Tomás Álvarez

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May 15, 2023
In 2016, journalism student Susana Rojas disappeared without a trace while making a documentary for her end-of-career work. After several years, her project is finally uncovered.
La danza de la realidad
« M'étant séparé de mon moi illusoire, j'ai cherché désespérément un sentier et un sens pour la vie. » Cette phrase définit parfaitement le projet biographique d'Alexandro Jodorowsky : restituer l'incroyable aventure et quête que fut sa vie. Le film est un exercice d’autobiographie imaginaire. Né au Chili en 1929, dans la petite ville de Tocopilla, où le film a été tourné, Alejandro Jodorowsky fut confronté à une éducation très dure et violente, au sein d’une famille déracinée. Bien que les faits et les personnages soient réels, la fiction dépasse la réalité dans un univers poétique où le réalisateur réinvente sa famille et notamment le parcours de son père jusqu’à la rédemption, réconciliation d’un homme et de son enfance.
Los años desnudos (Clasificada S)
Madrid, Spain, 1975. Sandra, Lina and Eva are three beautiful women who work as actresses in erotic movies. After meeting during a shoot, they become friends and begin to share experiences, concerns and successes in an era of increasing openness, although true freedom is still far away and demands a price hard to pay.
Los viajes escolares

Los viajes escolares

Oct 01, 1976
After completing his high school studies at the age of twenty-four, Óscar is an immature student, unable to afford alone his return to home during the summer season. Then he manages to convince Carlos, his young math teacher, to accompany him. Already in the family home, Óscar begins to behave in an increasingly unbalanced and irrational way. Meanwhile, his family will endeavor to see him as the reflection of the absent father figure.
Terminator : Dark Fate
De nos jours, à Mexico. Dani Ramos, 21 ans, travaille sur une chaîne de montage dans une usine automobile. Elle voit sa vie bouleversée lorsqu'elle se retrouve soudainement confrontée à deux inconnus. D’un côté, Gabriel, une machine Terminator des plus évoluées, indestructible et protéiforme, un « Rev-9 », venue du futur pour la tuer. De l’autre, Grace, un super-soldat génétiquement augmenté, envoyé pour la protéger.
Science Fiction


May 01, 2010
‘In the realm of the visible, all epochs coexist fraternally, even if they are separated by centuries or millennia’. John Berger. ‘The third eye turns on a recognition: the Other perceives the veil, the process of being visualized as an object, but returns the glance [...] the third eyes winks at us [...], but notice how ridiculous my cage and my image are’. Tobing Rony.


May 01, 2010
‘In the realm of the visible, all epochs coexist fraternally, even if they are separated by centuries or millennia’. John Berger. ‘The third eye turns on a recognition: the Other perceives the veil, the process of being visualized as an object, but returns the glance [...] the third eyes winks at us [...], but notice how ridiculous my cage and my image are’. Tobing Rony.


Jan 01, 2012
If any cinematographic experience belongs from beginning to end to spectrality (Derrida), in “Kubrick” the relationship between cinema and ghostliness is explicitly evident. Through a performative spell, the projected light frees the images from the proper territory of the specter (neither alive nor dead), giving them life, or, which is the same thing, giving them death.
Carea careando. De pastores, perros y rebaños
Words, bleats, smells, looks, patience, flies, barks, cowbells and dust. A story of painted wolves, drivers of livestock after a severe sifting. The skinned sheep that eats and eats, and looks out of the corner of its eye. The cara guarding the border with his sword eyes. And the shepherd who teaches them, with the support of his cayata.