Ifan Huw Dafydd

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Gadael Lenin

Gadael Lenin

Jun 03, 1994
Seven teenagers and three teachers from a Welsh school visit Russia in a bid to rediscover themselves. On the overnight sleeper service to St Petersburg the students get separated from the teachers, which allows the students ample scope for rediscovery.
Daddy's Girl

Daddy's Girl

Jan 01, 2006
Nina, a troubled teen, is fixed on an uninterrupted feast of destruction when she’s forced to confront her immortality and twisted blood lust. Trapped between light and dark, psychosis and reality, the living and the dead, she’ll stop at nothing to satiate her CRAVINGS. Every addiction has a price, and usually it’s the cost of a life. Her price will be life too…but never her own.
La fureur des gargouilles
Jack est un brillant professeur d'archéologie. Il pratique depuis plusieurs semaines d'importantes fouilles au fond d'une crypte souterraine, en plein Paris. Très vite, ses efforts sont récompensés. Il arrive jusqu'à une chambre secrète. Lorsqu'il comprend qu'elle est habitée par d'étranges créatures ancestrales, il est trop tard...
The Snow Spider

The Snow Spider

Nov 26, 1988
On his ninth birthday, young Gwyn (Osian Roberts), who lives on a remote hill farm in Wales, receives five strange gifts from his grandmother (Siân Phillips): a piece of seaweed, a yellow scarf, a tin whistle, a metal brooch and a small broken horse. Gwyn offers the brooch to the wind and receives back a tiny silvery spider - Arianwen, the snow spider - confirming that, as his grandmother had already guessed, he has inherited magical powers from his Celtic ancestor Gwydyon, a powerful magician whose exploits are described in the fourth book ("Math Son of Mathonwy") of the Mabinogion. With the help of the snow spider, Gwyn embarks on adventures involving other worlds of snow and silver, as he attempts to solve the five-year-old mystery of his sister Beth's disappearance in a snow storm.
National Theatre Live: Under Milk Wood
A community is sleeping. If you listen closely, you can hear their dreams. The retired sea captain yearning for his lost love. The landlady living in terror of her guests. A father who can no longer access his memories. A son in search of redemption. As they awake to boiled eggs and the postman, the residents of a small Welsh village juggle old secrets and new realities.
Ding Dong

Ding Dong

Jan 01, 2002
An eccentric vicar comes up with an unusual solution for wedding facing disaster. But the bridesmaid has a plan to save the day - if she can get him to the church on time ...


Dec 05, 2019
La vie de Herb est au point mort. Ses droits au chômage ont expiré, il n’est pas fichu de garder un boulot, ne sait pas s’y prendre avec son fils et ne se nourrit que de bière bon marché et de purée de petits pois. Ce n’est pas une vie, et il s’en rend bien compte ! Quand il apprend au journal télé que, au Danemark, les détenus se la coulent douce, il fait ses valises et se rend clandestinement dans ce pays idyllique. Son paradis n’est plus qu’à un braquage de banque près...
Mr. Nice

Mr. Nice

Oct 07, 2010
À la fin des années 60, Howard Marks quitte son Pays de Galles natal pour la prestigieuse université d’Oxford, où il découvre les plaisirs des soirées psychédéliques. Pour rendre service, il s’improvise passeur de marijuana. Il y prend goût. S’appuyant sur ses amitiés dans les services secrets et avec un chef de l’IRA, il développe un réseau de transport de cannabis entre le Pakistan et Londres. Il se retrouve bientôt à la tête du plus grand trafic de marijuana d’Europe. Howard Marks se fait alors appeler MR. NICE : un contrebandier non violent et plein d’humour, qui deviendra une figure de la contre-culture britannique.


Oct 08, 2000
Un jeune homme se bat pour reconstruire sa vie après avoir été abusé pendant des années dans un foyer pour mineurs. Peu à peu, et malgré ses efforts, il réalise qu'il ne pourra jamais échapper à son passé, ni aux médias déterminés à le faire réémerger. Un film inspiré par des événements réels.
I Know You Know

I Know You Know

Feb 05, 2009
Jamie, an 11-year-old boy, is fascinated by his father Charlie’s espionage work until the world of spies becomes all too real. Charlie lives in his own reality—an undercover agent, always on an important mission, always on the move. Life for Charlie is highly charged and on the edge. He is unpredictable, explosive, yet kind hearted and fiercely protective of his Jamie who hero-worships his father.
Coma Girl

Coma Girl

Sep 09, 2011
An upbeat 30 minute single camera comedy which follows a group of female friends united by a shared history but divided by almost everything else. Most friends meet for dinner, or at the pub, but for these four old school friends their monthly get together is in the unsettling surroundings of an intensive care unit. Siobhan is a failing TV presenter, Sarah is a rather reluctant mother of three, Pip is a pseudo bohemian and Lucy, well Lucy is in a coma. After the initial shock, the three old school friends soon realise that Lucy is in dire need of help, if only they could provide it. As Lucy becomes more aware of what is going on around her, we delve into unexpected and funny moments from her subconscious.
TV Movie
The Bullion Boys

The Bullion Boys

Oct 24, 1993
Based on a true story. In 1940, Britain's gold reserves were transferred for safety to Liverpool because of the threat of a German invasion. The top-secret operation was known only to a handful of security men and senior bank officials... and a group of Liverpool dockers who handle the move. Billy Mac, the dockers' leader, hatches an ingenious plan to steal some of the gold bars from under the noses of the guards.
TV Movie
Hearts of Gold

Hearts of Gold

Jul 05, 2003
An old-fashioned love story set in the South Wales valleys during the 1930s. Well-to-do doctor Andrew joins his father's infirmary, and in miner's daughter Bethan finds a spirit lacking in his previous girlfriends. The two fall in love, but their differing backgrounds prove a major sticking point.
Rhosyn a Rhith

Rhosyn a Rhith

Feb 20, 1987
An award-winning comedy set in a depressed town in the South Wales Valleys. When the local cinema is closed down, the former projectionist, plagued by money problems, devises an ingenious plan to make money.
Journey Man

Journey Man

Nov 10, 2002
A stowaway from Sierra Leone ends up as an asylum seeker in South-Wales
The Rebels

The Rebels

Oct 28, 2019
Quatre adolescents rebelles dans le Pays de Galles occupé du 1er siècle doivent fuir leur village et survivre dans la nature.
The Proposition

The Proposition

Dec 18, 1996
In early 19th century Wales, Catherine Morgan, a widow with two daughters, must endure the bumpy road to a distant market in order to sell her cattle to save her farm and family.
The Silent Twins

The Silent Twins

Jan 19, 1986
Twins June and Jennifer Gibbons speak only to each other in a language of their own creation. As young teens, they commit a violent crime. After 14 years in Broadmoor Psychiatric Institution, freedom visits them in a mysterious way.
Martha, Jac a Sianco

Martha, Jac a Sianco

Dec 25, 2009
After the death of their mother, three middle-aged siblings in west Wales must decide how to plan their futures and what to do with the family farm, which they still live on and which she has left equally between them in her will. The stress and uncertainty that arises from this huge change is exacerbated by the fact that Jac’s brash and pushy girlfriend Judy is eager to wed and move in immediately, and seems to not have the best interests of his down-to-earth sister Martha and learning-impaired brother Sianco at heart.
Goldie & Compagnie

Goldie & Compagnie

Jun 08, 2021
Goldie, 14 ans, emménage en famille chez son grand-père, qui vit déjà avec trois retraités hauts en couleur. Garder tout ce petit monde loufoque dans le droit chemin ne s'annonce pas de tout repos !
35 Diwrnod

35 Diwrnod

May 31, 2020
Murder mystery series in which each season begins with the discovery of a dead body, jumps back 35 days (or hours) to introduce the situation and characters, then proceeds forward through time to arrive at the initial scene and reveal the killer.
Sam le pompier

Sam le pompier

Nov 14, 2023
Sam le pompier, vient toujours à la rescousse de ses amis dans toutes les situations, même périlleuses, depuis plus de 30 ans. Dans le village de Pontypandy, Sam est un pilier pour les habitants et un vrai héros. Qu'ils soient bloqués sur une falaise ou prisonniers d'une cave souterraine, les enfants de Pontypandy savent qu'ils seront toujours sauvés par le courageux et audacieux Sam aidé de ses coéquipiers.


Mar 16, 2018
En 1994, un nourrisson d’un petit village gallois disparaît sans laisser de traces. 23 ans plus tard, la mère de la violoncelliste Matilda Gray se suicide. Parmi ses affaires, Matilda découvre des éléments fascinants, liant sa mère à la disparition de la petite fille tant d’années auparavant. Elle se lance alors dans un voyage au pays de Galles, en quête de ses origines. Là-bas, la jeune femme découvre une communauté reculée aux secrets bien gardés, dont un qui se révèle à la fois bizarre, terrifiant et dangereux: des forces du mal venues d’un autre monde se réunissent. Toutes ces années, elles avaient attendu le retour de Matilda.
The Crown

The Crown

Dec 14, 2023
Cette série dramatique retrace les rivalités politiques, intrigues et événements qui ont marqué le règne de la reine Élisabeth II et la seconde moitié du XXe siècle.


Jan 15, 2017
Les aventures de Sherlock Holmes et de son acolyte de toujours, le docteur Watson, sont transposées au XXIème siècle...
Inspecteur Barnaby

Inspecteur Barnaby

Apr 14, 2024
L'inspecteur Barnaby, accompagné de son adjoint, enquêtent sur les crimes commis dans la région anglaise fictive du Midsomer...
The Indian Doctor

The Indian Doctor

Nov 08, 2013
The Indian Doctor is a British television drama set in the summer of 1963. Produced by Rondo Media and Avatar Productions, it was first broadcast on BBC One in 2010. The most recent series began on 27 February 2012 and concluded on 2 March. It is a period comedy drama starring Sanjeev Bhaskar as an Indian doctor who finds work in a South Wales mining village.