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Né pour tuer

Né pour tuer

Apr 30, 1947
Un tueur psychopathe convole en justes noces et courtise la soeur de sa femme...
Il a suffi d'une nuit

Il a suffi d'une nuit

Mar 15, 1961
Une grande maison d'édition new-yorkaise perd son respectable président, décédé dans une suite d'un grand hôtel de Palm Beach. Or, on a vu sortir de sa chambre, en pleine nuit, une jeune femme drapée dans une serviette éponge. Cette nouvelle fait craindre au conseil d'administration un scandale qui l'empêcherait d'obtenir un important prêt bancaire. Tony Ryder, le neveu du défunt, est chargé de retrouver la jeune femme et d'acheter son silence. Encore faut-il identifier la dame. Lors des funérailles, Tony croit l'avoir trouvée en la personne de Katie Robbins, une employée de la maison d'édition, qui paraît bouleversée plus que de raison par le décès du président et qui arbore de façon inattendue un superbe manteau de vison bien au-dessus des ses modestes moyens d'archiviste...
The Unsinkable Molly Brown
The buoyant Molly Brown has survived the first crisis of her life—a flood. Sixteen years later she sets out to make her way in the world. She assures the Leadville saloon keeper that she can sing and play the piano, and learns quickly. Soon she marries Johnny Brown, who in a few years will be able to replace the original cigar wrapper wedding ring with a replica in gold and gemstones. The Browns head for Europe and bring a few crowned heads back to Denver for a party that turns into a ballroom brawl. Molly goes to Europe alone, returning on the Titanic. She didn't survive a flood as a baby for the story to end here.
Terre de Violence

Terre de Violence

Jan 01, 1959
Ben Cutler, ancien shérif et désormais responsable d’une compagnie de diligence, voit The Kid tuer le shérif Cain. Il prend le poste du shérif, poursuit The Kid, le blesse et le capture. Le jeune homme est condamné à être pendu sur le témoignage de Cutler. Mais Laurie, la propre fille de Cutler, qui aime The Kid et Ruth Granger, une jeune veuve que Cutler doit épouser, refusent de croire à la culpabilité du jeune homme. Une partie de la ville trouve d’ailleurs Ben beaucoup trop dur. The Kid veut se servir de Laurie comme d’un bouclier et s’évader...
The Dark Past

The Dark Past

Dec 22, 1948
A gang hold a family hostage in their own home. The leader of the escaped cons is bothered by a recurring dream that the doctor of the house may be able to analyze.
Lame de fond

Lame de fond

Nov 11, 1946
Quand Ann Hamilton fait la connaissance d'Alan Garroway, célèbre inventeur d'un procédé révolutionnaire, c'est le coup de foudre. Ils se marient et partent pour Washington ou Ann fait son entrée dans la haute société de la ville. D'abord intimidée par ce milieu, elle finit, par amour pour son époux, à surmonter ses appréhensions. Puis le couple part pour Middleburg, en Virginie. Ann apprend alors que son mari a un frère, et qu'un mystère semble hanter les lieux.
Ne mangez pas les marguerites
Par un beau soleil, Kate Mackay se démène sans compter entre sa maison, son mari et ses enfants chéris, 4 garçons, qui lui en font voir de toutes les couleurs. L'horrible maison à la campagne a besoin d'être retapée de fond en comble et le mari, critique dramatique à la plume venimeuse, voit les pièces dans les pires conditions, au milieu des spectateurs. Mais sa réputation de critique avisé va en prendre un coup le jour où, assistant à une pièce qu'il a lui-même écrite il y a plusieurs dizaines d'années, il reçoit la monnaie... de sa pièce.
La Perfide

La Perfide

Nov 02, 1950
Dominatrice Harriet Craig tient plus de considération pour sa maison et ses biens qu'elle ne le fait pour toute personne dans sa vie. Parmi ceux qu'elle traite comme des objets ménagers, on trouve son aimable mari Walter, à qui elle a menti à propos de son incapacité à avoir des enfants; sa cousine Claire, qu'elle traite comme une secrétaire; et ses serviteurs qu'elle traite comme des esclaves.
Les Désemparés

Les Désemparés

Dec 09, 1949
Son mari étant sans cesse en déplacement, Lucia Harper vit avec ses deux enfants chez son beau-père. Sa fille Béatrice s'éprend d'un homme peu recommandable, Ted Darby. Cette relation inquiète, à juste titre, Lucia qui veut y mettre fin. Après une rencontre entre Béatrice et Darby, Lucia retrouve Darby mort. Pour protéger sa fille, elle fait disparaitre le corps et devient alors la proie d'un maître chanteur, Martin Donnelly…
The Girl in White

The Girl in White

May 23, 1952
The first female doctor in New York City comes up against prejudice from male counterparts who feel threatened by her skills. Eventually, though, they come to respect her and romance blossoms between her and the head doctor.
You for Me

You for Me

Jul 19, 1952
A good-hearted nurse gets mixed up with a millionaire who could help her hospital.
That Hagen Girl

That Hagen Girl

Nov 01, 1947
Mary Hagen lives in a small town in Ohio and goes to Jordon Junior College. For years, there has been whispers, rumors and gossip about who are her real parents. When Tom Bates returns to town, he takes over the house and practice that Judge Merrivale left him when he died. As Tom has been away a number of years, this leads to more gossip and Mary believes that he is her father. The popular and rich Ken loves Mary, but his family and friends constantly remind him that she is 'not one of us'. Julia, a teacher at school encourages Mary but Mary cannot get a break in anything she does, or is accused of doing. Tom knows the answer to her true identity, and he is silent.
The Sainted Sisters

The Sainted Sisters

Apr 30, 1948
Two female con artists from New York City, fleeing the law with money from their latest scam, hide out in a small town in Maine, near the Canadian border. However, this small town's residents aren't quite as unsophisticated as the girls think they are.
Kiss and Tell

Kiss and Tell

Oct 04, 1945
Film adaptation of the Broadway hit, about the comic mayhem that erupts in a small town when a 15-year old high-schooler (Shirley Temple) is wrongly suspected of being pregnant.
A Kiss for Corliss

A Kiss for Corliss

Nov 25, 1949
After a brief encounter with the romantic and thrice divorced Kenneth Marquis, Corliss Archer decides to write in her diary that they are together in order to make her boyfriend Dexter jealous. Corliss' father had also served as attorney representing Kenneth Marquis' ex-wife during his most recent divorce trial. When Corliss and Dexter don't come home one evening until five in the morning, Corliss decides to pretend to have amnesia to avoid the inevitable punishment awaiting her.
Marchands d'illusions

Marchands d'illusions

Jul 17, 1947
De retour de 4 ans de guerre, Victor, excellent publicitaire, pressent l'exaspération des auditeurs devant l'invasion des réclames radio. Il utilise des moyens peu intègres pour recruter l'humoriste au meilleur bagout, allant jusqu'au chantage. Afin d'illustrer une campagne savonnière, il fait la connaissance d'une belle veuve blonde qui refuse de porter des déshabillés olé-olé. À la suite d'un quiproquo, il part à Hollywood tourner des spots de pub et enregistrer des messages chantés par sa brune amie Jean. Heureux temps où l'avion à hélice allait plus vite que le train, la blonde le rejoindra. Ils finiront heureux, mariés et fauchés.
Retour Avant la Nuit

Retour Avant la Nuit

Nov 16, 1958
Tout juste guérie d'une dépression nerveuse, Charlotte Bronn rentre chez elle où son mari Arnold va tenter de l'aider. Les parents de Charlotte étant très peu concernés par l'état de leur fille et celle-ci soupçonnant une aventure entre sa mère et son mari, elle tombe amoureuse d'un professeur d'université.
Agence Cupidon

Agence Cupidon

Nov 01, 1951
L'existence de Mae Swasey se résume à une passion : attiser celle des tourtereaux, pour qu'ils convolent en justes noces. Or, cette marieuse née constate avec effroi que Kitty Bennett, top model de son état et forcément bien faite de sa personne, a une liaison avec un homme déjà pourvu d'une épouse. Ne supportant ni ce gâchis - car à quoi, dès lors, Mae pourrait-elle être utile ? - ni cette inconvenance, Mae Swasey décide de remédier promptement à ce désordre amoureux. Invoquant une boucle d'oreille qui se serait prétendument égarée, elle organise une rencontre - que Kitty tient d'abord pour le fruit du hasard - avec un charmant jeune homme, précisément célibataire...
No Time at All

No Time at All

Feb 13, 1958
An airliner flying nonstop at night from Miami to New York fails to check in, then disappears from radar. We see how its disappearance affects people on the ground.
Une étoile est née

Une étoile est née

Oct 01, 1954
Norman Maine, acteur vieillissant et alcoolique, décèle en Esther Blodgett, une jeune chanteuse, un talent qui ne demande qu'à s'épanouir. Mais Norman, une fois marié à Esther, étoile naissante de la comédie musicale, supporte mal le succès de sa femme et se remet à boire...
Un vrai cinglé de cinéma
Malcolm, un passionné de cinéma, enthousiaste et naïf, et Steve, un joueur un peu escroc mais charmeur, gagnent ensemble un beau cabriolet. Malcolm rêve d'aller à Hollywood pour rencontrer Anita Ekberg ; Steve doit quitter New York au plus vite pour échapper aux individus menaçants auxquels il doit de l'argent. À bord de leur décapotable, ils traversent les États-Unis en direction de la Mecque du cinéma.
L'Inexorable Enquête

L'Inexorable Enquête

Jan 16, 1952
Au cours d'un bal, Mark Chapman, éditeur d'un journal à scandales, tombe par hasard sur sa femme, qu'il a abandonnée des années auparavant. Celle-ci, découvrant qu'il a changé d'identité, menace de tout révéler. Fou de rage, il la frappe et la tue. Lorsqu'il apprend que le corps a été retrouvé, il décide de mettre sur l'affaire un de ses protégés, espérant ainsi se couvrir. Le jeune reporter ne se doute pas que son patron est en fait l'assassin...
L'esclave du gang

L'esclave du gang

May 13, 1950
Suite au décès de son enfant, Ethel change de vie. Elle fait la connaissance de Martin, qui, partant de rien, devient comptable au service de Castelman un chef de gang. La jeune femme devient la maîtresse de Castelman, qui l'envoie dans l'Ouest, tendre un piège à un ancien complice. Mais Ethel en tombe amoureuse...
Remains to Be Seen

Remains to Be Seen

May 15, 1953
A singer and her apartment manager get mixed up in a creepy Park Avenue murder and find themselves facing danger at every turn.
It Happens Every Thursday
New York reporter Bob MacAvoy is persuaded by pregnant wife Jane to buy a broken-down weekly newspaper in Eden, California. They have humorous problems with small town mores and eccentric citizens. But their schemes to increase circulation get them in over their heads.
La Rue chaude

La Rue chaude

Mar 21, 1962
En 1930, un paysan du Texas vient à pied jusqu'à la Nouvelle-Orleans pour y rechercher une jeune fille qu'il a follement aimé et qui, après une douzaine de lettres enflammées, ne lui a plus donne signe de vie.
Seconde chance

Seconde chance

Jul 01, 1951
Mike Farrell (O'Brien) est incité par les escrocs Brandy Kirby (Scott) et l'avocat Vincent Mailer (Knox) ​​à voler la succession de dix millions de dollars d'un riche couple en faisant passer Farrell comme leur fils perdu depuis longtemps. Lorsque le vieil homme refuse de changer son testament, Mailer décide de tuer le couple et Kirby joue le jeu. Farrell refuse d'aider et Mailer envisage de le tuer aussi. Après une tentative ratée, avec l'aide de Kirby, Farrell expose l'arnaque au vieil homme, condamnant le plan de Mailer et permettant à Kirby et Farrell de s'unir.
The Lucy–Desi Comedy Hour
The Lucy–Desi Comedy Hour is a collection of thirteen one-hour specials airing occasionally from 1957 to 1960, and originally served as part of Westinghouse Desilu Playhouse. Its original network title was The Ford Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Show for the first season, and The Westinghouse Desilu Playhouse Presents The Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Show for the following seasons. It was the successor to the classic comedy, I Love Lucy, and featured the same major cast members. The production schedule avoided the grind of a regular weekly series. Desilu produced the show, which was mostly filmed at their Los Angeles studios with occasional on-location shoots at Lake Arrowhead, Las Vegas and Sun Valley, Idaho. CBS reran the show under the "Lucy-Desi" title during the summers of 1962-1967, after which it went into syndication.
I Love Lucy

I Love Lucy

May 06, 1957
Cuban Bandleader Ricky Ricardo would be happy if his wife Lucy would just be a housewife. Instead she tries constantly to perform at the Tropicana where he works, and make life comically frantic in the apartment building they share with landlords Fred and Ethel Mertz, who also happen to be their best friends.
The Thin Man

The Thin Man

Jun 26, 1959
Nick Charles was a private detective who married the wealthy Nora and decided to settle down and leave the good life. Unfortunately for the couple, Nick's past frequently caught up with him and got the couple involved in mystery after mystery. The series was based on the popular MGM series of movies of the 1930's starring William Powell and Myrna Loy. Peter Lawford and Phyllis Kirk starred as the televison versions of Nick and Nora which ran on NBC for two seasons from 1957-59.
Perry Mason

Perry Mason

May 22, 1966
La série met en scène les affaires traitées par Perry Mason, célèbre avocat de Los Angeles.
I Love Lucy

I Love Lucy

May 06, 1957
Cuban Bandleader Ricky Ricardo would be happy if his wife Lucy would just be a housewife. Instead she tries constantly to perform at the Tropicana where he works, and make life comically frantic in the apartment building they share with landlords Fred and Ethel Mertz, who also happen to be their best friends.
Alfred Hitchcock présente
Immortalisée par la silhouette d'Alfred Hitchcock apparaissant sur l'écran au son de la Marche funèbre d'une marionnette de Charles Gounod, cette série est en fait une anthologie de petites histoires noires, à la chute souvent inattendue. Au début de chaque épisode et avant d'en faire la présentation, toujours teintée d'humour noir, Alfred Hitchcock saluait les téléspectateurs d'un sévère « Bonsoir ». Il revenait en épilogue pour exposer sa morale de l'histoire. (source : Wikipédia)
Philip Marlowe

Philip Marlowe

Mar 29, 1960
Philip Marlowe is a 1959-1960 half-hour ABC crime series, featuring Philip Carey as Marlowe, the fictional detective originally created by Raymond Chandler. The private detective Marlowe of Carey, departed very much from the original character. The show first aired October 6, 1959 with the episode: "The Ugly Duckling" with Virginia Gregg and Rhys Williams.


Dec 07, 1965
Cette série raconte le voyage d'un groupe de vachers (cow-boys) chargés de convoyer 3 000 têtes de bétail de San Antonio, Texas, à Sedalia, Missouri, dans les années qui suivent la guerre de Sécession1. Le groupe, où se distinguent les personnages de Rowdy Yates (Clint Eastwood) et du cuisinier, est dirigé par le chef de piste Gil Favor (Eric Fleming). Le parcours est émaillé par une suite de rencontres, origines d'autant d’incidents (saison 1), qui ne remettent cependant pas en question l'avancée de la caravane.
Le Virginien

Le Virginien

Mar 24, 1971
Cette série met en scène les aventures du Virginien, personnage dont on ignore le nom et régisseur du ranch de Shiloh, près de Medicine Bow dans le Wyoming.


Jun 26, 1958
Climax! is an American anthology series that aired on CBS from 1954 to 1958. The series was hosted by William Lundigan and later co-hosted by Mary Costa. It was one of the few CBS programs of that era to be broadcast in color. Many of the episodes were performed and broadcast live.
My Little Margie

My Little Margie

May 25, 1955
My Little Margie is an American situation comedy starring Gale Storm and Charles Farrell that alternated between CBS and NBC from 1952 to 1955.
Cavalcade of America

Cavalcade of America

Apr 30, 1957
Cavalcade of America is an anthology drama series that was sponsored by the DuPont Company, although it occasionally presented a musical, such as an adaptation of Show Boat, and condensed biographies of popular composers. It was initially broadcast on radio from 1935 to 1953, and later on television from 1952 to 1957. Originally on CBS, the series pioneered the use of anthology drama for company audio advertising. Cavalcade of America documented historical events using stories of individual courage, initiative and achievement, often with feel-good dramatizations of the human spirit's triumph against all odds. This was consistent with DuPont's overall conservative philosophy and legacy as an American company dating back to 1802. The company's motto, "Maker of better things for better living through chemistry," was read at the beginning of each program, and the dramas emphasized humanitarian progress, particularly improvements in the lives of women, often through technological innovation.
Letter to Loretta

Letter to Loretta

Jun 04, 1961
Letter to Loretta is an American anthology drama series telecast on NBC from September 1953 to June 1961 for a total of 165 episodes. The filmed show was hosted by Loretta Young who also played the lead in various episodes. Letter to Loretta was sponsored by Procter & Gamble from 1953 through 1960. The final season's sponsor was Warner-Lambert's Listerine.
The Red Skelton Show

The Red Skelton Show

Mar 15, 1971
The Red Skelton Show is an American variety show that was a television staple for two decades, from 1951 to 1971. It was second to Gunsmoke and third to The Ed Sullivan Show in the ratings during that time. Skelton, who had previously been a radio star, had appeared in several motion pictures as well. Although his television series is largely associated with CBS, where it appeared for more than fifteen years, it actually began and ended on NBC. During its run, the program received three Emmy Awards, for Skelton as best comedian and the program as best comedy show during its initial season, and an award for comedy writing in 1961.


Dec 07, 1965
Cette série raconte le voyage d'un groupe de vachers (cow-boys) chargés de convoyer 3 000 têtes de bétail de San Antonio, Texas, à Sedalia, Missouri, dans les années qui suivent la guerre de Sécession1. Le groupe, où se distinguent les personnages de Rowdy Yates (Clint Eastwood) et du cuisinier, est dirigé par le chef de piste Gil Favor (Eric Fleming). Le parcours est émaillé par une suite de rencontres, origines d'autant d’incidents (saison 1), qui ne remettent cependant pas en question l'avancée de la caravane.
Denis la petite peste

Denis la petite peste

Jul 07, 1963
Denis est en apparence un adorable garçonnet blond, toujours vêtu d'une salopette dont une des poches laisse entrevoir un lance-pierres. Denis considère son voisin, Monsieur Wilson, comme son meilleur ami, ce qui est loin d'être l'avis de ce dernier qui est sans cesse la victime des bêtises de l'enfant.


Dec 07, 1965
Cette série raconte le voyage d'un groupe de vachers (cow-boys) chargés de convoyer 3 000 têtes de bétail de San Antonio, Texas, à Sedalia, Missouri, dans les années qui suivent la guerre de Sécession1. Le groupe, où se distinguent les personnages de Rowdy Yates (Clint Eastwood) et du cuisinier, est dirigé par le chef de piste Gil Favor (Eric Fleming). Le parcours est émaillé par une suite de rencontres, origines d'autant d’incidents (saison 1), qui ne remettent cependant pas en question l'avancée de la caravane.


Sep 23, 1959
Trackdown is an American Western television series starring Robert Culp that aired on CBS between 1957 and 1959. More than seventy episodes of this series were produced by Dick Powell's Four Star Television and filmed at the Desilu-Culver Studio. The series was itself a spin-off of Powell's anthology series, Dick Powell's Zane Grey Theater.
Jefferson Drum

Jefferson Drum

Dec 11, 1958
Jefferson Drum, also known as The Pen and the Quill, is an American Western television series starring Jeff Richards that aired on the NBC network from April 25 to December 11, 1958.
The Texan

The Texan

Oct 05, 1960
The Texan was a Western television series starring popular B movie actor Rory Calhoun, which aired on the CBS television network from 1958 to 1960.
The Texan

The Texan

Oct 05, 1960
The Texan was a Western television series starring popular B movie actor Rory Calhoun, which aired on the CBS television network from 1958 to 1960.
Alcoa Theatre

Alcoa Theatre

May 16, 1960
Alcoa Theatre is a half-hour American anthology series telecast on NBC at 9:30 pm on alternate Monday nights from October 7, 1957 to September 16, 1960. The program also aired under the title Turn of Fate, with the stories depicting the difficulties faced by individuals who are suddenly thrust into unexpected and perilous dangers. Alcoa Theatre was syndicated together with Goodyear Theatre as Award Theatre. In 1955, The Alcoa Hour premiered in a one-hour format aired on Sunday nights, but it was reduced to 30 minutes, retitled Alcoa Theatre, and moved to Monday evening in 1957. The show employed an alternating rotating company of actors: David Niven, Robert Ryan, Jane Powell, Jack Lemmon and Charles Boyer. Each appeared in dramatic and light comedic roles through the first season.
December Bride

December Bride

May 07, 1959
December Bride is an American sitcom that aired on the CBS television network from 1954 to 1959, adapted from the original CBS radio network series that aired from June 1952 through September 1953.
December Bride

December Bride

May 07, 1959
December Bride is an American sitcom that aired on the CBS television network from 1954 to 1959, adapted from the original CBS radio network series that aired from June 1952 through September 1953.
Broken Arrow

Broken Arrow

Jun 24, 1958
Broken Arrow is a Western series which ran on ABC-TV in prime time from 1956 through 1958 on Tuesdays at 9 p.m. Eastern time. Repeat episodes were shown by ABC on Sunday afternoons during the 1959–60 season. Selected repeats were then shown once again in prime time during the summer of 1960.
The Red Skelton Show

The Red Skelton Show

Mar 15, 1971
The Red Skelton Show is an American variety show that was a television staple for two decades, from 1951 to 1971. It was second to Gunsmoke and third to The Ed Sullivan Show in the ratings during that time. Skelton, who had previously been a radio star, had appeared in several motion pictures as well. Although his television series is largely associated with CBS, where it appeared for more than fifteen years, it actually began and ended on NBC. During its run, the program received three Emmy Awards, for Skelton as best comedian and the program as best comedy show during its initial season, and an award for comedy writing in 1961.
The Red Skelton Show

The Red Skelton Show

Mar 15, 1971
The Red Skelton Show is an American variety show that was a television staple for two decades, from 1951 to 1971. It was second to Gunsmoke and third to The Ed Sullivan Show in the ratings during that time. Skelton, who had previously been a radio star, had appeared in several motion pictures as well. Although his television series is largely associated with CBS, where it appeared for more than fifteen years, it actually began and ended on NBC. During its run, the program received three Emmy Awards, for Skelton as best comedian and the program as best comedy show during its initial season, and an award for comedy writing in 1961.
The Red Skelton Show

The Red Skelton Show

Mar 15, 1971
The Red Skelton Show is an American variety show that was a television staple for two decades, from 1951 to 1971. It was second to Gunsmoke and third to The Ed Sullivan Show in the ratings during that time. Skelton, who had previously been a radio star, had appeared in several motion pictures as well. Although his television series is largely associated with CBS, where it appeared for more than fifteen years, it actually began and ended on NBC. During its run, the program received three Emmy Awards, for Skelton as best comedian and the program as best comedy show during its initial season, and an award for comedy writing in 1961.
The Red Skelton Show

The Red Skelton Show

Mar 15, 1971
The Red Skelton Show is an American variety show that was a television staple for two decades, from 1951 to 1971. It was second to Gunsmoke and third to The Ed Sullivan Show in the ratings during that time. Skelton, who had previously been a radio star, had appeared in several motion pictures as well. Although his television series is largely associated with CBS, where it appeared for more than fifteen years, it actually began and ended on NBC. During its run, the program received three Emmy Awards, for Skelton as best comedian and the program as best comedy show during its initial season, and an award for comedy writing in 1961.
87e Brigade criminelle
Les enquêtes de l'inspecteur de police Steve Carella et de son jeune partenaire Bert Kling, dans des adaptations de nouvelles policières du romancier Ed McBain.
Four Star Playhouse

Four Star Playhouse

Jul 26, 1956
Four Star Playhouse is an American television anthology series that ran from 1952 to 1956, sponsored in its first bi-weekly season by The Singer Company; Bristol-Myers became an alternate sponsor when it became a weekly series in the fall of 1953. The original premise was that Charles Boyer, Ida Lupino, David Niven, and Dick Powell would take turns starring in episodes. However, several other performers took the lead from time to time, including Ronald Colman and Joan Fontaine. Blake Edwards was among the writers and directors who contributed to the series. Edwards created the recurring character of illegal gambling house operator Willie Dante for Dick Powell to play on this series. The character was later revamped and spun off in his own series starring Howard Duff, then-husband of Lupino. The pilot for Meet McGraw, starring Frank Lovejoy, aired here, as did another episode in which Lovejoy recreated his role of Chicago newspaper reporter Randy Stone, from the radio drama Nightbeat.
Perry Mason

Perry Mason

May 22, 1966
La série met en scène les affaires traitées par Perry Mason, célèbre avocat de Los Angeles.
Wagon Train

Wagon Train

May 02, 1965
The series initially starred veteran movie supporting actor Ward Bond as the wagon master, later replaced upon his death by John McIntire, and Robert Horton as the scout, subsequently replaced by lookalike Robert Fuller a year after Horton had decided to leave the series. The series was inspired by the 1950 film Wagon Master directed by John Ford and starring Ben Johnson, Harry Carey Jr. and Ward Bond, and harkens back to the early widescreen wagon train epic The Big Trail starring John Wayne and featuring Bond in his first major screen appearance playing a supporting role. Horton's buckskin outfit as the scout in the first season of the television series resembles Wayne's, who also played the wagon train's scout in the earlier film.
The Lone Ranger

The Lone Ranger

Jun 06, 1957
The Lone Ranger is an American western television series that ran from 1949 to 1957, starring Clayton Moore with Jay Silverheels as Tonto. The live-action series initially featured Gerald Mohr as the episode narrator. Fred Foy served as both narrator and announcer of the radio series from 1948 to its finish and became announcer of the television version when story narration was dropped there. This was by far the highest-rated television program on the ABC network in the early 1950s and its first true "hit".
Screen Director's Playhouse
Le Choix de... est une série télévisée américaine en 35 épisodes de 25 minutes, diffusée entre le 5 octobre 1955 et le 26 septembre 1956 sur le réseau NBC. En France, la série a été diffusée à partir du 8 septembre 1996 sur Série Club.
Wagon Train

Wagon Train

May 02, 1965
The series initially starred veteran movie supporting actor Ward Bond as the wagon master, later replaced upon his death by John McIntire, and Robert Horton as the scout, subsequently replaced by lookalike Robert Fuller a year after Horton had decided to leave the series. The series was inspired by the 1950 film Wagon Master directed by John Ford and starring Ben Johnson, Harry Carey Jr. and Ward Bond, and harkens back to the early widescreen wagon train epic The Big Trail starring John Wayne and featuring Bond in his first major screen appearance playing a supporting role. Horton's buckskin outfit as the scout in the first season of the television series resembles Wayne's, who also played the wagon train's scout in the earlier film.
Playhouse 90

Playhouse 90

May 16, 1960
Playhouse 90 is an American television anthology series that was telecast on CBS from 1956 to 1960 for a total of 133 episodes. It originated from CBS Television City in Los Angeles, California. Since live anthology drama series of the mid-1950s were usually hour-long shows, the title highlighted the network's intention to present something unusual, a weekly series of hour-and-a-half dramas rather than 60-minute plays. Playhouse 90 began as a pitch by Frank Stanton—the formidable, forward-thinking right-hand man to CBS chairman William S. Paley—during a brainstorming session for program ideas. The project was ultimately developed by Hubbell Robinson, a CBS vice president who received no screen credit on Playhouse 90 but is often described as its creator.