Róbert Rátonyi

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Le capitaine de la forêt
Un capitaine compatissant et sage essaie d'arrêter le fauteur de troubles de longue date et maître du déguisement, Zero the Cat alors qu'il planifie son plus grand coup d'État. Le brillant gendarme Eleméri Ede et l'agent secret chevronné Góliát aident le capitaine en cours de route.
Meztelen diplomata

Meztelen diplomata

Jan 01, 1963
Félix, a somewhat clod-hopping young man, finds himself in the Grand Hotel of Little Lagonda, barefooted and in pyjamas. He is soon followed by a hooded, fat and leggy gangster. This is all the more strange as the hotel is under quarantine with the pretext of a plague-epidemic, in order to make it a suitable ground for the negotiations of certain oil-companies.
Szabadíts meg a gonosztól
Winter of 1944, the last days of the war. When the roads and houses ceased to exist and the bottom of the cellars become filled with life, when fortunes were lost and countries burned up, her used coat was only important to Mama, the cloak-room servant of a local dance-school. Her son stole it to sell it for twenty pengő. He did it because Aranka Fussbaum's love cost money. There is no honour left in such a destroyed world. Yet still they start looking for that coat... (Elemér Ragályi won Best camera with this movie in Montreal, 1979, and in Budapest, 1980.)


Jan 26, 1989
The heroes of the film are manual workers, members of a Socialist Brigade. Gyula, the brigade leader once has a dream where the gate-keeper searches through Lenin, about to leave the factory. He decides to stage Gelman's play, Premium, with his brigade, since the drama very effectively depicts what they see in the world around.
TV Movie
Le Témoin

Le Témoin

Jun 06, 1979
Hongrie, années 1950. József Pelikán, qui travaille comme gardien de barrage sur le Danube, rencontre par hasard Zoltán Dániel, un vieil ami qu'il a sauvé de la mort des années auparavant et qui est maintenant un puissant politicien.


May 20, 1988
Grandeur et chute du mage Hanussen, qui predit la montee au pouvoir d'Hitler.
Science Fiction
Hét tonna dollár

Hét tonna dollár

Nov 03, 1973
Luciano, the clown of a circus, can predict who will win in the snooker. His mathematical algorithm seems to be working in every gamble provided that the gamma factor is present. This latter is a woman in the bed. He uses his special skill for his country therefore he, as a secret weapon, is moved to the west with three support staff. The goal of their task is to plunder Western Europe. The plan works and Bondoros, the city he came from became a metropolis. Does it look like a dream?
Colonel Redl

Colonel Redl

Mar 29, 1985
Fils de cheminot admis à l’Académie Militaire de l’Empire austro-hongrois. Alfred Redl se lie d’amitié avec un jeune aristocrate. Dissimulant ses origines comme son homosexualité, il gravit rapidement la hiérarchie. À la veille de la Première Guerre mondiale, l’archiduc François-Ferdinand lui confie la responsabilité des services secrets…
Kék Duna keringö

Kék Duna keringö

May 30, 1992
When Hungary's newest prime minister is shot and killed at a reception, the resulting investigation is necessarily swift and comprehensive. This compelling political thriller uncovers two prime suspects: the woman who guns the leader down, and a man who was friends with both the prime minister and his murderer. Using video surveillance footage, as well as other more artful and symbolic imagery, the noted "visualist" director Miklos Jancso, who is known for his craft in getting his points across non-verbally, combines fantasy and reality in a highly ironic manner.
Az élet muzsikája - Kálmán Imre
The Soviet-Hungarian film version of the biography of one of the most talented composers of our time, the classic of the Vienna operetta - Imre Kálmán, known for all his music for operettas "The Csárdás Princess", "Countess Maritza", "The Circus Princess", "The Violet of Montmartre", "Die Bajadere" and many others. The music of Imre Kálmán has no equal in operetta for its festivity, “elegance”, and the refinement of melodics and orchestration.


Sep 14, 1955
Judge Csanádi András makes a confession to his boss one night: he fell in love with the pretty, modern driver woman, Zenthe Judit in a fencing room. The girl suddenly returned his feelings. One night she confessed to him crying: she hit someone. The case was assigned to Csanádi, who wanted to investigate the circumstances meticulously despite his feelings. Thus the so far hidden life of Judit, which is bound to the past former world and its values is now highlighted. He is confused, asks his boss to absolve him from the assignment, but refuses to do so. Csanádi realises in the court room: Judit kept on telling lies, she played the lover for her own interest. The judge passed his crisis, he will deliver a fair sentence.