Jayne Luke

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Douce nuit, sanglante nuit
C'est la veille de Nöel, le petit Billy et sa famille rendent visite au grand-père qui mène une vie de légume dans une institution pour personnes âgées. Sur le chemin du retour, un voyou déguisé en père Nöel massacre les parents de Billy. L'enfant échappe au tueur et finit placé à l'orphelinat Sainte Marie. Profondément marqué par la mort brutale de ses parents, il grandit péniblement et à ses 18 ans, il trouve un emploi dans un magasin de jouets. Tout se passe très bien mais Nöel approche et Billy se montre de plus en plus nerveux...
The Good Samaritan

The Good Samaritan

Jun 01, 1989
The Good Samaritan tells the most touching parable that Jesus ever taught. The story begins with the lawyer’s trick question, “What is the greatest commandment?” As Jesus answers with the story of the robbers, the Rabbi, the Levite and the wounded traveler becomes real. Imagine the traveler’s emotion as his own countrymen pass by while his enemy, a Samaritan, stops to help him. Jesus teaches us to love and serve one another no matter how we differ.
The Kingdom of Heaven

The Kingdom of Heaven

Jun 18, 1991
The Kingdom of Heaven is a series of short stories called parables. As Jesus teaches the people each parable, some begin to understand what the “Kingdom of Heaven” is like. Some have “ears that will not hear” and are not willing to become followers of the Savior. At the Second Coming they will not be counted as His own.
He is Risen

He is Risen

Jan 01, 1988
He is Risen is the story of the greatest miracle of all, the resurrection and ascension of Jesus. Sorrow and despair at the Lord’s crucifixion become complete joy and love as the disciples behold their resurrected Master three days later. The events of the real story of Easter teach of the atonement and resurrection, providing hope to Christians around the world.
Incident at Crestridge
A woman campaigns for and wins election as sheriff in a crusade against the ineptitude and outright corruption of the local law enforcement in a small town in the West.
Douce nuit, sanglante nuit 2
Ricky, le frère de Billy... le tueur du premier film, est interné et raconte son histoire à un psychiatre. Comment il en est venu à se promener dans la ville en massacrant tous ceux qui croisent son chemin.
La Mutante

La Mutante

Jul 07, 1995
Après avoir lancé un message à travers l'espace sur l'existence de notre espèce, une équipe scientifique reçoit la réponse vingt ans plus tard sous la forme d'un échantillon d'ADN extraterrestre. Sous la direction du docteur Xavier Fitch, les Américains tentent en secret une expérience de fécondation.
Science Fiction
Double Jeopardy

Double Jeopardy

Nov 21, 1992
Jack Hart lives with his lawyer wife and yound daughter and enjoys a wonderful life. Jack's old girlfriend, Lisa, comes into town and they have an affair. Lisa kills her current boyfriend in self-defense and Jack witnesses the whole thing. Lisa goes on trial for murder with Jack's wife as her lawyer. As the movie progresses Lisa's devious side becomes known and make for an interesting conclusion
Brigham City

Brigham City

Mar 30, 2001
Wes Clayton is a lawman and a bishop in a Mormon community called Brigham. The town is shaken when a woman from California is found murdered. Clayton and his young deputy work with an FBI agent sent to investigate. As a civil and spiritual leader in the frightened town, Clayton must uncover the town's deepest secrets, find the murderer and keep Brigham from ripping itself apart.
The Great Brain

The Great Brain

Jun 01, 1978
Based on the book by John D. Fitzgerald, this movie stars Jimmy Osmond as a mischievous boy out to swindle his whole town for everything they're worth...and who occasionally puts his smarts to use for a good cause.
L'histoire de Joe Bell
D'après l’histoire vraie de Joe Bell et de son fils de 15 ans, Jadin, qui s'est suicidé en 2013 après avoir été victime d'homophobie. Après la mort de son fils, Joe Bell a décidé de traverser les États-Unis pour lui rendre hommage...
Les Anges du bonheur

Les Anges du bonheur

Apr 27, 2003
Monica et Tess sont deux anges envoyés sur Terre. Aidées par les conseils et les messages de Dieu, elles aident des personnes en proie à des difficultés et leur rappellent que Dieu ne les a pas oubliées. Andrew et Gloria, deux autres anges, les rejoignent par la suite
Sci-Fi & Fantasy