Marcello Bonini Olas

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Black magic rites

Black magic rites

Jan 17, 1973
Un groupe de vampires gardent le corps d'une sorcière dans la cave d'un château. Ils ont besoin du sang d'une vierge pour le ressusciter. Une fête est organisée et les choses peuvent alors commencer.
Salvare la faccia

Salvare la faccia

Feb 03, 1969
Licia, fille d’un riche industrielle est devenue la maîtresse de Mario, un petit voyou qui se sert d’elle pour faire des photos compromettantes dans un bordel, cela afin d’exercer un chantage sur son riche papa, au moyen des fameux documents.
La verità secondo Satana
Une jeune femme tue son amant qui tentait de la violer. Un témoin propose de l'aider. Commence alors un huis-clos psychédélique, hystérique, hallucinatoire.
Mort à Venise

Mort à Venise

Mar 05, 1971
Un compositeur vieillissant vient chercher à Venise une atmosphère propice à l'épanouissement de son art. N'y trouvant aucune inspiration, sa passion se réveille à la vue d'un jeune adolescent.


Feb 14, 1980
A group of people come up with provocative or downright nasty sexual scenarios like rape, bestiality, tree branch masturbation, candle masturbation, corncob masturbation, whipping, lesbian orgies, toe masturbation, and bathtub assault.
La gorilla

La gorilla

Jan 01, 1982
Ruby has been trained in martial arts by her father and now has a job safeguarding a wide range of people and their valuables. A clumsy artist named Adelmo falls for Ruby at first sight but remains clueless about her profession. Things are complicated by Adelmo’s French neighbor and sometime model having a crush on him, and Ruby’s father trying to hook up his daughter with various body builders while putting the moves on the French girl.
Fiorina la vacca

Fiorina la vacca

Sep 10, 1972
Plenty of fun erotic stories in the spirit of the "Decameron", united by one constant hero - unlucky cow Fiorina.
Au-delà du désir

Au-delà du désir

Jul 05, 1972
Un ancien soldat du Vietnam, devenu psychiatre, propose à une belle jeune femme de la ramener et il l’agresse sexuellement puis la tue. La police qui piétine ne trouve pas mieux que de demander l’aide à ce psychiatre qui est absolument inconscient de ses propres pulsions. Son épouse voit le danger d’une telle situation et brouille les pistes...
Sesso in testa

Sesso in testa

Jun 11, 1974
A sexy graduate student is giving her thesis presentation, which creates quite a stir since it reveals that she has just posed as a prostitute for several months to do sociological research for her thesis. She relates various stories of her experiences to her salivating thesis committee and a large audience of curious on-lookers.
La vendetta è il mio perdono
In a small western town our hero Durango delivers his prisoner to the jailhouse and then goes to the local saloon where the lady saloon owner Joanne has eyes only for him. But Durango only has eyes for his bride-to-be Lucy. Four masked men attack Lucy's father's farm and steal Lucy's dowry. They kill Lucy and her parents after the father strips the face mask from one of the bandits. A pocket watch is stripped from one of the bandits by Lucy's father and this is the only clue that Durango will have to revenge his love... With Joanne's help can Durango avenge himself?
Eros e Thanatos

Eros e Thanatos

Jan 01, 1969
Franco Adami injures a condescending prostitute to photograph her, but escaped from guilt, causing her death by bleeding.
Si douces... si perverses !
Délaissé par sa femme Danielle, Jean fuit le lit conjugal pour s'adonner au libertinage, sans aucune discrétion. Lorsque arrive la nouvelle voisine, Nicole, une splendide créature, le jeune homme est rapidement attiré par elle. Mais quand leur amour se concrétise, Danielle montre de forts signes de jalousie. Jean devra faire un choix mais qui prendra-t-il, l'amante ou l'amoureuse?
Frida Professione Menager
Frida gets married, but is very busy with her job as an engineer, and doesn't have time for her new husband. He then runs away with the flower girl which causes Frida to lose it.
Il cappotto di legno

Il cappotto di legno

Nov 01, 1981
Gianni Manera writes, directs and stars in this violent U.S. based story of Mafia members and Black gangsters fighting for turf.