Howard Zinn

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Liberty Bound

Liberty Bound

Aug 05, 2004
Liberty Bound takes an entertaining look at America's ongoing struggle to keep a comfortable balance between democracy, capitalism, and fascism. This is a film about historic events that shape history. It is a film about courage and fear; ignorance and knowledge; propaganda and rhetoric. Through original footage, archived footage, and interviews with people such as Howard Zinn, Michael Parenti, and Michael Ruppert, Liberty Bound explores the state of the union and its ostensible move toward fascism. We talk with people who have been interrogated by the Secret Service and threatened with arrest for doing such benign things as sending an email, turning around during a Bush speech, and having a philosophical discussion on a train.
Howard Zinn: You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train
You Can't Be Neutral documents the life and times of the historian, activist and author of the best selling classic "A People's History of the United States". Featuring rare archival materials, interviews with Howard Zinn as well as colleagues and friends including Noam Chomsky, Marian Wright Edelman, Daniel Ellsberg, Tom Hayden and Alice Walker.
Human Resources

Human Resources

Nov 26, 2010
Documentary film exploring the rise of mechanistic philosophy and the exploitation of human beings under modern hierarchical systems. Topics covered include behaviorism, scientific management, workplace democracy, schooling, frustration-aggression hypothesis, and human experimentation.
I Am

I Am

Feb 11, 2011
Frôler la mort ne laisse pas indemne… Tom Shadyac, réalisateur de célèbres comédies à l’instar de Bruce tout puissant, Ace Ventura et du remake U.S. d’Intouchables, a vu sa vie bouleversée par un grave accident. Renonçant aux fastes d'Hollywood, il décide de partir, caméra au poing, à la rencontre d’intellectuels et de scientifiques afin de trouver les réponses aux 2 questions qui l’obsèdent : "Qu’est-ce qui ne va pas dans le monde actuel ?" et "Que peut-on faire pour améliorer la situation ?".


Feb 10, 2011
Hosted by twice Oscar nominated actor and activist Woody Harrelson, Ethos lifts the lid on a Pandora's box of systemic issues that guarantee failure in almost every aspect of our lives; from the environment to democracy and our own personal liberty: From terrifying conflicts of interests in politics to unregulated corporate power, to a media in the hands of massive conglomerates, and a military industrial complex that virtually owns our representatives. With interviews from some of todays leading thinkers and source material from the finest documentary film makers of our times Ethos examines and unravels these complex relationships, and offers a solution, a simple but powerful way for you to change this system!


Sep 07, 2010
This film explores the evolution of propaganda and public relations in the United States, with an emphasis on the elitist theory of democracy and the relationship between war, propaganda and class. Includes original interviews with a number of dissident scholars including Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Michael Parenti, Peter Phillips (Project Censored), John Stauber (PR Watch), Christopher Simpson (The Science of Coercion) and others. A deep, richly illustrated study of the nature and history of propaganda, featuring some of the world’s most insightful critics, Psywar exposes the propaganda system, providing crucial background and insight into the control of information and thought.


May 24, 2010
ReGeneration is a 2010 U.S. documentary film written and directed by Phillip Montgomery that looks at the issues facing today's youth and young adults, and the influences that contribute to the U.S.'s current culture of apathy toward political and social causes.
Toute ma vie (en prison)
Au moment même où William Francome nait, le 9 décembre 1981, un homme est arrêté pour le meurtre d’un policier de l’autre coté de l’Atlantique. Cet homme est noir, journaliste et ancien Black Panther, et s’appelle Mumia Abu-Jamal. Pendant que William grandit paisiblement dans une banlieue de Londres, Mumia devient peu à peu un des plus célèbres condamnés à mort américain. En 2006, à 25 ans, William décide de partir sur les traces de celui qui a été en prison durant toute sa propre vie. Il va découvrir le passé incroyable du Philadelphie des années 80 et dévoiler tout un pan oublié de l’histoire sociale et politique récente des États-Unis.
Creating Freedom: The Lottery of Birth
THE LOTTERY OF BIRTH is the first in a three-part documentary series entitled 'Creating Freedom' exploring the relationship between freedom, power and control in Western democracies. The series draws together interviews with some of the world's leading intellectuals, journalists and activists to offer an alternative perspective on today's society and the future we're creating. We do not choose to exist, or the environment we grow up in. Our starting point in life is one of passive reliance on forces over which we have no control. THE LOTTERY OF BIRTH shows that from birth onwards our minds are a battleground of competing forces: familial, educational, cultural, and professional. The outcome of this battle not only determines who we become, but the society that we create.
Axis of Evil: Perforated Praeter Naturam
AXIS OF EVIL is an experimental-feature-documentary-essay that features interviews with sixteen artists, scholars, and activists, including Howard Zinn, Daniel Ellsberg, Bernardine Dohrn, Martha Nussbaum, and others, talking about the concept of evil, its usefulness as a framework for US foreign policy, and evils that they've encountered in their lives. The interviews are illustrated with postage stamp art, archival footage, and other elements that interact with, illustrate, and comment on the statements of the interviewees.
Theory and Practice: Conversations with Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn
This timely, bold set of one-on-one interviews presents two of the most venerable figures from the American Left—renowned historian Howard Zinn and linguist and philosopher Noam Chomsky—each reflecting upon his own life and political beliefs. At the age of 88, Howard Zinn reflects upon the Civil Rights and anti–Vietnam War movements, political empires, history, art, activism, and his political stance. Setting forth his personal views, Noam Chomsky explains the evolution of his libertarian socialist ideals, his vision for a future postcapitalist society, the Enlightenment, the state and empire, and the future of the planet.
The Most Dangerous Man in America
En 1971, Daniel Ellsberg, un brillant analyste employé comme consultant par le Pentagone, fait parvenir au New York Times un dossier sur la guerre du Vietnam classé secret défense. Ce document de 7000 pages révèle les mensonges d’Etat sur cette guerre. Daniel Ellsberg devient alors l’homme le plus recherché en Amérique. Henry Kissinger, alors conseiller de Nixon à la Défense nationale, le baptise “l’homme le plus dangereux des Etats-Unis”. Richard Nixon le qualifie lui de “fils de pute”. Daniel Ellsberg sera poursuivi pour vol, conspiration et espionnage.
American Feud: A History of Conservatives and Liberals
This documentary fulfills a unique niche by taking a non-partisan, unbiased approach to the history of Liberalism and Conservatism in the United States. The film starts at the foundation of the country and continues though the 2006 election. Scholars, authors, historians and partisan activists are used not only to tell the history of each movement, but also to show how the meaning of each term has changed over time. Modern Conservatism is depicted as arising from opposition to Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal, becoming a national movement in the 1960's and reaching its apex with Ronald Reagan. Modern Liberalism has its roots in the progressive era of the 1890's becoming dominant with the New Deal, and losing influence with the perceived failures of the "Great Society programs" and Vietnam war policies of Lyndon Johnson.
The People Speak

The People Speak

Dec 13, 2009
A look at America's struggles with war, class, race and women's rights. based on Howard Zinn's "A People's History of the United States."
The People Speak

The People Speak

Dec 13, 2009
A look at America's struggles with war, class, race and women's rights. based on Howard Zinn's "A People's History of the United States."
Howard Zinn's Emma

Howard Zinn's Emma

Jan 01, 1970
Emma dramatizes the life of Emma Goldman, the famed anarchist, feminist, and free-spirited thinker who was exiled from the United States because of her outspoken views, including her opposition to World War I. Filmed live in 2005 at the Byrdcliffe Theatre in Woodstock, New York, with Zinn in attendance, the play draws on Goldman’s influential autobiography, speeches, and political writings to trace her emergence as one of the foremost radical intellectuals and dissident activists in America in the early part of the 20th century. Emma shows us why Emma Goldman was not only a remarkable historical figure but a woman whose fierce wit and political courage continue to resonate today.
Le Daily Show

Le Daily Show

Mar 03, 2025
Trevor Noah et l'équipe de la plus fausse information au monde abordent les plus grandes histoires de l'actualité, de la politique et de la culture pop.