Rodica Tapalagă

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Sistemul nervos

Sistemul nervos

Apr 08, 2005
Ca sa poata trai, batrana Nica (Rodica Tapalaga) isi transforma casa de la tara intr-o "pensiune" anemica, falimentara. Singurele sale bucurii sunt cicalitul cainelui si programul de stiri de la televizor. Din singuratate, ea se inchipuie uneori eroina de telenovela: in secret, Nica este indragostita de prezentatorul de stiri Paul (Mircea Radu). Batrana hotaraste sa faca o calatorie la Bucuresti, unde fiica ei, Tuta (Cecilia Barbora), sora medicala, locuieste impreuna cu concubinul ei, Jenel (Valentin Teodosiu) si cu Marilena (Beatrice Benezi), fiica ei de 15 ani. In capitala, pasiunea sa pentru Paul ia forme paroxistice. Nica acapareaza telecomanda pentru a ramane pe acelasi canal de televiziune pentru care Paul prezinta stirile, ceea ce-i va atrage ironiile familiei. Ajunge chiar sa-l caute pe "cerbisorul" ei la Televiziune, ii scrie, expunandu-se la umilinte si batjocura. Rezista insa pana o doboara boala si rusinea. Totul culmineaza cu tentativa batranei de a se sinucide...
Politica cu… delicatese
Adapted from the sketch by Ion Luca Caragiale. A fine irony on pre-war politicism, which manages, through gastronomic means, to ridicule an entire political class.
Tănase Scatiu

Tănase Scatiu

Oct 25, 1976
The rise and fall of the opportunistic Tănase Scatiu, a boyar in 19th century Wallachia.
Vis de ianuarie

Vis de ianuarie

Jan 01, 1979
Young Moldovan nobles try to overthrow King Mihail Sturdza. They plot an assassination and spread flyers. On this backdrop, there is a romance story between Franz Liszt, in tournament, and one of the noblemen's daughter, who is close to the plotters.


Jan 01, 1979
This movie is about a person that was convicted in the 50s by the stalinist policy of the times, then released and re-educated at the workplace in 65, as the policy changed.
Aproape de soare

Aproape de soare

Sep 26, 1961
Petre Orsa, a young peasant gets a job at the Hunedoara Steel Mill with the dream of becoming a top-notch steel-man, having Mihai Solca - a sort of communist industrial hero- as his role model. He starts low moving dirt around with a shovel but he soon gets into the team of an old steel man, foreman Tudor Baci.
Ora zero

Ora zero

Jan 01, 1979
In New Year's Eve night, an emergency team is called to fix a tram power line. One member is missing though, he is involved in a DUI.
De dragul tău, Anca

De dragul tău, Anca

Jan 01, 1983
A teenager has problems coping in school in family. She doesn't feel she fits anywhere, but there are still some people that give her hope and strength.
Dragostea și revoluția
Being in an unhappy marriage, the wife of an important director complains to the party when she is threatened by divorce, saying that her husband has an antisocial behavior. This is an occasion for the people present at that meeting to evaluate their own personal lives.