Peter Reichhardt

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Les Bouchers verts

Les Bouchers verts

Mar 08, 2003
Deux amis, l'ambitieux Svend et Bjarne le rêveur, décident de monter leur propre boucherie afin d'échapper à un patron étouffant. La clientèle se fait rare jusqu'à ce que leur ancien employeur les mette à l'épreuve en leur offrant d'organiser le dîner du Rotary Club.La chance tourne à la suite d'un malencontreux accident qui permettra à Svend d'offrir, une recette "sauce maison", une viande à la saveur très originale mais à l'approvisionnement plus que délicat...


Apr 25, 2022
Lucas is a new student at a prestigious private school. He thrives, but is at odds with his tyrannical teacher Jon, as he challenges the strict agenda that Jon wants to preserve for everything in the world. When Jon sees that Lucas has an influence on the class' talented girl Caroline, he cannibalizes her and makes her break down. The injustice makes Lucas so angry that he takes up the matter with Principal Helle. The next day, everything seems to be in perfect order, but Lucas has stuck his nose too far forward.
Adam's Apples

Adam's Apples

Apr 15, 2005
Avec ses rangers, son crâne rasé, sa croix celtique tatouée sur le biceps, Adam affiche clairement ses sympathies. De son côté, Ivan, visage ouvert, chaussettes dans les sandales et col blanc de rigueur, accueille Adam dans sa paroisse. Convaincu de la bonté fondamentale de l'homme, ce pasteur se voue tout entier et tout sourire à sa mission : accueillir d'anciens taulards et oeuvrer à leur réhabilitation.Mais que peut valoir la foi d'Ivan face à la malveillance faite homme ? Bref, que peut Dieu face au diable ? Grande question, qui s'efface bientôt au profit d'une interrogation tout aussi cruciale : d'Adam ou d'Ivan, qui est le plus dérangé des deux ?


Oct 02, 1997
Cette adaptation du roman de Jørgen-Frantz Jacobsen raconte une histoire d'amour compliquée entre Poul, un prêtre, et Barbara, séductrice deux fois veuve.
Lumières dansantes

Lumières dansantes

Nov 03, 2000
Une bande de petits caïds malmenés par des plus grands fuit la ville où ils ne sont plus les bienvenus. Ces pieds nickelés investissent une vieille cahute abandonnée au fin fond d'une forêt. Ce refuge inattendu pourrait bien modifier leur existence pour toujours...


Mar 04, 1983
Le "derappage" de quelques adolescents des annees soixante, face a l'indifference et a l'incomprehension du monde qui les entoure.


Aug 25, 2011
Opening in the seductive style of the sixties, »A Funny Man« uncovers the perennial loneliness that comedian Dirch Passer (Nikolaj Lie Kaas) has found himself in after a fast-tracked rise to fame. He struggles between his own desire to gain critical respect and servicing the audience¿s needs. Costing his kindred friendship to on-stage partner Kjeld Petersen (Lars Ranthe) Dirch takes on Steinbeck's classic »Of Mice and Men«, only for the audience to break out in laughter at his first line. Dirch's Lennie becomes a running joke, and so has, Dirch believes, his own life.
Kys, kærlighed og kroner
Love has a price in this quirky sex comedy. Sten is a 30- year-old librarian. Over a book he meets supersexy Katja, the woman of his dreams, and they soon end up in bed together. It's love at first sight, but the next thing he knows, Katja wants money every time they make love. Otherwise their relationship will become trivial, she says. Reluctantly Sten agrees, but then Katja puts up the price.


Feb 20, 1998
It all begins when ex-boxer and motel owner Ford Fordson wants to get a little workout Rocky-style in the kitchen meat locker. But the door falls shut, and only opens from the outside. Fordson deep-freezes to death. So his son Willy, who is also a boxer, comes home and finds his childhood sweetheart Julie again. But their romance is short-lived, for the ghost of Ford appears to Willy and orders him to find out who slammed the meat locker door shut on him. It turns out the list of possible suspects is a long one indeed.
Clash of Egos

Clash of Egos

Aug 25, 2006
Après avoir vu un épouvantable film d'art et d'essai avec ses enfants, Tonny se met à la recherche du prétentieux réalisateur pour exiger un remboursement.


Apr 04, 2008
An elderly theater director returns to Copenhagen in order to reconnect with his estranged son.


Apr 04, 2008
An elderly theater director returns to Copenhagen in order to reconnect with his estranged son.
2900 Happiness

2900 Happiness

Nov 19, 2009
Zip code 2900 equals wealth, power and beauty. They got it all but what is the price.


Sep 05, 2022
Klovn is a Danish sitcom, which first aired on the Danish TV channel TV2 Zulu. It focuses on the life of the main character Frank and Casper. The show builds its comedy around quiet everyday situations, social awkwardness, uncomfortable silences and general faux pas. Klovn usually gets compared to the American sitcom Curb Your Enthusiasm by Larry David. It’s also shot handheld, in a pseudo-realistic style. Some have also mistakenly compared the theme to Curb Your Enthusiasm’s, despite it being a direct reference to Jacques Tati’s Mr. Hulot movies. The poster for the first film can be seen in Casper and Frank’s offices throughout the series. Klovn initially ran 6 seasons on TV2 Zulu from 2005-2009 and was renewed with an additional 3 seasons that aired from 2018-2022.
Nikolaj og Julie

Nikolaj og Julie

Nov 02, 2003
Copenhagen thirtysomethings Nikolaj and Julie struggle with marriage, baby and work, plus friends of varying maturity.