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Zebraman 2

Zebraman 2

May 01, 2010
2025 : 15 ans après avoir chassé les extra-terrestres de la surface de la Terre, Shinichi Ichikawa, plus connu sour le nom de Zebraman, se réveille amnésique. Il découvre que le maire de Tokyo, désormais baptisé Zebra City, a pacifié la métropole en instaurant une nouvelle loi : le Zebra Time. Chaque jour durant 5 minutes, les habitants peuvent assouvir leurs pulsions sous la surveillance de la police. Zebraman réalise cependant que la réalité est moins idyllique qu'il n'y paraît et que le maire et sa fille, la vénéneuse Zebra Queen, ont de noirs desseins. Pourra-t-il les arrêter ?
Akio Kanzaki’s job as head of human resources is wearing his nerves thinner and thinner. To make matters worse, he’s on the brink of divorce with his wife, and his relationship with his college-student daughter isn’t exactly smooth sailing. One day, he decides to drop in to Tokyo’s old-timey district to visit his mother Fukue. However, things seem a little off. His mother used to be always working with an apron on, but now she’s covered in stylish clothes, looking livelier than ever, and even in love! Akio becomes perplexed, feeling out of place in his own mother’s home, but after encountering kind, warm—and almost nosey—neighbors and a side of his mother he’d never seen before, Akio gradually starts to discover something he had lost sight of.


Nov 23, 2022
Sayaka, a high school student, kills herself but the reason behind her suicide is unknown. She appeared to have led a normal life with her family. Her mother Rumiko seemed to have raised Sayaka with love and care. In reality, that does not seem to be the case. When the mother and daughter recall the same incidents that took place in the past, they tell very different stories.
After failing to enroll at night school, Hayato has somehow found a new job as a bouncer. During the day, he is confronted by a middle schooler who tells him off when he tries to leave a cigarette butt on the ground. He brushes her off, only for her to run into Yocchan while he was begging for donation money the next day. She is unaware of the fact that it's a scam, and wants to help him.
Takagi, now grown up, revisits her middle school as a trainer. She encounters Nishikata, her former classmate she used to tease, now a PE teacher there. Their playful dynamic resumes, leading to more interactions between the two.
My Love story !!!

My Love story !!!

Oct 31, 2015
Takeo Gôda et Makoto Sunakawa sont amis d'enfance, malgré leur grande différence sur le plan physique et psychologique. Le premier dissimule une grande sensibilité derrière un corps imposant et tombe facilement amoureux sans succès car toutes les filles qu'il a aimées lui ont préfèré un de ses amis, tandis que le second est d'une grande beauté mais reste indifférent face aux passions qu'il déchaîne. Un jour, Takeo intervient dans le métro pour protéger une jeune fille, Rinko Yamato, des attouchements d'un pervers. Celle-ci multiplie les gestes de gratitude à son encontre mais fait preuve d'un certain embarras en sa présence, que Takeo attribue au fait qu'elle aussi soit certainement tombée amoureuse de Makoto. Cependant, il semblerait que, cette fois-ci, ce soit Takeo qui soit l'objet du coup de foudre…


Dec 13, 2024
The smallest protagonist in film history - a human cell! There are a staggering 37 trillion cells in the human body. Red blood cells that carry oxygen, white blood cells that fight bacteria, and countless other cells work tirelessly day and night to protect your health and life. The film will also focus on daughter and father, Niko and Shigeru as they both live different lifestyles, and as their lively days go on, pathogens start to sneak up on their bodies. The most epic battle in the history of human cells, with the future of Niko and Shigeru at stake, is about to begin!
After the end of the second world war, Fred Wada Isamu (Osawa), an American of Japanese descent who runs a fruit and vegetable shop in Los Angeles. One day, Wada sees a newspaper article on the search for someone of Japanese descent who can look after Japanese athletes coming to the United States to compete in the national swimming championship, and offers his family. Several months later, Kiyokawa (Mitsuishi), the Japanese swimming team’s coach, and the swimmers Hashizume (Katsuji), Furubashi (Nakao) and others arrive in the United States. The Japanese swimming team breaks one world record after another and sets nine world records. It is joyous news for Japan. Several years later, Wada and his wife receive a phone call from Tabata Masaji (Nishida Toshiyuki), the chairman of the Japanese Swimming Federation and general secretary of the Japanese Olympic Committee. Tabata says he would like some form of help from Wada in their bid for the Tokyo Olympics...
TV Movie
Daytime Shooting Star

Daytime Shooting Star

Mar 24, 2017
À l'âge de 15 ans, Suzume Yosano doit quitter sa campagne natale pour s’installer chez son oncle à Tokyo après que son père a été muté au Bangladesh. Même si elle se montre férocement contre, Suzume se verra contrainte et forcée de venir habiter dans la capitale. À peine arrivée à Tokyo et des bagages plein les mains, Suzume se retrouve perdue dans la foule et peine à trouver son train. Elle se fera alors accoster par un jeune homme qui tentera de l'aider, mais Suzume, affolée, s'enfuit. Une fois arrivée à destination, elle décide de se détendre sur un banc quand, tout à coup, elle tombe d'épuisement. À son réveil, elle se retrouve allongée dans un lit, son oncle la regardant avec inquiétude et, derrière lui, le jeune inconnu ! Celui-ci, connaissant l'oncle de Suzume, l'a aidée lors de son malaise. Le lendemain, Suzume se rend pour la première fois dans sa nouvelle école et est surprise de retrouver, encore, le jeune inconnu : il est son professeur principal !
PARKS パークス

PARKS パークス

Apr 22, 2017
Jun is a university student. She meets high school student Haru. Haru is looking for Sachiko, the ex-girlfriend of her now deceased father. Jun and Haru meet Tokio. Tokio is the grandson of Sachiko and they learn that Sachiko is now deceased. They find an open-reel tape from Sachiko's articles.
Teiichi : Battle of Supreme High
Teiichi Akaba est étudiant dans un prestigieux lycée privé connu pour sa production de politiciens et de bureaucrates importants. Son rêve est de devenir le premier ministre et de créer son propre pays. Pour l'aider à réaliser son rêve, il veut devenir président du conseil des étudiants de son école. Ce poste reçoit des privilèges et une meilleure chance de promotions pour plus tard dans le monde politique et bureaucrate. Une lutte de pouvoir se déroule autour de cette élection.
Peach Girl

Peach Girl

May 20, 2017
Momo Adachi est une séduisante jeune fille aux grands yeux charmeurs et aux longs cheveux roux. Elle a tout pour elle et pourtant… Sae, qui prétend être son amie, ne se gêne pas pour dire dans son dos : tout le mal qu’elle pense d’elle. Sans parler des déceptions amoureuses. Momo tombe sous le charme du beau Kazuya, mais cet athlète émérite est-il l’homme de sa vie ?


Oct 21, 2017


Quand Tamako Tomita était petite, elle a reçu des leçons de tennis de table très strictes selon la volonté de sa mère. À l'époque, elle était connue comme une prodige du tennis de table. Après la mort de sa mère, Tamako Tomita a vécu une vie ordinaire. Maintenant, elle a 28 ans et travaille dans une entreprise. Son petit ami Akihiko Ejima est membre du club de tennis de table de la même société. Mais elle se fait larguer et son ex se met en couple avec Airi Ogasawara qui joue aussi au tennis de table. Tamako Tomita est dévastée. Tamako Tomita retourne dans sa ville natale. Le club de tennis de table géré par sa défunte mère a l'air moribond. Là, elle rencontre Hisashi Hagiwara. Il est un nouveau membre et vient de divorcer. Pour se venger de son ex-petit ami et aider à faire revivre le club de tennis de sa mère, Tamako Tomita décide de participer à un tournoi de tennis de table en double mixte. Elle fait équipe avec Hisashi Hagiwara.
Kenshin : le vagabond

Kenshin : le vagabond

Aug 25, 2012
À l’aube d’une ère nouvelle, le légendaire tueur Battosai décide de se retirer. Dix ans plus tard, un homme doté d’une incroyable dextérité fait son apparition. Ce combattant hors pair qui se fait appeler Kenshin rôde tel un vagabond sur les routes du Japon. Armé d’un sabre dont la lame ne peut pas tuer, il tente de protéger un idéal dans une nation plongée dans le chaos...
Kimi wa Tsukiyo ni Hikari Kagayaku
Depuis la mort d'une personne importante pour lui, Okada Takuya vit imprudemment. Alors qu'il était lycéen, il y avait une fille de sa classe qui était hospitalisée en raison de la "maladie de Luminescence". Apparemment, cette maladie tire son nom du fait que les corps de ceux qui en souffrent brillent faiblement lorsqu'ils sont exposés au clair de lune. Et cette lueur devient plus forte à l'approche de la mort. Le nom de cette fille était Watarase Mamizu. Après avoir appris qu'elle n'en avait plus pour longtemps et qu'elle voulait faire certaines choses avant de mourir, il lui propose son aide. À partir de cet instant, son temps auparavant gelé recommence à s'écouler...


Aug 23, 2019
Les camarades de lycée Yuu et Haru voyagent entre le monde réel et un univers parallèle fantastique pour aider leur amie Kotona, dont la vie est menacée.
Masked Ward

Masked Ward

Mar 06, 2020
On-call substitute doctor Shugo suddenly finds himself faced with a terrifying criminal in a clown mask. The assailant demands that Shugo treat injured high school student Hitomi. The perpetrator sets siege to the building and Shugo finds himself confined with 64 unknown patients.


Apr 16, 2021
The story centers on a man who loves movies, having once worked at movie studio in pursuit of his dreams, surrounded by great directors and famous actors. In this tale of love and friendship spanning a lifetime, the "god of cinema" that Go has worshipped since he was young will transcend time, and work a miracle in the lives of one family.
Hell's Garden

Hell's Garden

May 21, 2021
Naoko Tanaka est une employée de bureau de 26 ans. Son travail est typique, mais son lieu de travail est le théâtre de luttes acharnées entre différentes factions. D'autres employées de bureau sont absorbées par les combats quotidiens entre clans. Un jour, à cause d'une employée de bureau de l'entreprise, la société de Naoko est prise pour cible par des employées de bureau de tout le Japon.


Jan 31, 2015
Ichie is the owner of a dressmaking shop. Her grandmother started the shop and now Ichie runs the business. Her clothes are made with an old sewing machine and are very popular. Following her grandmother’s will, Ichie only makes clothes for individuals and turns down offers to turn her clothing into a brand.
Yuko Morimiya is a high school student and she lives with her stepfather Morimiya. Morimiya is her third father. Her mother, Rika, is a free spirited person and has remarried several times. She disappeared from Yuko's life at a certain point. Even though Yuko and her stepfather are not blood related, she is fully loved by him.
High schooler Akiko has big plans to become a popular mangaka before she even graduates, but she needs to get much better at drawing if she ever wants to reach her goal. Looking for an easy fix, she signs up for an art class, thinking all her problems will soon be solved. She's in for a surprise: her new instructor is a sword-wielding taskmaster who doesn't care about manga one bit. But maybe this unconventional art teacher is just what she needs to realize her dreams!


Jan 09, 2025
Saho Takahashi, capable but a disillusioned nurse, has lost all motivation for her job working at Sumidaku Sakuraoka General Hospital. She seeks solace in the company of her bed-ridden patient, former Honorary Head Nurse, Sae Yukino. As she opens up about her despair, a sudden earthquake sends Saho into the depths of a strange, unfamiliar jungle.
STAND UP! ヴァンガード
A graduate of American Harvard University with a degree in justice, Daigo is a wanderer who steps into the life of Miura Hiroki after seeing the boy bullied. Becoming employed as a teacher at Hiroki's school, Daigo works continually to unearth the source of Hiroki's sadness and try to revitalize his love for life.
20-year-old rookie police officer Kawai Mai works hard at a police box and feels both physically and mentally drained. She has never felt appreciated even though she supposedly works for the sake of the area’s residents. In addition, she does not find working at a police box rewarding. Mai is about to hand in her resignation when she meets 30-year-old Fuji Seiko, the former ace detective of the Criminal Investigations Division. Seiko is said to have been forced to transfer to the police box for harassing a subordinate at work but … … This encounter between Mai and Seiko will significantly change their lives as they are suddenly paired up. This odd pair struggle to help and support each other in cases, routine duties and romance?! And Seiko’s true reason for coming to the police box is revealed.


Oct 31, 2015
Kazuko Yamase is a 23-year-old, broken-hearted freeter. One day, she sees a knitted teddy bear that really appeals to her. She decides to buy it. Later, the knitted teddy bear suddenly speaks! Within the teddy bear, Yasuo Amano's spirit lives. He is the person who knitted the teddy bear and he was also detective. Kazuko then becomes involved in a case with Yasuo and helps to solve the case.
Follows the story of love, friendship and growth of six young men and women who move from countryside to the big city of Tokyo, each with their own dreams and aspirations. Among them is Sugihara Oto and Soda Ren. After her mother died, Oto was raised by adoptive parents in Hokkaido. Although she has given up on having any high hopes or big dreams for her future, she still remains positive and faces life with optimistic attitude. One day, she finds out the fact that her adoptive parents are planning to marry her to the wealthy man in town in order to solve their financial debt. Soda Ren was raised by his grandfather in Fukushima. Ren works hard on one job after another in order to earn the money to buy back his grandfather's land so that they can start farming again. By chance, Oto and Ren meet in Hokkaido and they decide to move to Tokyo to find new life to change their fate and future. However, as soon as they arrive Tokyo, they get separated in the crowds...
Tobio Masubuchi and his friends are ordinary high school students. Due to an incident, their peaceful days are about to change. Tobio’s friends are beaten by students from another high school in their neighborhood. Tobio and his friends scheme to get back the students from the other school. The day they are to carry out their plan, they see the other high school engulfed in flames. Tobio and his friends become suspects.
Hanbun, Aoi

Hanbun, Aoi

Sep 29, 2018
Suzume est une jeune fille née dans une famille qui gère un petit restaurant dans la préfecture de Gifu. Elle perd l'ouïe d'une oreille à cause d'une maladie. Encouragée par ses parents et son ami d'enfance, elle traverse une vie mouvementée avec un esprit tenace.


Sep 23, 2016
Yoshioka Yuiko begins the first grade in high school. She gets sick with the cold and stays in bed. At that time, she gets a phone call from class president Matsubara. Yuiko becomes flattered by his kind voice on the phone. The next day, she goes to school and meets Matsubara. He is a mysterious boy, wearing a paper bag over his head. Her high school days begin with pounding heart.
When Aihara Ame was a high school student in Nagasaki, she wasn’t confident in herself due to her past. Asano Taiyo was a student attending the same school as Aihara Ame. He was the only person who talked to her brightly. With him, she was able to see her life positively for the first time in her life. She had feelings for him. After her graduation, she went to Tokyo to fulfill her dream of becoming a patissier without telling Asano Taiyo about her feelings for him. After 8 years, she returns to Nagasaki. One day, she meets Asano Taiyo, whom she has never forgotten, and is elated to see him again. An accident soon occurs, and Aihara Ame falls into deep despair. A man appears in front of her and introduces himself as a guide from the afterlife. He tells her that if she gives her heart to him, he will make a miracle for her.
Mr. Hiiragi's Homeroom
Plus que dix jours avant la fin de l’année scolaire pour les élèves d’une classe de terminale un peu turbulente. C’est alors que leur professeur principal, enseignant en arts plastiques, Hiiragi Ibuki les prend soudain en otages pour un “dernier cours”. Quelques mois plus tôt, une élève de la classe, Kageyama Reina, prometteuse championne de natation, s’était suicidée sans laisser la moindre explication sur son geste…


Jul 13, 2014
Sara est une mère célibataire avec une fille. Sa fille souffre d'une maladie cardiaque et Sara veut désespérément que sa fille aille mieux. Un jour, un mystérieux jeune homme apparaît devant Sara et sa fille. Il lui dit qu'il veut sauver la vie de sa fille. Sara en vient à l'aimer. Bientôt, Sarah est secouée entre son identité de mère et celle de femme.
Famille en flammes

Famille en flammes

Jul 13, 2023
Anzu Murata s'infiltre dans la maison de la riche famille Mitarai en tant que gouvernante afin de récupérer la vie qui lui a été enlevée. Elle est accueillie par la belle et impeccable seconde épouse de M. Mitarai, Makiko, et entreprend une mission qui lui révélera les secrets d'un incendie survenu il y a 13 ans.
52-year-old Saenai is an ordinary middle management salaryman. One day, he is forcibly handed a super suit by a strange old man and reluctantly takes over as superman. With a wife from hell Enko and two adolescents, Saenai is stuck between world peace and domestic problems. Life does not go well just by becoming superman. What is justice, peace and happiness?


Sep 13, 2020
Author Tarō Obika is an obsessed single father who loves his daughter so much, he decides to go to the same college. Nicknamed Gatarō, he was widowed when his wife died of an illness and has raised his only child Sakura all on his own. Things are about to change drastically as Sakura prepares to enter a coeducational university after going to an all-girls school all her life. Worried sick, Gataro enrolls not only in the same school, but also in the same department, and the madness begins! Unable to control his anxiety, he sticks his nose in her every business, from classes to extracurricular activities, parties, dating events, cultural festivals, part-time jobs, and everything else college kids do. But as the 40-year-old middle-aged dad gets involved in the youthful pursuits of Sakura and her colleagues, he finds himself enjoying life even more than them.


Mar 29, 2010
Asaichi (あさイチ) is a Japanese weekday morning talk program airing on NHK General TV, hosted by Naoko Suzuki and Hanamaru-Daikichi Hakata. It airs weekdays from 8:15 A.M to 9:55 A.M.


Jan 01, 1970
"It is the truth that moves the world!" Soichi Shindo, a man with a belief, had a 15-year career as a reporter for the social department at public broadcasting, and then served as a news program anchor, but was pulled out by the chairman of the commercial TV station JBN, and the news program "News Game", which is sluggish in ratings He became the main announcer of "To".