Petre Moraru

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Le Voyeur

Le Voyeur

Jun 03, 2022
Julia, une américaine qui a épousé un expatrié Roumain, arrive à Bucarest pour y refaire sa vie. Mais alors qu’un tueur de femme sévit dans la ville, elle remarque qu’un voisin l’observe constamment depuis sa fenêtre. De plus en plus angoissée, elle essaye d’en parler à son mari qui se montre très sceptique, allant jusqu’à se moquer d’elle devant leurs amis, jusqu’à ce que ce voisin s’en prenne à elle, et manque de l’égorger dans son appartement.
Johnny Mysto: Boy Wizard
In this light-hearted fantasy, a talented young magician stumbles across an unusual ring and ends up in Camelot before King Arthur. It turns out the ring belongs to none other than Merlin.
The Doorman

The Doorman

Oct 01, 2020
Une membre des Marines, après avoir vécu des événements traumatisants, est de retour chez elle. Devenue concierge d'un immeuble new-yorkais, elle va se retrouver confrontée à des mercenaires bien décidés à mettre la main sur une précieuse oeuvre d'art.


Feb 11, 1994
Depicts Romania during World War II, focusing on the Royal Coup that toppled Ion Antonescu, the Axis-allied Conducător and authoritarian Prime Minister. Focused around the August 23rd 1944 coup against Marshal Antonescu, the movie also tackles other topics from the same era such as the Iron Guard rebellion and the execution of political leaders by communists.
Trei frați de belea

Trei frați de belea

Nov 17, 2006
Based on a Romanian folk story this is the modern interpretation of the story, set in modern Bucharest. Three brothers recently moved to the City. The elder brother and the sister shortly find their place in society but their younger brother seems to find hard to integrate, therefore the other two decide to help. Only that Bizo falls in love with the Gypsy King's daughter and decides to ask for her hand. The Father tries to trick him by putting him through three challenges, each one to demonstrate that he has all that it takes to be a proud gypsy: Dexterity, Guts and Money. Written by T.H.N.
Dragoste și apă caldă
Angela (Liliana Pană) and Dorina (Magda Catone), working at the Match Factory, live in the home and dream of marriage and spouses to give them a decent living. But the illusions are shattered when the men encountered prove their lack of character: Titi (the boy whom Angela is in love with, appears at a time with a kid and is raped), a vendor, is pimp, Emil, an engineer, is a And Radu, an emigrant in Australia, is undistinguished by his Collie dog.
Mănuși roșii

Mănuși roșii

Jun 01, 2010
The personal story of the young student Felix Goldschmidt, who finds himself arrested for a crime he does not understand, like his fellow prisoners, he believes at first that he the victim of a mistake. But Red Gloves is also a political story, describing how a totalitarian state imposes itself by fear, rooting out individuals almost randomly and demanding their submission. By cutting back to scenes from the old life of Felix, the author manages to achieve balance and contrast with the suffocating atmosphere of the prison. We are shown our hero as an idealistic young man, searching for love and fulfillment.


Feb 27, 2002
Durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, en Allemagne. Kurt Gerstein, médecin en poste à l'institut d'hygiène de la Waffen SS, devient le superviseur de l'approvisionnement en gaz Zyklon B des camps de la mort nazis. De passage à Auschwitz, il découvre, horrifié, la terrible réalité des chambres à gaz. Chrétien convaincu, il décide de porter témoignage, de se faire « espion de Dieu » pour alerter la communauté diplomatique internationale. Aidé par un jeune prêtre italien, il tente surtout de prévenir le Vatican, certain alors de pouvoir stopper ces trains qui alimentent chaque jour les camps en milliers de vies humaines. Inlassablement, jour après jour, sans se décourager, au péril de sa vie, Gerstein poursuit son entreprise de dénonciation, accumulant les documents et les preuves matérielles, s'enfonçant dans le double jeu et le désespoir…