Юлия Кудояр

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Aug 25, 2012
It is winter on the island of Cyprus. A Russian businessman, the owner of a hotel in Cyprus, is trying to find a way to attract tourists to the island.


Dec 15, 2021
Clinging by any means to the opportunity to live and work in a big city, a young tabloid press representative destroys the “object” of her first reportage with a stream of lies and dirt.


Dec 15, 2021
Clinging by any means to the opportunity to live and work in a big city, a young tabloid press representative destroys the “object” of her first reportage with a stream of lies and dirt.
Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes

Nov 28, 2013
L'action se déroule dans l'Angleterre victorienne du dernier quart du XIXe siècle. Sherlock Holmes, détective amateur de 27 ans, devient témoin d'un crime avec le Dr John Watson, un médecin militaire qui vient de rentrer de la guerre en Afghanistan. Au cours de l'enquête, Watson, n'ayant pas encore d'appartement à Londres, s'installe avec Holmes dans la "demi-pension" de Mme Hudson, puis prend part aux affaires de son nouvel ami. Watson donne des cours de boxe à Holmes. Watson lui-même est un boxeur expérimenté, capable de faire face à plusieurs adversaires à mains nues. De plus, c'est un excellent tireur d'élite. Considérant Holmes comme un génie, le médecin décide de raconter au monde entier son talent et les mystères qu'il a révélés dans ses histoires, où il embellit souvent les événements ("l'histoire vraie" dont la série présente). Watson apprend à embellir les événements par le rédacteur en chef du Morning Chronicle.


Oct 25, 2024
Police captain Pavel Semyonov serves in one of the residential areas of St. Petersburg. Pavel is used to breaking up drunken fights and entering drug dens alone to make another arrest. He knows that if he thinks and argues, he will simply be killed. And he is used to first acting, and then sorting it out, because he really wants to stay alive, because his wife Yulia and son Sasha are waiting for him at home. Risking his life, he saves the daughter of a businessman. In gratitude, Latyshev, the girl's father, facilitates the transfer of Pavel to Nevsky Prospekt, to the very center of the big city, where it is prestigious and profitable to serve ... And soon Pavel begins to suspect that his transfer to the Central District was carried out by Latyshev with some far-reaching plans. And when Pavel goes on the trail of a mysterious killer named Rafael, everything is completely confused. But in a difficult situation, Pavel can always rely on his friends from the sleeping area