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Kidnapped in childhood. Raised as an assassin. Shiori's spent her entire life following the orders of her mysterious masters, never questioning the commands that have sentenced hundreds to die at her hands. But when a childhood memory suddenly resurfaces, the programming in her head is short circuited and her entire world is turned upside down! Now, before her masters realize she's slipped their leash, Shiori has to escape. But to do so means she must kill again... even the ones who are close to her!
GUN CRAZY Episode-3「叛逆者の狂詩曲(ラプソディー)」THE BIG GUNDOWN
Aki Fukase is a rookie detective looking to make a name for herself in the field of law enforcement. Unfortunately, her inexperience contributes to the death of her partner when a trap is set by Galhowk, an international terrorist group. Overcome with guilt, Aki is ordered to take some time off until she recovers from the ordeal. However, she's more determined than ever and decides to disobey those orders and sets out to track down Galhowk in order to clear her conscience and her name.
Soon after meeting a spectral child in the endless corridors of a modern hospital, a woman returns home to find a mysterious e-mail waiting in her inbox. Upon opening the message, the woman is transported into a paranormal universe unlike anything she has ever experienced. Once there, she quickly discovers that the only way home is to solve the mystery surrounding the death of an innocent young boy.
Flowers on the Razorwire: Chance Meeting
True crime author Doug Shanks thought he'd seen it all until the day he dialed up a two legged nightmare, the psychotic dominatrix Flower. She ties him up and tortures him mercilessly until it's time to tell her a story. Doug stutters out a tale of a young Asian girl trapped in a broken down elevator with a boiler repairman who might just be Los Angeles' worst serial killer ever!
Eko Eko Azarak 4 - Awakening
Un groupe d'adolescents est retrouvé massacré dans une forêt. Seule une jeune fille est indemne mais en état de choc. Suspectée de meurtre par la police, Misa Kuroi voit bientôt sa vie réduite en miettes par des journalistes avides de scoops qui la font passer pour une sorcière ayant pratiqué un atroce sacrifice. Incapable de se souvenir de ce qui s'est réellement passé, elle ne trouve du réconfort que chez son amie Hitomi et le petit ami de cette dernière, bien décidés à l'aider à mettre fin à ce délire collectif. Certains évènements inexplicables vont pourtant semer le doute... Et si, après tout, la fragile Misa possédait réellement le plus destructeur des pouvoirs ?


Apr 28, 2001
Various individuals named Ichiro undergo life-changing events while being inspired by the baseball player Ichiro. A heartwarming movie about the people who root for the baseball player Ichiro, and their struggles to make their own dreams come true.


Jan 07, 2017
Ninsho becomes a monk, following his mother’s wish who died when he was little. His father devotes his fortune for Ninsho to become a great monk. Ninsho helps with relief effort to save people who suffer from famine and disease. One day, he meets a woman with problems with her legs. She makes a living by begging. Ninsho carries her on his back everyday.


Mar 11, 2006
Ce film conte l'aventure de sept hommes aux mêmes malheurs. Ils ont participé à une audition pour devenir hôtes dans un bar, mais ils s'aperçoivent que leur manager s'est enfui avec leur argent. Voyant les hommes découragés, un propriétaire d'un bar les aide à ouvrir leur propre bar à hôtes.
Kyumei Byoto 24 Ji

Kyumei Byoto 24 Ji

Sep 10, 2013
Yosuke Eguchi, jeune médecin urgentiste, et Nanako Matsushima, son assistante travaille au service des urgences. Cette série dépeint les membres du personnel de la salle d'urgence, affrontant la vie et donnant de l'espoir et du courage aux gens.
Elite Yankee Saburo

Elite Yankee Saburo

Jun 29, 2007
Le manga comique d'Abe Shuji, "Elite Yankee Saburo" raconte l'histoire d'Ookochi Saburo, un garçon simple et timide qui entre au lycée. Malheureusement pour lui, ses deux frères aînés s'étaient bâtis une réputation de fauteurs de troubles légendaires dans cette école. Quand Saburo arrive, il est immédiatement et traité comme un "yankee d'élite".


Jun 30, 2000
A man who appears to have no particular passion for anything ironically proves effective with troubled high school students. Known as a legendary savior of problem schools, he shows up one day to salvage what's left of a class that had fallen apart completely. His highly unpredictable reactions and controversial advice to students shock the teachers and staffs much as they do the problem students themselves.
Iryu Sosa

Iryu Sosa

Sep 15, 2022
Satoshi Itomura est méticuleux sur les scènes de crime pour appréhender les auteurs de crimes. Il cherche la solution au travers des biens de la victime. Il es mal vu par ses collègues de la première division car il mène des enquêtes sans autorisation et en dehors de toute hiérarchie. Miyuki Oda, enquêteuse débutante, va découvrir par le détective scientifique une autre manière de résoudre des crimes.


Jan 02, 2001
A comical look at the Japanese legal system. Big corporate law firm seeking to increase their profit margin notices that a lot of the partners spend a lot of their time on cases which don't bring in a lot of revenue. They decide they need to hire an average lawyer, at a minimal salary, that will take care of these small cases and not complain. That's why the law firm hires Hanamura Daisuke (Yusuke Santamaria)...to handle these minor cases. Daisuke's approach to the law is very unique and the way he handles each case is very entertaining


Jun 29, 1998
ATHENA (アテナ) is a live action drama series based on Athena: Awakening from the Ordinary Life game originally broadcasted from April 7, 1998 to June 30, 1998 on TV Tokyo.[1] The series was starred Kei Ishibashi as Athena. A VHS collection including unreleased scenes was released in 6 volumes on Japan. The opening theme Lavender Dream (ラベンダドリーム), is performed by Yuki Ishii.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy