Andrei Vertogradov

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Чи вмієте ви жити?
From the childhood Natasha Korolyuk showed talent for music. She graduated from the conservatory in a small town and was ready to begin new and exciting activities. But her life plans changed when she met pianist Alexander. She married him and moved to Moscow. But soon the girl realizes that her husband is the usual mediocrity and seedy bohemian who wants to live idly. Active Natasha does not want to cast in lot with this man and returns to her homeland.
Le garçon de course

Le garçon de course

Jun 06, 1986
Ivan passe sans conviction son concours d'entrée à l'Université et au grand désespoir de sa mère qui vient de divorcer, il échoue. Il accepte avec indifférence un poste de garçon de courses et en entrant chez un professeur distingué, son premier client, il choque par sa franchise et son sans-gêne mais étonne et ravit la fille de la maison. Pourtant son attitude irrite plus souvent qu’elle ne séduit et finalement, en masquant sa vraie personnalité, il ne sait plus convaincre de ses vrais sentiments.
La Tente rouge

La Tente rouge

Dec 23, 1969
Le chef de l'expédition qui vit un dirigeable s'écraser sur les glaces de l'Arctique pèse le poids des responsabilités qui lui incombent dans ce drame.


Sep 11, 1993
Une comtesse russe de 1893 fait d'étranges rêves où elle se voit vivre comme laveuse de vaisselle dans le Moscou de 1993, après la dissolution de l'URSS.
Земля, до востребования
Based on a true story about Soviet spy Lev Manevich. He lives in Italy and operates in the Nazi Germany and Austria. Manevich, who is posing as a businessman, collects information about the latest German airplanes made by Messerschmitt for Luftwaffe. On his spying trip to Berlin, Manevich noticed that a stranger was following him. Now his life is in danger, but he must do something to complete his mission...
Le Journaliste

Le Journaliste

Sep 23, 1967
Un jeune et dynamique journaliste va dans une petite ville industrielle pour démêler une affaire de plainte contre des lettres d'une certaine Anikina. Ayant rencontré l'auteur des lettres et la jeune fille calomniée, il ne comprit pas tout de suite la difficulté de la situation ni la hauteur de la responsabilité qui allait être la sienne par rapport à ceux qu'ils devaient défendre..
Судьба резидента
After Tulyev's arrest, Soviet counterintelligence continues the radio game with the enemy, sending encryptions signed "Nadezhda" to the Western intelligence center. KGB officer Sinitsyn, friendly towards Tulyev, tries to persuade him to take his side — he arranges a meeting to a scout with Mariya and her son, whom he has never seen before. In addition, Mikhail learns that his father didn't die of his own death, but was most likely killed. Meanwhile, a young Soviet scientist Borkov, who spoke at an international conference about his innovative work, finds himself in the spotlight of the Western security services.
Люблю. Жду. Лена
The former paratrooper, and now the worker of the geological party Sergey Krutov, hurries to the station to meet a stranger girl and take a note from her for his friend - Having delivered the cherished message, he gladly learns about the arrival of the one he was thinking about, saving someone else's love.