Ady Hajdu

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Jozef Mak

Jozef Mak

Jan 01, 2022
Jozef Mak is illegitimate child of poor widow. He constantly withstands oppression of brother, village people and various wounds of fate. Despite of difficulties of the life, he moves on as resilient as the social class he represents.


Jan 01, 2000
Le Chemin de la Liberté
Slovaquie, à la veille du début de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. La famille du jeune juif Martin Friedmann se réunit pour célébrer sa bar-mitsva et faire la promesse solennelle de se retrouver un an plus tard autour de la même table ; mais les tempêtes de la guerre et du fanatisme antisémite vont conduire chacun d'entre eux sur des chemins très différents.


Oct 13, 2011
A car thief driven by a love of cash finds his priorities shift when he falls for a college student but his conversion has dangerous consequences.
Polčas rozpadu

Polčas rozpadu

Dec 06, 2007
A contemporary tragicomedy from a modern city about disintegration of relationship, disintegration of a marriage, and maybe also about the disappearance of basic rules from decent life. A very black comedy about people in their 40ies who already have money, but still listen to rock and roll, exchanging drugs for mobile phones.
Kruté radosti

Kruté radosti

Oct 03, 2002
This simple story is the feature debut for well-known Slovak theater and television director Juraj Nvota. Set in a Slovak village at the turn of the last century, the story teems with passion, and repressed and hidden emotion. It delves into the search for identity, investigating both love and hatred, while dramatizing the tragic relationship between an adolescent girl (Tatiana Pauhofová) and her ambitious father (Ondrej Vetchý). Set against the striking though simple backdrop of a picturesque, even idyllic, landscape - one ostensibly cut off from any important historical, political, or social context whatsoever - the arrival of an unwanted individual evokes the onset of a cruel drama.
A máme, čo sme chceli
On New Year's Eve, just a few hours before the breakup of Czechoslovakia, the Varchal family meets in Banská Bystrica in front of the church to baptize the newest addition to the family, little Zuzka, the daughter of Petr and Helena. However, Peter misses the baptism, because he got his hands on the file of his father Daniel, from which he learns that his father was led as an agent of the ŠtB. When Peter finally arrives home, he immediately confronts Daniel's father with his discovery. Daniel's heart can't handle it and he has a heart attack. His life is saved by the quick intervention of a family friend and the rest of the family. Daniel is taken to the hospital. After Peter reveals the reason for his father's collapse, more and more Varchal secrets begin to emerge, and the argument about the father and his motives gather momentum. As they leaf through the file together, the family is shaken to its foundations with each subsequent page.
Le sentier à travers le Danube
Un employé de la compagnie ferroviaire slovaque, Viktor Lesa, livre régulièrement du courrier à la gare de la ville frontalière de Ludendorf (Břeclav) à l’époque du protectorat de Bohême-Moravie instauré par le régime nazi après l’invasion de la Tchécoslovaquie. Il détourne volontairement une d’importantes livraisons de courrier. Après l’arrivée de la Gestapo dans la ville, il est contraint de fuir de l’autre côté de la frontière avec son collègue juif tchécoslovaque et employé des postes, Frantisek Tichácek.
Na krásnom modrom Dunaji
A crazy comedy about three bohemian friends whose fascination with adventures verging on breaking the law, sexual freedom, loose entertainment and no fears of the consequences bring them even to partaking in the theft of an Andy Warhol painting.
Vojna policajtov

Vojna policajtov

Feb 01, 2024
A solitary police operative skilfully moves on the edge of the law in the wild atmosphere of the East Slovak underworld in the early 1990s.
Jak jsme hráli čáru
Tragicomic family film about the world of children heroes - particularly the son of a local communist officer and his friend, a little hostage of the regime, whose parents emigrated to the West, few years before "Prague Spring" and the occupation of Czechoslovakia. Camaraderie, the first big discoveries of love, enemy gang fights and naive ideas are confronted with the reality of adult's world. The film is about the first contacts with bizarre and absurd reality of relationships and attitudes of adults, politics, emigration, but also betrayal and death and about how all those things form and transform the lives of small boys, who are forced to grow up too quickly.


Jan 01, 1970
Dedicated to the living and the dead. Video film about the self-destruction of a young person subject to drug addiction. A dramatic story from the environment of drug addicts. Released in 1990, directed by Samuel Ivaška, based on the 1986 book by te same name written by Radek John
A temetetlen halott

A temetetlen halott

Oct 21, 2004
One of the doyennes of Hungarian film deals with a dark period of national history: the Soviet regime in Hungary. She portrays it through the fate of the former prime minister and national hero, Imre Nagy. The script is based on the diary written by Imre Nagy, and the memories of his daughter, Erzsébet Nagy, as well as authentic documents and records.
Faithless Games

Faithless Games

May 15, 2003
Pianiste renommée, Eva suit son mari, le compositeur Peter, dans un petit village à la frontière de la Slovaquie et de la Hongrie. Alors que Peter trouve le calme et la tranquillité pour composer, Eva cherche en vain une opportunité de jouer, et ressent douloureusement la séparation avec sa famille mais aussi avec Prague et ses amis.
Krok do tmy

Krok do tmy

Jun 12, 2014
A young doctor, former partisan leader - is he a hero, or a murderer? His wife - a victim, or a minion of a totalitarian regime? And his lover - a political careerist, or a naive single mother betrayed by fate? The dramatic fates of these antiheroes from the era of rise of communism are stories of violence and resistance, weakness and courage, much like the ones that take place today.


Apr 19, 2012
Le nouveau mari Adam prend à contrecœur un emploi avec la sécurité de l'État dans un pays totalitaire, devenant ainsi un agent de la police secrète. Ce «contrat avec le diable» permet de garantir un appartement pour l'heureux couple, ainsi qu'un avenir prospère. Cependant, il découvre bientôt qu'il est lui aussi sous surveillance.
Lusty Liaisons

Lusty Liaisons

Jan 01, 1994
Series of erotic stories, inspired by La Fontaine's and Boccaccio's work.
Dôverný nepriateľ

Dôverný nepriateľ

Aug 16, 2018
Andrej, a programmer, is developing his smart house project. To perfect his program, he moved with his wife Zuzana to a test house. He strives to introduce a bonus into the program - care for his wife. Suddenly someone else, someone mysterious takes control of the program. The idyll of a perfect life is replaced by a nightmare and a struggle for survival.


Oct 04, 2018
This fascinating historical drama looks at the life of "the Czech Schindler," Zdenek Toman, a controversial figure who was an unsavory politician and dubious entrepreneur, but also the savior of hundreds of Eastern European Jews.


Jun 11, 2020
The fictional town of Šlukdorf. Here lives a car mechanic who calls himself Bourák. He loves rock and roll, dance, his own gelled hair and, despite being in his fifties, simply “refuses to grow up”. He forgets he has a wife. The only things he loves are Elvis, Cadillacs and anything connected with 1950s America. His daughter Kamila is fed up with life in the squalid town and with her irresponsible father. She is fed up with working in a casino with no windows, open round the clock; that her mother has caught the eye of the local gangster, who is clearly a dimwit; with her father behaving as if he has gone completely barmy. Kamila realizes she has to do something about it. She has to confront her parents with reality, as cruel as that may seem. A black comedy about everything that can happen because of a summer storm, a set of golf clubs, rock and roll, and one incredibly angry daughter.
Čarovný kamienok

Čarovný kamienok

Dec 24, 2019
In one fairytale land, people lived contentedly for many years, they had their usual joys and worries, they enjoyed the surrounding nature, the majestic forest. In addition to wild animals, birds and butterflies, fairies, goblins, dwarves and other magical and more or less charming creatures, invisible to the human eye, lived here. The rulers of the forest gave the strigóns Bendegúz and Sebela a magical stone that had the power to fulfill human wishes. The Strigôn made a bet whether people would abuse the power of the magic stone or use it for good deeds. Accompanied by the butler Vendelín and sister Júlia, the young count Henrich arrives at the estate, whose task is to improve the property and learn how to farm. Henrich, who has huge debts and a lot of negative character traits, has a different intention. He decides to cut down the forest. However, not only the inhabitants of the forest stand in his way, but also the miller Matúš and his sister, Countess Júlia.


Oct 31, 2019
Inspired by true events of the 1989 Czech and Slovak Velvet Revolution and Václav Havel's controversial release of 23000 prisoners. In addition to the story of three families affected by communist persecution, the film Amnesty also deals with the uprising of prisoners in Leopoldov, which required military intervention. The uprising was preceded by a broad amnesty granted by Václav Havel in January 1990, just a few days after his election as Czechoslovak president.
Rivers of Babylon

Rivers of Babylon

Apr 23, 1998
Dark satire about bare-knuckled capitalism in the immediate post-Cold War era. Set just as the Communist government is collapsing, the film focuses on the brutish Racz, the handyman in a Bratislava hotel. Knowing that his job is insured for life, Racz turns off the building's heat and demands food, money, and sex to have it restored. The film is narrated by a pimp named Urban who explains that people in the former Czechoslovakia were so used to being abused that they simply put up with Racz's corruption. By the end of the film, Racz's fortunes have changed considerably. Instead of being a lowly worker, he is now a ruthless and wealthy businessman, unafraid to kill or kidnap those who get in his way.
Jan Masaryk, histoire d'une trahison
Jan Masaryk est ambassadeur tchécoslovaque à Londres et est le fils de Tomas Masaryk, fondateur de la Tchécoslovaquie. Jan est un véritable patriote, pleinement engagé dans son travail, mais il n’est absolument pas reconnu par les milieux politiques, ce qui le laisse mener une vie de bohème dans l’ombre de l’héritage de son père. En 1938, il consultait déjà le docteur Stein dans un hôpital psychiatrique du New Jersey. C’était un homme sensible, qui abusait de l’alcool et des drogues, mais surtout, il était stressé et frustré face à son impuissance, ce qui lui a valu, d’après le film, d’être interné dans un hôpital psychiatrique.


Apr 17, 2008
In 1980s CSSR, depressed Martin tries to overcome the feeling of being locked up with jazz music.


Oct 09, 2023
Viktor Hudák, Prime Minister of a small European country, is ending his career in politics and returning to everyday life. However, when his successor radically overturns all the policies that he spent a lifetime building he quickly realises there is very little power in being an ex-Prime Minister.


Dec 29, 2021
Intricately woven into the human world, a multigenerational family of spiders strings together everyday adventures in their tiny territory.