Hugh Saxon

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Sept ans de malheur

Sept ans de malheur

Feb 06, 1921
Max, riche oisif, rentre chez lui, ivre de l'enterrement de sa vie de garçon. À son réveil, le lendemain matin, un valet brise un grand miroir et ne pouvant le remplacer instantanément, déguise le cuisinier afin qu'il joue le rôle du reflet du maitre de maison. D'abord troublé, Max découvre la supercherie mais un appel téléphonique l'éloigne du miroir un moment. Le valet en remet alors un neuf, qui est brisé aussitôt car, croyant encore à l'imposture, Max envoie son chausson dedans. Les problèmes s'enchainent alors, confirmant à Max, superstitieux, que sept années de malheurs vont se succéder : il chute à cheval, ne parvient plus à traverser la rue à cause du trafic et doit rompre avec sa fiancée. Dépité, il part en voyage, sans payer son train, car il a été volé et finit par être arrêté et jeté en prison. Devant le juge, il voit la fin de ses malheurs et se marie avec la femme de sa vie. Sept ans après, il a sept enfants !
Bulls and Bears

Bulls and Bears

Mar 02, 1930
Andy's wife, seeing others succeed in the stock market, decides to invest their money in it.
The All-American Kickback
Homer Bagwell (Harry Gribbon) is an incredibly talented, but reluctant college football player who is dating one of his teachers, Helen Dover (Geneva Mitchell). A jealous rival tries sabotaging Homer.
The Other Half

The Other Half

Aug 18, 1919
Social drama about a friendship that is pressurized by class differences.
Too Many Highballs

Too Many Highballs

Feb 10, 1933
Harold Hobbs doesn't much like that his lazy, sponging and unemployed brother-in-law Claude and his mother-in-law live with him and his wife, Hortense, especially as the in-laws seem to rule the roost ever since they moved in. To get his in-laws out of the house, Harold has regularly left a bottle of booze for Claude to be able to entertain prospective employers. When Harold learns that on all the other occasions the employers have not showed (he assumes there probably were no prospective employers) leaving Claude to consume the booze on his own, he decides to show Claude a lesson by spiking the bottle with castor oil. Complications ensue when Joe, Harold's friend, encourages him to skip work to attend the prize fight. What Joe doesn't tell Harold is that he tells his boss that Harold needs the day off to attend to the sudden death of his brother-in-law.
Le Roman comique de Charlot et Lolotte
Chaplin, mauvais garçon de la ville, est venu se mettre au vert à la campagne. Il y rencontre une gaillarde jeune fille aux manières rurales, Tillie. Il la séduit et la persuade de s’enfuir avec lui non sans avoir dérobé les économies paternelles. Retournés en ville, ils rencontrent son ancienne petite amie. Tous les deux arrivent à dépouiller la pauvre niaise, la laissant sans le sou. Un peu plus tard, apprenant qu’elle vient d’hériter, Chaplin épouse la belle…
The White Angel

The White Angel

Jun 25, 1936
In Victorian England, Florence Nightingale's heroic measures slowly change the attitude towards nurses when it was considered a disreputable profession.
Heart of Twenty

Heart of Twenty

Jun 20, 1920
Katie Abbott, despairing of being a wallflower, is about to attempt suicide in the village pond when she is rescued by a young stranger.
Le Cirque

Le Cirque

Jan 06, 1928
Charlot, pris pour un pickpocket, se réfugie dans un cirque et déboule sur la piste en plein spectacle. Son arrivée fait rire le public et le directeur l'engage aussitôt comme clown. Charlot devient amoureux de l'écuyère mais son rival le fait renvoyer.
Border Vengeance

Border Vengeance

Aug 12, 1925
After Wes Channing's partner, the feckless Buck Littleton, loses his half-interest in their ranch to gambler Flash Denby, Wes stands up against the sheriff's men when they try to seize the ranch-- land that has a gold mine on it. Denby tries to trick Mary Sims, granddaughter of Wes's neighbor Rufe Sims, into signing over the rights to the land. Denby's machinations are all set in order-- but Wes's right hook may prove to be a hell of a monkey wrench!
Bulldog Pluck

Bulldog Pluck

Jun 12, 1927
The story of a decent, law-abiding saloon owner who gets himself in trouble with the corrupt city fathers when he attempts to close down the town's watering holes at midnight and on Sundays.


May 04, 1924
Lee Randon, weary of business duties and a conventional home life, acquires a long-lost sense of excitement and romance with young flapper Claire Morris. When he meets her married aunt, Savina Grove, she appears to be the woman he imagines whenever he gazes at a doll he has christened Cytherea, goddess of love -----Cytherea features two dream sequences filmed in an early version of the Technicolor color film process.