Wynn Reichert

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Agent Abbey

Agent Abbey

Jan 01, 2004
Abbey is a typical American teenager who's strong in her Christian faith and popular with her friends. But when she accompanies her photojournalist dad on a trip to China, she gets a glimpse into an unknown world where people suffer for their beliefs. Now, she's embroiled in a plot involving illegal Bibles, the police and a mysterious secret agent. Amid the intrigue, Abbey vows to bring the news about the persecuted faithful back to America.
Enceintes avant l'heure
Skye et Lucy sont deux jeunes filles très liées, qui se connaissent depuis l'enfance. Skye rêve d'université, tandis que Lucy rêve de devenir mère de famille. Cette dernière fait promettre à Skye de tomber enceintes en même temps. Lorsque Lucy voit Skye lui échapper, elle met tout en œuvre pour que cette promesse soit tenue...
TV Movie
M Theory

M Theory

Jan 01, 2014
A physics professor becomes obsessed with time travel after the loss of his wife and slowly loses his grip on reality as he encounters mysterious beings from another world.
A Place Called Home

A Place Called Home

Mar 04, 2022
After losing his wife during the birth of his second child, Levi is thrust into raising two young girls, alone. However, when forced to borrow money from a ruthless loan shark, he must fight to save his family and the home his family was made in.


Mar 02, 2010
In the wake of a fight at school, an eight-year-old boy deals with the death of a classmate.
The 10 Commandments of Chloe
“The 10 Commandments of Chloe” is about the pursuit of The American Dream, with Chloe, a 20-something young woman, serving as our guide. Long considered a microcosm for America, the city of Nashville, TN comes alive as Chloe, from seemingly out of nowhere, arrives in town with one mission – to make her dreams as a singer-songwriter come true. Is she prepared to sacrifice comfort, security, and most of all love, to make it happen?


Apr 15, 2023
Simón, a Venezuelan freedom fighter exiled in Miami, copes not only with trauma, but also deep guilt over a choice he must make: stay in Miami and start a new life, or return home to the losing fight against a tyrannical regime.


Aug 26, 2013
John w­ilde is a happi­ly married man ­who is about to­ face the bigge­st challenge of­ his life. Late­ one night, joh­n logs into a s­ocial networkin­g site and re-c­onnects with hi­s old high scho­ol flame, adria­nna. What begin­s as a harmless­ hello rapidly ­escalates into ­a rekindling of­ their past rom­ance. Torn betw­een the life he­ once envisione­d with adrianna­ and the life h­e's now buildin­g with his wife­, mary, john so­on discovers th­at there are se­rious consequen­ces to the deci­sions he has ma­de. Now john mu­st try to find ­his way back to­ god and get on­ a path to forg­iveness from ma­ry, god and him­self.
Un Faux mouvement

Un Faux mouvement

Oct 12, 1991
Rendez-vous avec le destin pour trois bandits en cavale et un jeune shérif à Star City, bourgade du sud des Etats-Unis.
The Bible and Gun Club
A group of door-to-door salesmen are on their way to the national meeting. Sales haven't been very good this year and they are worried. Things get weird when the king of bible and gun sales says he is going to take over their turf. Let the bizarreness begin.
The Inspection

The Inspection

Nov 18, 2022
Afin d'obtenir l'approbation de sa mère, un jeune homme gai s'engage dans les Marines.
A Day in the Country

A Day in the Country

May 11, 2008
After his father's car breaks down, a young girl gets lost in the woods. She encounters a fugitive and a deaf woman. At first, she is suspicious of them and runs away. But as she begins to know them, they set out on a journey together to find her father.
Greed Eats the Soul

Greed Eats the Soul

May 11, 2009
Set among the Native American, Greed Eats the Soul is a story based on Leo Tolstoy's 'How Much Land Does a Man Need?', it is a story that tackle the existentialist question of Greed and man's failure to control it.
Remember the Goal

Remember the Goal

Aug 26, 2016
A new female coach fresh out of college takes over the cross country program at an all girls private Christian school and tries to lead them to their first state title.
Sorority Girls and the Creature from Hell
A group of sorority girls go up to a cabin in the woods accompanied by some boys. To their dismay, there is an escaped convict on the loose as well as the uncle of one of the girls. It's too bad that Uncle Ray is possessed by an Indian spirit turning him into a monster with a need for human blood.
Zombie Warz: Falls the Shadow
In a world gone mad, can compassion survive the Zombie Apocalypse? Amid the horrors of the Post-Apocalyptic south, three disparate groups of survivors must come together to save themselves as the only hope for the future. Pitted against a powerful neo-Confederate tribe and the relentless hunger of the infected, our heroes find redemption, love and hope.
Les Cerveaux

Les Cerveaux

Sep 29, 2016
La vie de David Ghantt n’a rien de compliqué. Chaque jour, c’est la même routine : au volant de son camion blindé, il transporte des millions de dollars qui ne lui appartiennent pas. Le seul rayon de soleil dans son existence banale, c’est sa jolie collègue, Kelly Campbell. C’est elle qui va l’attirer dans une combine foireuse… Malgré la bande de bras cassés à qui il a affaire, dirigée par Steve Chambers, et en dépit d’un plan grotesquement mal ficelé, David réussit quand même l’exploit de voler 17 millions de dollars… Le problème, c’est qu’il se fait doubler par ses complices, qui disparaissent avec le butin et lui mettent tout sur le dos. David est dedans jusqu’au cou. Sa seule chance est de remonter la piste que laissent les braqueurs en claquant l’argent de façon aussi voyante que ridicule. En cavale, traqué par les autorités et pourchassé par un drôle de tueur à gages, David va tout tenter pour reprendre l’avantage et doubler à son tour ceux en qui il avait le plus confiance…


Aug 20, 2010
L'histoire de Penny Chenery, la "First lady of racing" qui suite aux problèmes de santé de son père, décide, à la grande surprise de tous, de prendre la direction des écuries familiales. N'ayant aucune expérience dans ce milieu d'hommes, la jeune femme peine à s'imposer dans le milieu hippique. Pourtant, grâce à l'aide de Lucien, un entraîneur canadien, et de son cheval Secrétariat, Penny se lance en 1973 dans la plus importante course hippique, le prix Triple Crown.


Aug 04, 2017
Alors que son père est dans le coma, Jin se retrouve coincé dans une curieuse ville du Midwest renommée pour ses immeubles disparates et modernes. Bien qu’il ne s’intéresse pas particulièrement à l’architecture, Jin se prend d’amitié pour Casey, une jeune femme pleine de vie travaillant à la bibliothèque municipale et férue d’architecture, qui lui montre les merveilles de la ville. Avec une intimité curieuse, Jin et Casey explorent tour à tour la ville et leurs émotions conflictuelles : l’étrange relation qui lie Jin à son père et la réticence qu’éprouve Casey à quitter sa mère.
The American Clock

The American Clock

Jan 02, 1993
Moe, Rose and Lee Baumler are members of an upper class family who find the world completely changed when they lose everything in the stock market crash of 1929. Lee, a college-age young man, who now faces no possibility of entering college, decides to go on the road to see what is happening to the rest of the country.
TV Movie
Sarah's Dream

Sarah's Dream

Mar 17, 2018
After a young co-ed's boyfriend and best friend are killed in a gruesome double murder, the troubled twenty year old tries to go on with her day to day life. This becomes difficult when she begins to endure the same recurring nightmare night after night.
Tennessee Gothic

Tennessee Gothic

Oct 15, 2019
When a dim-witted widower and his teenage son offer a beautiful young woman refuge on their farm, their living situation escalates from hysterical comedy to maddening horror once they discover she's not who she says she is.
The Alpha Test

The Alpha Test

Feb 04, 2021
A suburban family drives their new gadget, The Alpha Home Assistant, to a killing rampage after mistreating and abusing it, leading to a full A.I. uprising…
Science Fiction


Apr 18, 2013
In a future where we have lost the ability to dream, people have turned to Fantasites, a parasite that induces the user's wildest fantasies. When socially awkward Charles starts using the miracle product he finally meets the girl of his "dreams." However, Fantasites come with some disturbing side effects that leave his chances with her squirming away.
Science Fiction
Miles Underwater

Miles Underwater

Jan 01, 1970
A coming of age story about a teenager whose ordinary day turns extraordinary, forcing him to take a leap of faith which will change his life forever.


Oct 06, 2018
A man who was dumped by his fiancee at the altar on his wedding day is reunited with her several years later at a book signing.
Dark Waters

Dark Waters

Nov 22, 2019
Robert Bilott est un avocat spécialisé dans la défense des industries chimiques. Interpellé par un paysan, voisin de sa grand-mère, il va découvrir que la campagne idyllique de son enfance est empoisonnée par une usine du puissant groupe chimique DuPont, premier employeur de la région. Afin de faire éclater la vérité sur la pollution mortelle due aux rejets toxiques de l’usine, il va risquer sa carrière, sa famille, et même sa propre vie...
Harp Brothers

Harp Brothers

Sep 05, 2020
A film about America’s first serial killers. These brothers terrorized Kentucky and went across the state on a killing spree. The film is loosely based on the true story of the brothers. Filmed in historically accurate locations.
Black Widow Murders: The Blanche Taylor Moore Story
Elizabeth Montgomery plays serial killer, churchgoer, and grandmother Blanch Taylor Moore in this, one of her last films before her untimely passing. Childhood memories of her womanizing and abusive father fill Moore with a hidden rage towards all men. Her former boyfriend, first husband and father all died of arsenic poisoning. Now her fiancé, the town's minister, is stricken the same way. Based on the true crime book Preacher's Girl: The Life and Crimes of Blanche Taylor Moore, the film is buoyed by Montgomery's startling performance, and keeps you on the edge of your seat until its final moments.
TV Movie
Hungry Dog Blues

Hungry Dog Blues

Jul 17, 2022
Two estranged half-brothers kidnap the lead witness testifying against their father in order to prove his innocence.
Sarah's Dream

Sarah's Dream

Mar 17, 2018
After a young co-ed's boyfriend and best friend are killed in a gruesome double murder, the troubled twenty year old tries to go on with her day to day life. This becomes difficult when she begins to endure the same recurring nightmare night after night.
Harp Brothers

Harp Brothers

Sep 05, 2020
A film about America’s first serial killers. These brothers terrorized Kentucky and went across the state on a killing spree. The film is loosely based on the true story of the brothers. Filmed in historically accurate locations.
Harp Brothers

Harp Brothers

Sep 05, 2020
A film about America’s first serial killers. These brothers terrorized Kentucky and went across the state on a killing spree. The film is loosely based on the true story of the brothers. Filmed in historically accurate locations.