Laura Paredes

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Los delincuentes

Los delincuentes

Oct 16, 2023
Román et Morán, deux modestes employés de banque de Buenos Aires, sont piégés par la routine. Morán met en oeuvre un projet fou : voler au coffre une somme équivalente à leurs vies de salaires. Désormais délinquants, leurs destins sont liés. Au gré de leur cavale et des rencontres, chacun à sa manière emprunte une voie nouvelle vers la liberté.


Sep 09, 2012
Several actresses get caught up in a web of romantic intrigue while performing in a production of Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night."


Apr 24, 2022
Everyone is locked up, but Clementina and the man she's quarantined with won't stop working. We know little about him, and even less about her: we just see over and over again her mysterious face, which seems to defy everything.
Dos disparos

Dos disparos

Aug 11, 2014
Mariano, 16, inexplicably and without warning, shoots himself twice and improbably survives. Then, life goes on. His brother pursues a romance with a girl working at a fast-food joint, his mother takes off on a trip with a stranger, and Mariano recruits a woman to join his medieval wind ensemble.
Trenque Lauquen

Trenque Lauquen

Sep 15, 2023
For the unique 2x25 project, the festival asked 25 composers to compose a short piece of music, after which 25 filmmakers made a short film. A short film by Laura Citarella with music by Eiko Ishibashi.
Jarry, Ubú Patagónico
With scenes at times current and at others medieval, dramatic or overloaded with useless gestures, Jarry, Ubú Patagónico is a dialogue with “Ubú Rey”, by Alfred Jarry, and his decalogue about theatre. The work also explores Jarry's non-theatrical texts until the material is appropriated in its immateriality by a group of Patagonian Indians who take Mother Ubú prisoner.
30 noches con mi ex

30 noches con mi ex

Aug 11, 2022
At the request of his daughter, Turbo is reluctantly forced to open his doors for 30 days to his emotionally fragile and eccentric ex-wife, Loba, following a prolonged stay at a mental hospital. As old feelings reemerge, Turbo and Loba find themselves at the center of a perfect storm that could set them on an odyssey of rediscovery… or send them both back to the madhouse.
El cielo elegido

El cielo elegido

Sep 20, 2012
A well-intentioned novice priest tries to stay out of two older clerics' criminal scheme. Until money and a girl come into play.


Apr 01, 2011
Waiting alone for her boyfriend at a hotel, a woman starts paying attention to the mysterious behavior of some guests.
Clorindo Testa

Clorindo Testa

Nov 17, 2022
Is this film about Clorindo Testa or not? Is it about the life of the director, about the life of his father, about the life of his country, or is it just one of those biographical films that proliferate at film festivals in which the narrator spends his time recounting family anecdotes and pulling old photos out of a box? This small, microscopic adventure, whose subtitle, stolen from the Savoyard Xavier de Maistre, could well be Voyage autour de mon père, navigates between these threats and others even worse.
L'Amour aux points

L'Amour aux points

Dec 07, 2022
De jeunes parents traversent une crise et sont à court d'idées pour raccommoder leur relation. Ne sachant plus quoi inventer, ils décident d'utiliser une application qui donne (ou retire) des points pour chaque bonne action réalisée au bénéfice de l'autre. Si au début cette solution leur semble idéale, peu à peu, l'obsession d'engranger des points et de gagner leur indépendance s'installe… et la situation dérape !
El Estudiante ou Récit d'une jeunesse révoltée
Roque, jeune provincial, commence des études à l’Université de Buenos Aires. Peu motivé, il passe son temps à séduire les filles et errer dans la fac. C’est en tombant amoureux de Paula, une jeune enseignante engagée, qu’il va rencontrer le militantisme et devenir proche du syndicat étudiant. Avec Alberto, ancien politique, il va apprendre les codes et devenir un leader pour enfin trouver sa voie…
La princesa de Francia
A year after his father’s death, Victor returns to Buenos Aires in order to reconquer the life he was forced to abandon. He brings a new project with him for his former theater company: a radio-play of Shakespeare’s “Love’s Labour’s Lost”.
Hay cartas que detienen un instante más la noche - Correspondencia Llinás-Piñeiro
During the quarantine in 2020, the two friends Mariano Llinás and Matías Piñeiro sent each other video letters – 8 in total, 4 each of them – to create a compilation of ideas, thoughts and exchanges commissioned by Sergi Álvarez Riosalido for La Casa Encendida (Madrid). Llinás is in Argentina and Piñeiro is in New York, and they begin to order each other portraits of places, reflections on artists, ideas on cinema.
Hermia & Helena

Hermia & Helena

Sep 09, 2016
Camila, a young Argentine theater director, travels from Buenos Aires to New York to attend an artistic residency to develop a Spanish translation of Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream." Upon her arrival, she begins to receive a series of mysterious postcards which set her down a winding path through her past and towards her future.
El Affaire Miu Miu

El Affaire Miu Miu

Aug 31, 2024
Nothing went as planned: what seemed to be an original idea (taking an international fashion event to a small town in the Argentine Pampas) ended up as a mysterious affair, with a mannequin who seems to have vanished, and who insists on leaving small clues scattered across the immense plains. But nothing seems to be too strange for Commissioner Sirota and her particular method which, this time, includes a clairvoyant, a legendary detective arriving from Santa Rosa and some picturesque “peritas” who choose to work at night, swinging to the rhythm of Ska. In the middle, a disturbing question: Is it a police case they are dealing with, or is someone taking them (the police, the whole town, the Italians – all of us, perhaps) for a fool?
La Flor

La Flor

Mar 06, 2019
Long métrage diffusé en 4 parties. « La Flor » cambriole le cinéma en six épisodes. Chaque épisode correspond à un genre cinématographique. Le premier est une série B, comme les Américains avaient l’habitude d’en faire. Le second est un mélodrame musical avec une pointe de mystère. Le troisième est un film d’espionnage. Le quatrième est une mise en abîme du cinéma. Le cinquième revisite un vieux film français. Le sixième parle de femmes captives au 19e siècle. Mon tout forme « La Flor ». Ces six épisodes, ces six genres ont un seul point commun : leurs quatre comédiennes.


Sep 12, 2019
Claudia is a workaholic event planner. When a colleague asks her to plan her wedding, she starts to notice a lot of issues with the ceremony and changes it's location on the last minute, unfolding on a series of unfortunate events.
El cuidado de los otros
Luisa works temporarily babysitting children in a factory. For an inopportune occasion, they are left with their boyfriend in charge of a boy who accidentally suffers from drug poisoning. Luisa and her boyfriend will be involved.


Mar 15, 2018
Clara and Alejandro move into a new house. A few days later, he goes on a work trip and she is left alone, surrounded by moving boxes. That chaos makes her accept a series of random invitations that will take her away from the hermetic world she lives in.
Trenque Lauquen

Trenque Lauquen

May 02, 2023
Une femme disparaît. Deux hommes partent à sa recherche aux alentours de la ville de Trenque Lauquen. Ils l’aiment tous les deux et chacun a ses propres soupçons quant aux raisons de cette disparition. Les circonstances vont cependant se révéler plus étranges que prévues.
The Fire

The Fire

May 28, 2015
Il reste 24 heures avant que Lucia et Marcelo puissent aller demeurer dans la maison de leur rêve. Alors que la conclusion de l’entente est prévue pour le lendemain, le couple doit cacher dans son appartement un montant de 100 000 $ qui servira à finaliser la transaction. L’argent étant la principale pomme de discorde dans les rapports amoureux, la tension monte d’un cran entre Lucia et Marcelo au point tel que leur cohabitation est remise en question. En revanche, l’agressivité de l’un envers l’autre semble bizarrement opérer comme une force d’attraction.
Lejano Interior

Lejano Interior

Jul 18, 2020
A "cinematic object" by Mariano Llinás, divided into 9 chapters, based on the poetry of Henri Michaux.
Los globos

Los globos

Nov 22, 2016
After being in rehab for two years, Cesar now works in a small balloon factory in suburban Buenos Aires. His former father in law will force him to take care of his young estranged son, whose mother died in an accident. But Cesar has plans to give Alfonso up for adoption.
Álbum para la juventud
Pedro and Sol have just finished their last year of school and begin their vaca- tions. They dedicate their free time in summer to approach, little by little, tasks that perhaps one day will become their professions. Sol uses her piano lessons to review old musical recordings and prepares an exam for the music conservatory. Meanwhile, Pedro takes an interest in dramaturgy and starts a writing workshop without telling anyone. In these days shared with other young and adult people, Pedro and Sol watch. They are growing up, even without realizing it.
Concierto para la batalla de El Tala
This is a film with music. Or about the music and texts that accompany, in a poetic way, a decisive battle between Unitarian and Federalists. The vicissitudes of the birth of a nation based on the play written by Mariano Llinás and Gabriel Chwojnik, whose images achieve some hypnotic strength.
Argentine, 1985

Argentine, 1985

Sep 29, 2022
Argentina, 1985 est inspiré de l'histoire vraie de Julio Strassera, Luis Moreno Ocampo et de leur jeune équipe juridique de héros improbables, racontant leur bataille façon David contre Goliath dans laquelle, malgré les menaces constantes, ils ont osé poursuivre la plus cruelle des dictatures militaires de l'Argentine, afin de pouvoir rendre justice aux victimes de la junte militaire.
Con la venia

Con la venia

May 25, 2022
The theatre as a courtroom, the courtroom as a theatre. Alejo Moguillansky’s film draws loosely on Raúl Quirós Molina’s El pan y la sal (The Bread and the Salt), a 2015 verbatim theatre piece compiled from the testimonies provided during the 2012 trial of Judge Baltasar Garzon, for investigating the forced disappearances of the Spanish Civil War and the Franco regime. Juxtaposing the testimonies of the relatives of those who lost loved ones with references to Argentina’s and Chile’s recent dictatorships, this film explores issues around international law and forced disappearance - tracing a line between Francisco Franco, Augusto Pinochet and Jorge Videla’s Military Junta: Garzón has investigated Argentine torturers and criminal perpetrators and had Pinochet arrested in London in 1998 for crimes against humanity.
Popular tradición de esta tierra
The second installment of the adventures of the Corsini Commando takes us this time to the Pampas plain, where Corsini grew up and forged a vision of the world that would accompany him throughout his life. The result of this excursion is an erratic wandering through the landscapes of the Homeland, its paradoxes and its ghosts: A land dreamed of by a newly arrived foreigner who imagined for himself a gaucho destiny that would never become completely real. Now then: is that not, in the end, the destiny of all things?
¡Caigan las rosas blancas!
In this genre-hopping road movie from Daughters of Fire director Albertina Carri, Violeta, the director of an amateur lesbian porn hit, is invited to make a mainstream crossover. With a budget and cast, but no firm idea where to go, the crew head off on a road trip in search of their perfect film.
Soy tu fan: La película
In 2012, Charly leaves Nicolás minutes before getting married and moves to another country. Heartbroken, he writes to her a letter where predicts an unhappy life of complete solitude. Ten years later, fate brings them together again at the wedding of Rocío, her best friend, and Diego, her brother, where they will face that their love story is not over yet.
En las nubes

En las nubes

Jun 18, 2014
An argentine woman and an American man have a cultural disagreement about intimacy and how romance is conceived.


Jun 01, 2023
An argentine woman and an American man have a cultural disagreement about intimacy and how romance is conceived.
Trenque Lauquen

Trenque Lauquen

May 02, 2023
An argentine woman and an American man have a cultural disagreement about intimacy and how romance is conceived.
Elefante blanco

Elefante blanco

May 16, 2012
An argentine woman and an American man have a cultural disagreement about intimacy and how romance is conceived.
La Flor

La Flor

Aug 01, 2019
Long métrage diffusé en 4 parties. « La Flor » cambriole le cinéma en six épisodes. Chaque épisode correspond à un genre cinématographique. Le premier est une série B, comme les Américains avaient l’habitude d’en faire. Le second est un mélodrame musical avec une pointe de mystère. Le troisième est un film d’espionnage. Le quatrième est une mise en abîme du cinéma. Le cinquième revisite un vieux film français. Le sixième parle de femmes captives au 19e siècle. Mon tout forme « La Flor ». Ces six épisodes, ces six genres ont un seul point commun : leurs quatre comédiennes.
Según Roxi

Según Roxi

May 24, 2016
Segun Roxi is a comedy featuring a mother who divides her world between friends and enemies. Desperately fighting to tackle the pitfalls of motherhood, Roxi faces her challenges with sincerity and humor combined.