Vladimír Svitáček

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Touha Sherlocka Holmese
Sherlock Holmes likes to play violin and expects a great career in music. He gets a place in a spa orchestra, but he is again and again distracted by criminal cases. Therefore he is the only one who does not see that his violin has no future. He solves the criminal mysteries in passing but the final test shows that the famous detective is tone-deaf.


Oct 01, 1989
The lead character is a young woman who becomes close with a colleague of her husband. She finds herself at an important crossroad in life and considers whether to take a decisive step.


Sep 19, 1984
A Vienne, en novembre 1823. Au coeur de la nuit, un vieil homme égaré clame cette étonnante confession : "Pardonne, Mozart, pardonne à ton assassin !" Ce fantôme, c'est Antonio Salieri, jadis musicien réputé et compositeur officiel de la Cour. Dès l'enfance, il s'était voué tout entier au service de Dieu, s'engageant à le célébrer par sa musique, au prix d'un incessant labeur. Pour prix de ses sacrifices innombrables, il réclamait la gloire éternelle. Son talent, reconnu par l'empereur mélomane Joseph II, valut durant quelques années à Salieri les plus hautes distinctions. Mais, en 1781, un jeune homme arrive à Vienne, précédé d'une flatteuse réputation. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart est devenu le plus grand compositeur du siècle. Réalisant la menace que représente pour lui ce surdoué arrogant dont il admire le profond génie, Salieri tente de l'évincer.
Kinoautomat: Člověk a jeho dům
Kinoautomat was the world's first interactive movie, conceived by Radúz Činčera for the Czechoslovak Pavilion at Expo '67 in Montreal. At nine points during the film the action stops, and a moderator appears on stage to ask the audience to choose between two scenes; following an audience vote, the chosen scene is played.
Kinoautomat: Člověk a jeho dům
Kinoautomat was the world's first interactive movie, conceived by Radúz Činčera for the Czechoslovak Pavilion at Expo '67 in Montreal. At nine points during the film the action stops, and a moderator appears on stage to ask the audience to choose between two scenes; following an audience vote, the chosen scene is played.
Kinoautomat: Člověk a jeho dům
Kinoautomat was the world's first interactive movie, conceived by Radúz Činčera for the Czechoslovak Pavilion at Expo '67 in Montreal. At nine points during the film the action stops, and a moderator appears on stage to ask the audience to choose between two scenes; following an audience vote, the chosen scene is played.
Kdyby tisíc klarinetů
A military base. An awkward soldier. A statue of Bach. And suddenly all guns in the area change into music instruments. Great mystery is immediately found by TV station. And soon the military base becomes a stage for huge TV show.