Kenny Ireland

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Triple Assassinat dans le Suffolk
Trois jeunes femmes portant le même nom commettent chacune un meurtre, celui de leur mari qu'elles noient qui dans une baignoire d’étain, qui dans la mer et qui dans une piscine. Elles perpétuent ces actes en toute impunité, tenant dans leur filet un juge d'instruction amoureux de chacune d'elles…


Aug 30, 1990
Britain in the very near future. In an abandoned hotel, a young female doctor and a middle-aged scientist are interrogated separately. The question they are both asked is 'Where is Martin Pitt?'
A Hazard of Hearts

A Hazard of Hearts

Dec 27, 1987
When compulsive gambler Sir Giles Staverley has lost his estate and all his money playing dice, he realises that he only has one thing left of value: his daughter Serena. In a final game, he stakes his daughter's hand in marriage, convinced that this time he will not lose. Unfortunately, however, he does lose; to the evil Lord Wrotham. Unable to return home and tell his daughter that he has lost her in a game of dice, Sir Giles kills himself there and then. Lord Vulcan, who has witnessed the events, takes pity on Serena Staverley, although they have never met. He challenges Lord Wrotham to a game of dice in which the winner takes both Staverley Court and Miss Serena.
Salome's Last Dance

Salome's Last Dance

May 06, 1988
Londres, 1892. Oscar Wilde arrive dans une maison close de luxe où une surprise l'attend : une représentation de sa pièce « Salomé », dont les rôles sont joués par des prostituées…
The Big Man

The Big Man

Aug 31, 1990
Un mineur écossais chômeurs (Liam Neeson) est forcé dans la boxe à mains nues pour joindre les deux bouts.


Nov 02, 1982
A man with learning difficulties suffers neglect and ill-treatment, and this is only exasperated when his parents die and nobody seems to know what to do with him. A sequel to this film, titled "Walter and June", was released in 1983 and set 19 years later in time. In the United States, these two are sometimes bundled together under the title "Loving Walter".
The Interrogation of John
A suspect is brought to a London police station charged with gross indecency. Police at the station believe he is connected with a murder in the area earlier that night, but the suspect refuses to speak.
Number One

Number One

Mar 01, 1985
A down on his luck Irishman in London decides to play snooker for money.
Les Liens du sang

Les Liens du sang

Feb 01, 1978
A Montréal dans un commissariat, la jeune Muriel fait une déposition à propos du meurtre, sous ses yeux, de sa cousine Patricia. Elle désigne à l'inspecteur Carella un premier coupable, un inconnu aux cheveux bruns et aux yeux bleus. Mais bientôt, Muriel explique qu'elle a menti, et que l'assassin n'est autre que son frère Andrew. Carella tente alors d'en savoir plus sur les liens qui unissaient la séduisante Muriel à son cousin Andrew...
Le grand Rock

Le grand Rock

Mar 01, 1969
Dans les campagnes du Québec, un nouveau phénomène a fait son apparition: la violence. Comment un beau grand garçon de village, libre et paisible, se laisse-t-il entraîner sur la voie du crime? Telle est l'histoire du Grand Rock après son mariage avec Régine, qui convoite tous les biens que vante la publicité. Forcé d'abdiquer sa liberté pour la paye hebdomadaire, coupé de ses racines, le Grand Rock cherche l'aventure dans le monde de la pègre qui en fait un cagoulard. Amour et action, beauté et violence: un long métrage dramatique tourné dans les décors enneigés des Laurentides.
Local hero

Local hero

Feb 17, 1983
Une multinationale décide d'implanter un complexe pétrolier dans un petit village de pécheurs du Nord de l’Écosse. Les tractations que mènent technocrates et villageois prennent une tournure bien surprenante.


Mar 12, 1989
A Falklands War soldier missing, believed dead, turns up claiming amnesia.
The Oresteia

The Oresteia

Oct 09, 1983
Agamemnon returns home from the Trojan war and is murdered by his wife, setting off a chain of revenge that stretches across this trilogy of play. Directed by Peter Brook for the National Theatre, this is an all-male performance with masks.
Travail au noir

Travail au noir

Sep 18, 1982
Trois macons polonais et leur contremaitre, Novak, viennent a Londres travailler au noir. Novak, autoritaire, est le seul a parler anglais. Lorsqu'il prend connaissance du coup d'Etat en Pologne, il tait la nouvelle a ses compatriotes.
Give Us a Kiss, Christabel
Casual labour appeals to Wilfred, and the street market is a friendly home until he meets the beautiful Christabel. Her haughty dismissal drives him to amazing feats. He'll do anything for a kiss.
Monarch of the Glen

Monarch of the Glen

Oct 23, 2005
Archie MacDonald, a young restaurateur is called back to his childhood home of Glenbogle where he is told he is the new Laird of Glenbogle.


Feb 22, 2011
Taggart is a Scottish detective television programme.The series revolves around a group of detectives initially in the Maryhill CID of Strathclyde Police, though various storylines have happened in other parts of the Greater Glasgow area, and as of the most recent series the team have operated out of the fictional John Street police station across the street from the City Chambers.


May 02, 2018
Set in the Solana all-inclusive Resort, Benidorm follows the antics of regulars and first-time holiday makers on their journeys abroad.
Rose and Maloney

Rose and Maloney

Sep 26, 2005
Rose and Maloney investigate old criminal cases, seeking to rectify miscarriages of justice.
House of Cards

House of Cards

Dec 09, 1990
Après la démission de Margaret Thatcher, le Parti conservateur au pouvoir doit élire un nouveau Premier ministre. Le député Francis Urquhart, Chief Whip du gouvernement à la Chambre des communes, aide Henry « Hal » Collingridge à remporter la victoire, espérant ainsi une promotion au sein du prochain Cabinet. Mais après les élections générales, que le parti remporte avec une faible majorité, Collingridge — citant l'exemple d'Harold Macmillan renvoyant la moitié de son Cabinet en 1962 — ne compte pas faire de remaniement ministériel. Urquhart est donc bien résolu à se venger de Collingridge, avec le soutien de sa femme Elizabeth. 1re partie de la trilogie «House of Cards», comprenant «To Play the King» (1993) et «The Final Cut» (1995).
War & Politics
New Tricks

New Tricks

Sep 29, 2015
New Tricks is a British comedy-drama that follows the work of the fictional Unsolved Crime and Open Case Squad of the Metropolitan Police Service. Originally led by Detective Superintendent Sandra Pullman, it is made up of retired police officers who have been recruited to reinvestigate unsolved crimes.
An Audience with...

An Audience with...

Jun 01, 2013
An Audience with... is a British entertainment television show produced by London Weekend Television, in which a host, usually a singer or comedian, performs for an invited audience of celebrity guests, interspersed with questions from the audience, in a light hearted revue/tribute style.
The Paradise Club

The Paradise Club

Nov 27, 1990
The Paradise Club is a BBC television drama starring Don Henderson and Leslie Grantham as Frank & Danny Kane. Two series were produced and were broadcast between 1989 and 1990. The show focuses upon two brothers, Frank & Danny Kane. Their mother, Ma Kane, is the matriarch of a criminal gang in South London, helped by her son Danny. Frank has become a priest but leaves the church; he inherits The Paradise Club on the death of their mother and returns to London to try and steer Danny away from crime.


Sep 05, 2010
Set during the 1960s in the fictional North Yorkshire village of Aidensfield, this enduringly popular series interweaves crime and medical storylines.
Inspecteur Barnaby

Inspecteur Barnaby

Nov 10, 2024
L'inspecteur Barnaby, accompagné de son adjoint, enquêtent sur les crimes commis dans la région anglaise fictive du Midsomer...
Mission casse-cou

Mission casse-cou

Nov 01, 1986
Véritable tête brûlée de la police de New York, le lieutenant James Dempsey voit son coéquipier Joey mourir lors d'une opération contre des trafiquants de drogue et découvre que sa hiérarchie est complètement corrompue. En danger, il décide de partir en Angleterre et intègre une unité spéciale de la police britannique. Sa collaboration avec sa nouvelle partenaire, la très noble et un peu snob Harriet Makepeace, fait très vite des étincelles...
Action & Adventure
Hamish Macbeth

Hamish Macbeth

May 04, 1997
Hamish Macbeth is a comedy-drama series made by BBC Scotland and first aired in 1995. It is loosely based on a series of mystery novels by M. C. Beaton. The series concerns a local police officer, Constable Hamish Macbeth in the fictitious town of Lochdubh on the west coast of Scotland. The titular character was played by Robert Carlyle. It ran for three series from 1995 to 1997, with the first two series having six episodes and the third having eight.
Enemy at the Door

Enemy at the Door

Mar 29, 1980
Enemy At The Door is a British television drama series made by London Weekend Television for ITV. The series was shown between 1978 and 1980 and dealt with the German occupation of Guernsey, one of the Channel Islands, during the Second World War. The programme generated a certain amount of criticism in Guernsey, particularly for being obviously filmed on Jersey despite being ostensibly set on Guernsey. The series also marked the TV debut of Anthony Head as a member of the island resistance. The theme music was by Wilfred Josephs.