Pavel Vondruška

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Kulový blesk

Kulový blesk

Aug 10, 1979
A comedy about exchange of 12 apartments , which, its organizer, lawyer Radosta, rightly called Action Ball Lightning. To prepare, organize and execute the exchange of twelve apartments is a work worthy champions. Radosta, who was excellently played by Rudolf Hrušínský, solved all sudden difficulties and complications on the fly and with grace. To be sure that the on the D-day everything goes well he prepares a little rehearsal, which reveals many minor issues caused for example by wedding ordered to inappropriate term or hesitation of some participants. Last but not least a night exercise announced by drunk psychologist Knotků, creates a lot of confusion that nearly sabotaged the whole operation.


May 09, 1980
Vrchní, prchni

Vrchní, prchni

Jan 09, 1981
A comedy concerning a down on his luck bookshop owner with a penchant for women who decides to make some money by pretending to be a waiter and collecting cash from unsuspecting diners.
Le Vampire de Ferat

Le Vampire de Ferat

May 28, 1982
Celui qui se retrouve derrière le volant de la voiture de course Ferat risque de ne pas en sortir indemne. En effet, le prototype du véhicule fonctionne avec du sang humain et se trouve être l'arme secrète d'une mystérieuse conspiration.
Jáchyme, hoď ho do stroje!
A sincere provincial young man, Frantisek Koudelka leaves to work in Prague. For the trip he buys a computer made horoscope with biorhythms charts, marked according to his date of birth, there are trappy, precarious, unsuccessful and even critical days and few successful days. The clumsy luckless person Frantisek has finally a guidance for his life.
Dešťová víla

Dešťová víla

Feb 11, 2010
The elements that rule Earth - Air, Fire, Earth and Water - are in their "regular inspection tour". We are following Water, in the form of the Rain Fairy. Traversing the land dressed like a poor woman, she learns that people really have begun focusing mainly on money and that love and goodness are disappearing.
Les fêtes des perce-neige
Ce film est basé sur des textes de Bohumil Hrabal, prosateur tchèque mondialement connu. C'est une histoire (sous la forme d'une mosaïque de courts épisodes et d'images) sur la tristesse et le bonheur des habitants de Kersko.
Chacun pour toi

Chacun pour toi

Jan 24, 1994
Un coiffeur cherche le fils qu'il n'a jamais eu. Un jeune homme cherche le père qui lui a toujours manqué. Ils participent ensemble au championnat du monde de la coiffure.
Slunce, seno, jahody

Slunce, seno, jahody

Sep 01, 1984
A Czech agricultural student, Šimon Plánička, arrives at the small South Bohemian town of Hoštice, and joins the local JZD (agricultural co-op) with the intention of trying out his experiment regarding the "Milk yield of cows in regards to a cultured environment". He runs into difficulty with the directorship of the JZD, but he finds them eager to help once they hear he's the son of the local agricultural commissioner, as his last name is also Plánička. Blažena Škopková is given the task of finding out how things are looking. However everything is complicated by the jealousy of Blažena's boyfriend Venca.
Slunce, seno a pár facek
For a second time this film leads us to the village in South Bohemia. We meet again Konopnik family and Skopek family. Venca Konopnik is marrying Blazena Skopek but there is another woman Milada who is very jealous and she is spreading gossips about Venca Konopnik. Those gossips are so powerful that they lead to big fights between Konopnik and Skopek families. You will also see what a progress on milk-yielding-cows-project has been made.
Slunce, seno, erotika

Slunce, seno, erotika

Apr 01, 1991
The local farmers' cooperative organized a trip to Italy, in which the Škopkovci took part. They went there at the invitation of the Italian agricultural cooperative, whose employees are going to visit Hoštice in return. In addition to the sights, the goal of the tour was also an excursion to a modern Italian cowshed. After returning home, Hoštice and its inhabitants are waiting for a "great approach to Europe" - they plan to improve the neglected village by building a nudist beach. However, as it usually happens, the Italian delegation appears at the least convenient moment. Strangely enough, they like the cooperative's neglected economy so much that they propose to preserve it as an open-air museum...
Veselé Vánoce přejí chobotnice
Eva and her younger brother Johnny own two sentient octopuses made out of strange matter. Will their parents divorce and ruin Christmas? Will a scientist find a way to use their pets as fuel? Live action film with stop-motion octopuses.


May 15, 1996
Frantisek Louka, ancien violoncelliste de l'Orchestre philharmonique de Prague, privé de son travail par la bureaucratie communiste, en est reduit à jouer pour les enterrements au crématorium de la ville. Criblé de dettes, il accepte de faire un mariage blanc avec une Russe qui a besoin de papiers tchèques. Au lendemain des noces, sa jeune épouse émigre en Allemagne en laissant derrière elle son fils, Kolya.
Báječní muži s klikou
Returning home to Prague, the magician Pasparte, an owner of a circus caravan, meets his dying colleague who entrusts his beautiful daughter Aloisie to his care. In Prague they all take up their lodgings at the house At Blue Fish in which they intend to arrange the programs. The firm is owned by widow Evzenie with whom Pasparte shares flat and bed. Evzenie is jealous of Aloisie therefore Pasparte sends Aloisie as a housewife to the single man Jakub Kolenatý who earns his living by photographing and wants to record the revived pictures of Prague. Pasparte wants to found in Prague the first permanent Czech movie theatre in which there would be projected also the original Czech films.
Moi qui ai servi le roi d'Angleterre
Prague. Jan Dite quitte, tant bien que mal, la prison dans laquelle il a purgé une peine de près de quinze ans. Alors qu'il s'installe dans un ancien village allemand abandonné dont les habitants ont été chassés après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, il se souvient de sa jeunesse et de sa grande ambition d'alors : devenir millionnaire.
Krajina s nábytkem

Krajina s nábytkem

Mar 01, 1987
The story of a music academy student Zdenek, who meets a charming girl, and without realizing also gets a son with her. Dealing with such a situation is not easy, especially when one day the child's mother disappears. Twenty year old Zdenek faces a serious decision. Although he is aware that a child may endanger his studies and perhaps even future career, he refuses to entrust him to the care of the state institution.
Lev s bílou hřívou

Lev s bílou hřívou

Dec 01, 1987
The film tells the exciting life of the great Czech composer Leos Janácek (1854-1928), also known by the thick silver hair that crowned his head and his strong character, which could overcome the adversities of fate.
Le cri coupé

Le cri coupé

Oct 29, 1994
En 1869 dans un champ aux environs de Pantin, on retrouve les corps de cinq enfants et de leur mère massacrés et ensevelis sous la terre. Les indices sur ce meurtre sont minces et l'inspecteur Claude chargé de l'enquête, a l'idée novatrice pour l'époque de recourir à l'aide de la presse et de son réseau de diffusion pour retrouver les acteurs du drame. À sa demande, Polydore Millaud, patron du "petit journal", grand quotidien de l'époque, se rend sur les lieux et accepte de collaborer en échange de la fourniture en exclusivité de la progression de l'enquête à son journal. L'enquête avance et on retrouve au Havre un certain Jean Baptiste Troppman en possession des papiers de de la famille massacrée. L'opinion public est fasciné par l'affaire et les ventes du journal de Polydore Millaud augmentent sans cesse. Ce dernier met tous ses journalistes sur l'affaire pour satisfaire la curiosité des de ses lecteurs.


Dec 23, 2005
Cette série met en scène les enquêtes du célèbre commissaire Maigret imaginé par Georges Simenon. Elle apporte un soin particulier à la reconstitution d'une ambiance années 1950 : costumes, voitures, trains à vapeur et jusqu'au mobilier (téléphones, standardistes entre autres).


Jan 01, 1997
Hospoda is a Czech television comedy series which premiered on TV Nova. From 1996 to 1997, 52 episodes were aired.