Karol Machata

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Stíny horkého léta

Stíny horkého léta

Sep 15, 1978
The story of 1947, when Bender's band, after a beating of the Nazis, tried to fight their way through Czechoslovakia to Austria. They come out of the forest to occupy the family's rural estate, kidnap doctors to help heal one of their wounded.


Jan 01, 1993


Jan 01, 1960


Aug 01, 1989
Woodcutter Ondra, who for his bold nature is called Nebojsa. He goes into the world to learn fear. During his journey, on which he is accompanied by a cowardly thief Ferka, he can deal with a bunch of bandits, vicious mill, fiery rock and eventually he must confront the evil wizard who swore a beautiful princess. Will Ondra do all his courage and ingenuity to liberate Princess?


Aug 24, 1962
A bricklayer, Jozef Haviar, decides to live with his family on the small farm of his father through the difficult years of the economic crisis. But on his return to his father's house he gets into a conflict with his brother. The life-and-death conflict between the two brothers documents the difficult situation of Slovak country life in the 1930s, the time of economic depression.
Koniec a začiatok

Koniec a začiatok

Jan 01, 1968
Television adaptation of Roman Kaliský's play. Reconstruction of a trial with a journalist from the 1950s.
Le sel vaut plus que l'or
Âgé, sentant ses forces décliner et n'ayant pas de descendant mâle, le roi Pravoslav décide d'abdiquer en faveur de l'une de ses trois filles. Il laissera le pouvoir à celle qui lui témoignera le plus grand amour. Lorsqu'il les interroge, Vanda, l'aînée déclare qu'elle l'aime plus que l'or, Barbora, la seconde, plus que les pierres précieuses, la plus jeune, Maruška, elle, plus que le sel. Outré par les propos de sa fille préférée, le roi la chasse du château avec perte et fracas. Las, dès cet instant, tout le sel disponible dans le royaume se transforme en or...
Posledná bosorka

Posledná bosorka

Nov 01, 1957
This dramatic story is situated in the town of Trnava of the 18th century. Painter Peter paints an altar-piece of the Martyrdom of St. Juliet and his model is a young girl. This is much disliked by the clergy who unjustly accuse the girl of witchcraft. She is saved from being burnt at a stake by the students of the Trnava University. (IMDb)
Falošný princ

Falošný princ

Jun 01, 1985
The Sultan awaits the arrival of his son, Prince Omar, who has brought up in a distant land. The master tailor and his assistances are making clothes for the prince. Labakan, the most gifted of his assistances, craves to be a Sovereign's heir so he steals the princely garments snd poses as the Sultan's son.
Drevená dedina

Drevená dedina

Feb 18, 1955
Slovak movie is based on the novel by the prominent representative of Slovak prose František Hečka, who was in 1952 awarded the State Prize. The novel and the movie successfully capture the development of Slovak village after the liberation in 1945. The narrative is centred around the characters of the old Púplava, who after the liberation begins to organise a new village life, and his struggle for the construction of settlements Mrzáčky, burnt by the fascists. It is centred around the conflict, greatly reflecting the situation of the countryside at this time: the conflict between the rural poor and the rural rich. In the movie, a rich personal and emotional life of other heroes pulsate besides the main storyline. The movie ends with the final defeat of the reactionary forces by Communists in February 1948, taking over all power in the state of workers and peasants. - "The Wooden Village" is released in celebration of the 7th anniversary of the Communist February Victory.
Polnočná omša

Polnočná omša

Aug 24, 1962
On Christmas Eve, 1944, in Nazi-occupied Slovakia, the Kubiš family grapples with survival amidst brutal reprisals. Marián collaborates as a fascist guard leader, while his sister Angela has an affair with their Nazi lodger, Major Brecker. The situation escalates when their younger son, Juraj, a former partisan fighter, returns home wounded. As Germans search homes for escapees, Juraj hides in the attic, while an unsettling Christmas dinner unfolds below with Major Brecker present.


Jan 01, 1974


Vítězná křídla

Vítězná křídla

Feb 09, 1951
Workers from the aviation factory near Prague set up a racing club for young people that will take part in the international sailing competition for Czechoslovakia.


May 01, 1988
Červené víno

Červené víno

Dec 26, 1972
An epic saga of the Habdza family of vineyard keepers set in western Slovakian countryside at the beginning of the 20th century. Director Andrej Lettrich's novel adaptation talks of plotting, forbidden love. family discord, and struggle for heritage and power. The story is engaging thanks to the impressive performances of popular actors, dramatic situations, and sensitive music. Red Wine is not so much inventive in terms of auteurship as it is a work of excellent craftsmanship. The resulting picture is a costume production neatly adapted to the character of Slovak rural life in the past.
La tante de Frankenstein
Alors que le docteur Henry Frankenstein, assisté de son aide Igor, s'apprête à donner vie à sa créature, il apprend la venue de sa tante. Cette dernière arrive dans le village où vit son neveu, et rencontre ses étranges habitants : un loup garou, une dame blanche, ou encore le comte Dracula. Elle fait aussi la connaissance de Max, un petit garçon qui a fui ses beaux-parents et qui se cache dans le château de Frankenstein.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy