Talal Jurdi

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Jul 07, 2010
Véritable mythe, Carlos est au cœur de l’histoire du terrorisme international des années 1970 et 1980, de l’activisme propalestinien à l’Armée rouge japonaise. A la fois figure de l’extrême gauche et mercenaire opportuniste à la solde des services secrets de puissances du Moyen-Orient, il a constitué sa propre organisation, basée de l’autre côté du rideau de fer, active durant les dernières années de la guerre froide. Le film est l’histoire d’un révolutionnaire internationaliste, manipulateur et manipulé, porté par les flux de l’histoire de son époque et de ses dérives. Nous le suivrons jusqu’au bout de son chemin, relégué au Soudan où la dictature islamiste, après l’avoir un temps couvert, l’a livré à la police française. Personnage contradictoire, aussi violent que l‘époque dont il est une incarnation, Carlos est aussi une énigme.
La Nuit du verre d’eau
1958, alors que la révolution gronde à Beyrouth, trois sœurs passent l’été en villégiature dans un village reculé de la montagne libanaise. Il y a Nada, la rebelle, Eva, la romantique et surtout Layla, l’aînée, bien sous tous rapports et appréciée de tous. Mais cet été là, le danger de la guerre qui approche et l’arrivée de deux estivants français, poussent Layla, la mère et l’épouse parfaite, à envoyer valser les apparences et à se révolter contre cette société patriarcale qui la tient sous contrôle.
يلا عقبالكن شباب
Yalla 3abelkon Chabeb shows us through the eyes of men how hard nowadays it is to have a proper relationship, based on love respect, principles and values… Is it because we live in a society where everything became so easy? Will those characters find true love? Does true love still exist? Why can’t we fight for what we have instead of turning our backs when a problem comes along? Are we looking at the wrong reasons to get married? Once married, how can we keep the marriage alive? Are all men cheaters?


Sep 14, 2017
À Beyrouth, de nos jours, une insulte qui dégénère conduit Toni (chrétien libanais) et Yasser (réfugié palestinien) devant les tribunaux. De blessures secrètes en révélations, l'affrontement des avocats porte le Liban au bord de l'explosion sociale mais oblige ces deux hommes à se regarder en face.
Lamma hikyit Maryam

Lamma hikyit Maryam

Oct 06, 2001
Ziyad and Maryam are a happy young couple in Lebanon, yet after three years of marriage they remain childless. Due to intense family pressure, they try everything they can but eventually learn that Maryam is infertile. Ziyad repeatedly reassures her of his undying love, but family and social pressure, particularly his evil, meddling mother, gradually poison their happy relationship until the love, enthusiasm and humour of their early days soon take a tragic turn.
قلتلك خلص

قلتلك خلص

Oct 27, 2020
Living in Beirut, a highly enthusiastic filmmaker is in a state of hyper inspiration characterized by an overfiow of contrasting ideas. As a consequence, his characters will go through compelling and extraordinary circumstances. To clear his mind, he heads north where a screening of his short films is scheduled in a rural public school. A series of encounters along the way will turn his world upside down.
سفر برلك

سفر برلك

Apr 11, 2023
A historical epic that goes back to the horrifying days of the Ottoman Empire and accompanies four Arab college students in their revolt against the Sultanate’s tyranny.


Jun 02, 2010
Carlos le Chacal est un terroriste vénézuélien à l'origine de nombreux meurtres, enlèvements et attentats à la bombe en Europe et au Moyen-Orient.


Jun 25, 2017
Maya is young woman who has been mysteriously bestowed with a remarkable gift - the ability to read people's minds. But hearing people's inner voices comes with its fair share of sorrows, as Maya discovers that her fiancé is cheating on her. When Maya meets wealthy Egyptian businessman Raja, she uses her newfound skill to ensure he is attracted to her. But as she begins to fall in love, her ability to read his mind starts to vanish. Can Maya keep Raja interested without reading his mind?
Al Ameel

Al Ameel

Dec 16, 2024
A police captain infiltrates a notorious gang, only to find himself going deeper down the rabbit hole.
Action & Adventure
كسرة قلب

كسرة قلب

Sep 20, 2023
A tragic murder sends a friend group into a frenzy, revealing hidden romances and betrayals lurking beneath the surface of their seemingly perfect lives.