Márk Zala

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Idő van

Idő van

Nov 02, 1986
Peter Gothar films give a sharp, uncensored view of the society. This film is no different. The plot is rather simple: a family goes to vacation with the usual stress. Then on the vacation the wife gets a strange kind of sickness and they go back to Budapest for a cure. While the wife is in the hospital, the husband visits his family. This is quite banal. However the scenario was written by Peter Esterhazy, one of the most influential contemporary writers in Hungary. His style uses a lot of surrealism but in a way that profoundly illuminates the reality. In this film, the reality is an atomized society where the so-called communist ideals are nowhere so everyday people are fully disoriented.
Agnus Dei

Agnus Dei

Apr 22, 1971
Allégorie de la répression de la révolution de 1919 et de l'avènement du fascisme en Hongrie ; à la campagne, une unité de l'armée révolutionnaire épargne la vie du père Vargha, un prêtre fanatique. Il revient et mène des massacres. Une nouvelle force, représentée par Feher, venge apparemment le peuple, mais seulement pour imposer une répression différente, plus raffinée et plus efficace.


Feb 08, 1971
After the World War I, enthusiastic young people found the intellectual group of Hungarian Communist Party. Their aim is to propagate the communist ideology to the people and get the workers on their side. They have fierce discussions on the new ideas, though their movement is not very successful. They clash with their opposition, attempt to lead people to the Red Army, but without success.
La Belle et le vagabond
Savanu, surnommé Cornichon et ses amis travaillent dans une usine toute la journée. Après le travail, le seul plaisir est de faire la fête, d’aller voir des concerts de rock et de draguer les filles. Savanu fait la cour sérieusement à Juli qui tombe sous son charme. Mais un soir, elle rencontre un musicien et part avec lui en tournée. Savanu les poursuit et le conflit est inévitable entre les deux rivaux. Juli doit choisir.


Feb 19, 1977
The film is a lyrical series of associations compiled from documentaries. Márkus, the actor is shut in his own flat by his wife by accident. While learning his part, on the wings of poetic intuition his imagination tours the great landscapes of the soul, the mystery of human existence.


Feb 08, 1973
Two actors wandered from house to house in the countryside in the roles of the photographer and the retoucher business man offering their photographic services to the people.


Apr 02, 1970


The film take place in Budapest, in the end of The World War II, telling the story of a young Communist who escaped from prison. The boy tries to revitalise his contact with the movement, but he is told to be quiet and wait.