Janusz Michałowski

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Kuchnia polska

Kuchnia polska

Nov 22, 1991
A Polish lieutenant from the Royal Air Force comes home with his British wife and faces political persecution.
Wizja lokalna 1901

Wizja lokalna 1901

Jan 26, 1981
More documentary in its approach than dramatized history, this is a compelling story about a 1901 children's strike in Wrzesnia near the Polish border with Prussia. Poland was partitioned at this time, and a rigidly patriotic Prussian teacher in Wrzesnia follows the dictates of the Germans in parliament and insists that the children be taught their religion classes in German. When the children refuse to take part in the classes, they are supported by the local priest, but that does not save them from being beaten. They are also kept after school and tormented in other ways as well. Newspapers, parents, and the nation as a whole get involved, transforming a simple children's strike into a national incident.


Mar 16, 1987


The Borejko family has four daughters - Gabriela, Ida, Natalia and Patricia. Most concern causes the red-haired Ida, whose unusual ideas often end badly, though the girl has the best intentions. Her father, who works at the university as a classical philologist, gives her the idea to found a group called ESD. They want to try out the theory that you are more successful if you send out more positive signals to the environment. Soon this theory will be put to the test. Ida's mother has to go to the hospital and the entire burden of household chores falls on the children.
Une histoire banale

Une histoire banale

Sep 12, 1983
A well-known professor of medicine finding himself at the threshold of autumn of his life, takes stock of his achievements and experiences. "In the end it ends with what has been known for a long time: that conscious life without a fixed worldview is not life, but torment, horror. - wrote Anton Chekhov in one of his letters summarizing "An Uninteresting Story". The protagonist, Professor Nikolai Stepanovich, is a character characteristic of Chekhov's entire oeuvre - a Russian intellectual from the late nineteenth century, depressed by boredom and a sense of his own uselessness and the meaninglessness of his existence.
Łuk Erosa

Łuk Erosa

Jan 18, 1988
Lavish romantic melodrama, obsessively concerned with sex. Maryska's husband is off to war. He soon is reported missing, and she does not protest much when is seduced by the husband's friend, a seedy professor with sickly wife and other mistresses on the side. However, the love of Maryska's life turns out to be a shy 17-year old, son of friends with whom she goes to stay.
Darmozjad polski

Darmozjad polski

May 04, 1998
A slice of life type movie. A main plot goes around showing common behavior and psychological portraits of inhabitants of a typical little town in Poland.


Mar 22, 1995
Faustina is a 1995 Polish film directed by Jerzy Łukaszewicz about Blessed Sister Faustina Kowalska, a saint of the Roman Catholic Church who was canonized by Pope John Paul II in 2000. It is the first feature film of its kind in Poland, and far from the path of modern cinema.


Sep 16, 2010
Quadragénaire discret et renfermé, Michał travaille à Varsovie et vit entouré de sa femme et de son fils. Contraint d’effectuer une mission confiée par son patron, il se rend à Szczecin (ouest de la Pologne), sa ville natale, une semaine seulement avant la première communion de son fils. Mais le voyage de Michał est brusquement bouleversé par un accident. Immobilisé sur place, Michał croise un ancien ami, aperçoit des connaissances, retrouve son père enfermé depuis des années derrière un mur de rancunes et d’incompréhensions. Au fil des rencontres avec les fantômes de son passé, Michał est confronté avec son image. Est-il celui qu’il croit être ou celui que les autres ont l’air de voir ?


Oct 11, 1996
An unknown terrorist infects computer networks with the most important institutions in the country with the virus. It paralyzes hospitals, trains, aircraft control system. Suspicions fall on Michal, a thirty-year-old IT genius and owner of a small computer company. Michal must prove he is innocent. He agrees to the proposal to cooperate with the prosecutor.


Mar 29, 1990
The esteemed transplantologist is the victim of a conspiracy of his colleagues, as a result of which his brain is transplanted into a pig.


Nov 10, 1980
Set in 1944. A shepherd boy enters an abandoned palace he has seen only from the distance since he was a boy. Once he enters the palace, strange things begin to happen as though he was dreaming the events rather than living them.


Nov 29, 1984
It tells a story of a bird-monster from South America originally treated as god by Incas. Long believed to be extinct, due to genetical experiment gone awry its egg fossil hatches and the monster starts to search for females to impregnate.
TV Movie


Apr 16, 1979
Set before the first World War in part of Poland under Austrian occupation, the story of a young boy in primary school who later grows up to become a rebellious, poetic-minded teen in the same school when the national movement toward liberation is under way. The story of a country where church and state work together to suppress the human spirit.
Journal intime d'un pécheur
En Écosse, au XVIIIe siècle. Robert revient à la vie pour raconter son étrange histoire, depuis la naissance de son frère, la détestation entre ses parents, et sa naissance. Jeune homme, il est torturé par un désir d’absolu. Abordé par un personnage étrange qui l'encourage à assouvir ses pulsions sans renier ses idéaux, l'homme veut le persuader de tuer son demi-frère sur ordre divin. S'il résiste d'abord, Robert finit par accomplir l'acte. Mais l'euphorie qui suit est perturbée par des morts étranges qui surviennent dans son entourage.


Sep 23, 1985
Un journaliste, un cambrioleur et un meurtrier sont coincés ensemble dans une cellule. Le journaliste prend des notes sur la situation car il espère les publier ensuite sous la forme d’un roman, mais il attrape le typhus et, dans son délire, ne parvient plus à distinguer la réalité de la fiction.
Kebab i Horoskop

Kebab i Horoskop

Nov 06, 2014
A group of misfits from a carpet shop have a chance to change their lives with the help of two marketing experts - an ex-kebab shop worker and an ex-fortune teller from a wildlife magazine.
Mistrz i Małgorzata

Mistrz i Małgorzata

Jun 15, 1990
The Master and Margarita (Mistrz i Małgorzata) is a four-part Polish television production based on the novel by Mikhail Bulgakov.
Kartka z podróży

Kartka z podróży

Mar 05, 1984
A story of a middle-aged Jew methodically preparing himself to be shipped off to a concentration camp. The main character, Jacob Rosenberg, is a former industrial counselor, who is forced to work as a street cleaner. He knows what the fate is holding for him in the future, nevertheless he takes it with and implacable calmness.


May 13, 1984
Une expérience d'hibernation tourne mal et deux hommes se réveillent en 2044, dans une dictature féministe dont les hommes sont absents. L'action est située dans une base souterraine géante dont ils essaient de s'échapper, mais cela est rendu compliqué par le fait que la surface de la Terre est devenue radioactive à cause de guerres atomiques. Critique déguisée du système communiste, ce film aborde les thèmes du féminisme, du masculinisme et de la mascarade politique.
Science Fiction
Bal na dworcu w Koluszkach
Podczas "zimy stulecia" na dworcu w Koluszkach zniecierpliwieni pasażerowie oczekują na przybycie pociągu. Łączność kolejowa zostaje zerwana. W tym samym czasie niedaleko Koluszek w zaspach śnieżnych utknął pociąg. W jego wagonach panuje wesoła atmosfera. Niektórzy pasażerowie, którym śpieszy się na połączenie z innymi stacjami, wysiadają i idą piechotą do dworca w Koluszkach. Jest wśród nich Andrzej Roszak - młody chłopak śpieszący do Warszawy, oraz prawdopodobnie jego rówieśnica Basia. Niedługo po nich do dworca w Koluszkach docierają pan Walerek - działacz polityczny, który jechał na bal do KC; pan Rozbicki z żoną, tuż po kontrakcie w Iraku; Matyjak - gwiazdor telewizyjny; dziennikarz Przoniak oraz inni. Na wyludnionym dworcu pasażerowie sprawnie organizują sylwestrową zabawę. Podczas wspólnej hulanki jej uczestnicy stopniowo obnażają ukryte kompleksy, frustracje i nadzieje.


Oct 01, 1981
October 1934. Poland. Famous bank robber Kwinto decided to quit his dangerous criminal job, but after his friend's death, he changed his mind and organized a burglary of famous and well protected bank which belonged to his former partner in crime, backstabbing and double-crossing Kramer. Kwinto designs a clever plan not to only rob the Kramer's bank but to make it look like Kramer himself did it.


Nov 05, 2015
District attorney Kazimierz Proch with policeman Witold Kielak tries to figure out what happened with his family.