Eoin Macken

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Mar 16, 2006
Les joueurs colériques et indisciplinés de cette équipe de football de pub league sont dans une situation désespérée après avoir tout perdu : leur motivation, leurs compétences et bientôt, leur terrain de jeu. Lorsque le mystérieux Walter Keegan se présente et propose d'être leur entraîneur, le capitaine Bubbles et le reste de ses coéquipiers dérangés et odieux sont si désespérés de réussir qu'ils acceptent de lui confier le poste. Forgés dans le sol avec une discipline féroce qu'ils n'ont jamais connue, l'équipe repousse ses limites et ses douleurs pour obtenir non seulement la rédemption sur le terrain, mais plus important encore, leur estime de soi.


Nov 11, 2010
Un couple et un de leurs amis partent à l'aventure à bord d'un voilier. Un signal de détresse les fera dévier de leur route pour tomber sur une île où se trouve une jeune femme attirante, perdue et sans aucun souvenir...
The Inside

The Inside

Oct 31, 2012
A group of girls are terrorized by violent vagrants before succumbing to a horrific supernatural evil.
Grey Elephant

Grey Elephant

Nov 23, 2022
Follows two couples meeting together for the first time after months of being on lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic.


Feb 15, 2010
En 117 ap. J.-C., sous l'Empire romain, les légions font face à la résistance farouche des Pictes au nord la province romaine de Bretagne (au sud de l'actuelle Écosse). Le centurion Quintus Dias, unique survivant d'une garnison massacrée par les Pictes, rejoint la IXe légion, commandée par le général Titus Flavius Virilus, chargée de lancer une attaque décisive contre les Pictes et leur roi Gorlacon. Mais la bataille attendue tourne au massacre...
Avant, j'étais célèbre
On suit Vince, une ancienne popstar désespérée qui rêve de revenir. Une jam session impromptue avec le jeune batteur autiste Stevie déclenche une amitié inattendue entre les deux musiciens incompris.
Killing Jesus

Killing Jesus

Apr 05, 2015
Jésus de Nazareth, face aux conflits politiques, sociaux et historiques de l'Empire Romain qui l'ont finalement conduit à sa mort.
TV Movie
The Forest

The Forest

Jan 07, 2016
Une jeune femme part à la recherche de sa sœur jumelle qui a disparu dans une région du Japon tristement connue sous le nom de forêt des suicidés.
Resident Evil : Chapitre Final
Alice, seule survivante de la bataille de Washington contre les zombies, doit retourner à l’endroit où le cauchemar a débuté : le Hive à Raccoon City. C’est là, qu’Umbrella Corporation a regroupé ses forces pour mener un assaut final contre les survivants de l’apocalypse.


Apr 10, 2016
Two disconnected English brothers are ostracized in a small village in the west of Ireland. Drawn back together by the unexpected and mysterious death of their father, they are immediately at odds until they find a girl dumped still alive in the moors. What follows is a bizarre turn of events, both beautiful and surreal, as the two brothers search for their own resolutions. At times both a love story and a tragic tale, the story is inspired by a piece in John Steinbeck's East of Eden.


Jul 13, 2018
In the aftermath of The Troubles in Northern Ireland, Conor Hurt confesses his involvement in the IRA to a reporter who is more involved in Conor's past than she realizes.
Christian Blake

Christian Blake

May 03, 2008
Christian Blake is the story of a solitary young man growing up with his closest friend Steve. Unable to handle Steve's flowering relationship with Lucy, Christian becomes obsessed, with tragic consequences. Years later, in a barely functioning mental asylum run by the sadistic Dr Rush and his tormented accomplice Floyd, the journalist Sandra White is allowed a meeting with Christian under the guise of attempting to understand the actions of his past. Her motives are otherwise however and her efforts at personal retribution simply result in awakening the anger dormant inside of him. The results are violent and catastrophic for all involved.


Feb 22, 2019
Une experte en lutte anti-terroriste est obligée de devenir garde du corps pour une riche et jeune héritière à Bangkok. L'entente ne règne guère entre les deux femmes mais suite à une violente tentative d'enlèvement, elles sont obligées de s'unir pour survivre et démasquer leurs assaillants.
The Only Child

The Only Child

Mar 01, 2019
Une mère et son fils viennent d'emménager dans une nouvelle maison près des bois. Au cours d'une balade en forêt, le fils disparaît un petit moment. La mère parvient à remettre la main sur lui et découvre, en même temps, un énorme gouffre au cœur du bois. Quelques temps après, elle remarque que son petit garçon a un comportement étrange. Est-ce bien son fils qui est revenu vers elle ?
I Am Fear

I Am Fear

Mar 03, 2020
Held captive by terrorists, celebrity reporter, Sara Brown, sits in a cell awaiting her filmed beheading. Sara's captors wish to show the world the true face of terror but how can they, when even they have not seen it yet?
Through the Night

Through the Night

Sep 30, 2010
Every night, around the world, couples fall asleep side by side, trusting they know what lies beside them. But tonight, in this apartment, something evil is about to show its true face.
Till Death

Till Death

Jul 02, 2021
Après une soirée romantique dans leur maison isolée au bord du lac, une femme se réveille menottée à son mari décédé. Piégée et isolée au cœur de l'hiver, elle doit combattre des tueurs à gages pour échapper au plan tordu de son défunt époux.
The Cellar

The Cellar

Mar 25, 2022
Keira Woods est une mère dont la fille disparaît mystérieusement sans laisser de trace dans la cave de leur nouvelle maison, à la campagne. Keira découvre vite qu’il y a une entité ancienne et puissante qui contrôle leur maison et qu’elle va devoir l'affronter si elle ne veut pas risquer de perdre les âmes des membres de sa famille pour toujours.
Here Are the Young Men
Été 2003. Pris d'un désir fou pour son amour d'enfance, une femme indépendante, un jeune homme plonge dans un monde nihiliste de masculinité toxique, alors que l'un de ses amis sombre dans la paranoïa.


Aug 26, 2021
A father and husband going through the fourth stage of grief confronts his wife in hopes of getting their family back together.
Christian Blake

Christian Blake

May 03, 2008
Christian Blake is the story of a solitary young man growing up with his closest friend Steve. Unable to handle Steve's flowering relationship with Lucy, Christian becomes obsessed, with tragic consequences. Years later, in a barely functioning mental asylum run by the sadistic Dr Rush and his tormented accomplice Floyd, the journalist Sandra White is allowed a meeting with Christian under the guise of attempting to understand the actions of his past. Her motives are otherwise however and her efforts at personal retribution simply result in awakening the anger dormant inside of him. The results are violent and catastrophic for all involved.
Christian Blake

Christian Blake

May 03, 2008
Christian Blake is the story of a solitary young man growing up with his closest friend Steve. Unable to handle Steve's flowering relationship with Lucy, Christian becomes obsessed, with tragic consequences. Years later, in a barely functioning mental asylum run by the sadistic Dr Rush and his tormented accomplice Floyd, the journalist Sandra White is allowed a meeting with Christian under the guise of attempting to understand the actions of his past. Her motives are otherwise however and her efforts at personal retribution simply result in awakening the anger dormant inside of him. The results are violent and catastrophic for all involved.
The Inside

The Inside

Oct 31, 2012
A group of girls are terrorized by violent vagrants before succumbing to a horrific supernatural evil.
The Inside

The Inside

Oct 31, 2012
A group of girls are terrorized by violent vagrants before succumbing to a horrific supernatural evil.
Grey Elephant

Grey Elephant

Nov 23, 2022
Follows two couples meeting together for the first time after months of being on lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic.


Jul 13, 2012
A mentally unstable homeless man attempts to save his new and only friend from the world and drug dealers that make his life a living hell.
Grey Elephant

Grey Elephant

Nov 23, 2022
Follows two couples meeting together for the first time after months of being on lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Christian Blake

Christian Blake

May 03, 2008
Christian Blake is the story of a solitary young man growing up with his closest friend Steve. Unable to handle Steve's flowering relationship with Lucy, Christian becomes obsessed, with tragic consequences. Years later, in a barely functioning mental asylum run by the sadistic Dr Rush and his tormented accomplice Floyd, the journalist Sandra White is allowed a meeting with Christian under the guise of attempting to understand the actions of his past. Her motives are otherwise however and her efforts at personal retribution simply result in awakening the anger dormant inside of him. The results are violent and catastrophic for all involved.
Christian Blake

Christian Blake

May 03, 2008
Christian Blake is the story of a solitary young man growing up with his closest friend Steve. Unable to handle Steve's flowering relationship with Lucy, Christian becomes obsessed, with tragic consequences. Years later, in a barely functioning mental asylum run by the sadistic Dr Rush and his tormented accomplice Floyd, the journalist Sandra White is allowed a meeting with Christian under the guise of attempting to understand the actions of his past. Her motives are otherwise however and her efforts at personal retribution simply result in awakening the anger dormant inside of him. The results are violent and catastrophic for all involved.
The Inside

The Inside

Oct 31, 2012
A group of girls are terrorized by violent vagrants before succumbing to a horrific supernatural evil.
The Inside

The Inside

Oct 31, 2012
A group of girls are terrorized by violent vagrants before succumbing to a horrific supernatural evil.
The Inside

The Inside

Oct 31, 2012
A group of girls are terrorized by violent vagrants before succumbing to a horrific supernatural evil.
The Cellar

The Cellar

Mar 25, 2022
A group of girls are terrorized by violent vagrants before succumbing to a horrific supernatural evil.
Grey Elephant

Grey Elephant

Nov 23, 2022
Follows two couples meeting together for the first time after months of being on lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic.


Apr 10, 2016
Two disconnected English brothers are ostracized in a small village in the west of Ireland. Drawn back together by the unexpected and mysterious death of their father, they are immediately at odds until they find a girl dumped still alive in the moors. What follows is a bizarre turn of events, both beautiful and surreal, as the two brothers search for their own resolutions. At times both a love story and a tragic tale, the story is inspired by a piece in John Steinbeck's East of Eden.


Apr 10, 2016
Two disconnected English brothers are ostracized in a small village in the west of Ireland. Drawn back together by the unexpected and mysterious death of their father, they are immediately at odds until they find a girl dumped still alive in the moors. What follows is a bizarre turn of events, both beautiful and surreal, as the two brothers search for their own resolutions. At times both a love story and a tragic tale, the story is inspired by a piece in John Steinbeck's East of Eden.
The Green Rabbit & The Ice Cream Girl
A man is stumbling through the desert, in only underwear, lost and confused. A car pulls alongside, driven by a beautiful young girl who knows his name. His name is Gerry and it's tattooed on his forehead. Her name is Eilis, from a pendant around her neck. With nowhere else to go, he gets into the car and begins a surreal journey to answer the reasons he's there at all.
The Green Rabbit & The Ice Cream Girl
A man is stumbling through the desert, in only underwear, lost and confused. A car pulls alongside, driven by a beautiful young girl who knows his name. His name is Gerry and it's tattooed on his forehead. Her name is Eilis, from a pendant around her neck. With nowhere else to go, he gets into the car and begins a surreal journey to answer the reasons he's there at all.
Here Are the Young Men
A man is stumbling through the desert, in only underwear, lost and confused. A car pulls alongside, driven by a beautiful young girl who knows his name. His name is Gerry and it's tattooed on his forehead. Her name is Eilis, from a pendant around her neck. With nowhere else to go, he gets into the car and begins a surreal journey to answer the reasons he's there at all.
Here Are the Young Men
A man is stumbling through the desert, in only underwear, lost and confused. A car pulls alongside, driven by a beautiful young girl who knows his name. His name is Gerry and it's tattooed on his forehead. Her name is Eilis, from a pendant around her neck. With nowhere else to go, he gets into the car and begins a surreal journey to answer the reasons he's there at all.


Apr 10, 2016
Two disconnected English brothers are ostracized in a small village in the west of Ireland. Drawn back together by the unexpected and mysterious death of their father, they are immediately at odds until they find a girl dumped still alive in the moors. What follows is a bizarre turn of events, both beautiful and surreal, as the two brothers search for their own resolutions. At times both a love story and a tragic tale, the story is inspired by a piece in John Steinbeck's East of Eden.
La Brea

La Brea

Feb 13, 2024
Lorsqu'un gouffre massif s'ouvre mystérieusement à Los Angeles, il déchire une famille en deux, séparant la mère et le fils du père et de la fille. Lorsqu'une partie de la famille se retrouve dans un monde primitif inexplicable, aux côtés d'un groupe disparate d'étrangers, ils doivent travailler pour survivre et découvrir le mystère de l'endroit où ils se trouvent et s'il existe un moyen de rentrer chez eux.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Night Shift

Night Shift

Aug 31, 2017
Un groupe de docteurs de l'armée américaine pendant leurs gardes de nuit à l’hôpital de San Antonio.


Dec 24, 2012
Dans la mythique cité de Camelot, certaines histoires se racontent comme on le fait aujourd'hui, au XXIème siècle. Entre enchantements et mystères, c'est là qu'un jeune homme nommé Merlin se lie d'amitié avec un certain Arthur...
Action & Adventure


Dec 24, 2012
Dans la mythique cité de Camelot, certaines histoires se racontent comme on le fait aujourd'hui, au XXIème siècle. Entre enchantements et mystères, c'est là qu'un jeune homme nommé Merlin se lie d'amitié avec un certain Arthur...
Action & Adventure


Dec 13, 2018
Alors que le sort de l'humanité est en jeu, un groupe de scientifiques et un puissant télépathe s'aventurent dans l'espace à bord d'un vaisseau aux mille secrets.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Ransom Canyon

Ransom Canyon

Jan 01, 1970
Après un séjour à New York pour poursuivre sa carrière de concertiste, Quinn revient à Ransom Canyon pour se réinventer.


Mar 25, 2020
Dex Parios, une vétérante de l'armée auto-destructrice, se reconvertit en détective privée dans sa ville natale de Portland. En tentant de résoudre les problèmes des autres, elle en oublie parfois de s'occuper d'elle et de ceux qui l'entourent..


Sep 02, 2024
Forced to collaborate on a serious crime, contrasting detectives Philip Boyd and Aoife Regan, with clashing personalities and backgrounds, overcome initial friction to form an unlikely but formidable crime-fighting partnership.


Aug 31, 2017
Un groupe de docteurs de l'armée américaine pendant leurs gardes de nuit à l’hôpital de San Antonio.