelle. Son talent, reconnu par l'empereur mélomane Joseph II, valut durant quelques années à Salieri les plus hautes distinctions. Mais, en 1781, un jeune homme arrive à Vienne, précédé d'une flatteuse réputation. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart est devenu le plus grand compositeur du siècle. Réalisant la menace que représente pour lui ce surdoué arrogant dont il admire le profond génie, Salieri tente de l'évincer.
Vyhrávat potichu

Vyhrávat potichu

Mar 01, 1986
Comedy about a group of village boys and in one selfless father who wants his players to do the real football.
Žirafa v okně

Žirafa v okně

Nov 22, 1968
Thieves Svarc and Cihák are interrupted in their robbery of a jeweler's store. In order to disappear as quickly as possible, they jump into the nearest car and leave, finding on the way that a little boy named Jirka, son of the car's owner, is with them. They take him to a cottage where Cihák's eighteen-year old daughter Milena attends to him. Jirka first treats Milena with hostility, but as days pass, the "prisoner" and the "guard" become close. Milena cooks for the boy and takes care of him, but nothing can intimidate the dauntless Jirka and he seeks for the first opportunity to escape.
Hogo fogo Homolka

Hogo fogo Homolka

Mar 05, 1971
The Homolka family celebrates a great occasion: they were finally able to buy a car. They immediately begin to drive for small trips to Hradcany, to the airport, and plan further trips. Their euphoria is spoiled by a letter from their great-grandmother. Their great-grandfather is dying and the family is expected to come along to say goodbye. The annoyed Homolkas therefore set off to the South Bohemian village where the grandparents live.
Nejkrásnější věk

Nejkrásnější věk

Feb 14, 1969
An artist's studio is descended upon by a group of retired men and a young mother who agree to model in the nude for money. Comedy ensues as the students and the local bureaucracy react to the models, all in need of extra money. Several running gags border on slapstick as the officials and the students don't know what to do with the nude models.