Wilmuth Merkyl

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Apr 04, 1915
The statue of Niobe comes to life through the dream of a hen-pecked old man.
The Celebrated Scandal
Sibling rivalry reaches dangerous heights when Ernesto suspects his wife Teodora of infidelity and his brother Severo, always resentful, fans his flames of jealousy. A series of events escalate to a duel and tragedy for all involved.
Let's Get a Divorce

Let's Get a Divorce

Apr 28, 1918
A bit too immature for marriage, Cyprienne allows her pretty head to be turned by an egotistical fop. The girl demands that her husband Prunelles grant her a divorce, but he devises a scheme to bring her back into the matrimonial fold.
Captain January

Captain January

Jul 06, 1924
During a tempestuous storm, a lighthouse keeper finds an infant girl who washes ashore tied to some wreckage. He adopts her and they become inseparable. Eventually her real family finds her and wants her to live with them.
Vainqueur du destin

Vainqueur du destin

Jul 14, 1942
Ce film autobiographique retrace la carrière du joueur de baseball Lou Gehrig. Enfant, Lou Gehrig rêve de devenir champion de baseball ; ses parents, eux, rêvent de faire de leur fils un ingénieur. La grand-mère de Lou travaille comme cuisinière de l'université Columbia et le fait admettre à l'université. Lou travaille comme serveur au restaurant universitaire. Remarqué pour ses dons de sportif, Lou devient membre du club mais se heurte à l'hostilité de certains membres, des snobinards imbus d'eux-mêmes. Le journaliste sportif Sam Blake le recommande au Yankees de New York ; la santé de sa mère nécessitant une intervention chirurgicale coûteuse, Gehrig abandonne ses études et signe un contrat avec les Yankees afin de pouvoir disposer de la somme nécessaire. Sa mère croit de son côté qu'il étudie toujours à l'université mais finit bientôt par s'apercevoir que son fils joue au baseball professionnel...
Atlantic Adventure

Atlantic Adventure

Aug 25, 1935
When reporter Dan Miller is once again late to meet his girl friend, Helen Murdock, because he is working on a story, Helen breaks up with him. Later, in an effort to reconcile with her, Dan misses an appointment with the district attorney, and is fired when his editor learns that the district attorney was murdered in Dan's absence. The man suspected of the crime, Mitts Coster, is rumored to be traveling to Europe aboard an ocean liner. While Dan's friend, photographer Snapper McGillicuddy, fetches Helen to the boat, under the pretense that Dan is leaving town to forget her, Dan searches the ship for Mitts, whom he does not recognize. When Helen arrives, Dan feigns illness, and she admits her love for him. When Helen learns of Dan's ruse, however, she angrily hits him with a package that a passenger gave her when she boarded the ship. The package contains a passport for Dorothy Madden, who greatly resembles Helen, and $2,000 dollars.


Jan 01, 1918
Shortly after Dr. Allen Forrest, who is involved with aircraft production for the United States government, invites his young nephew and business partner, Leonard White, to live in his home, idle gossips begin to spread rumors about Leonard and the doctor's pretty wife Madelyn. At first, Allen refuses to believe the stories, but gradually he becomes suspicious. One night, the doctor hears a noise in Madelyn's room, and when he rushes in, he is shot in the arm. The young man jumping from Madelyn's balcony resembles Leonard, and the doctor, deeply hurt, accuses his wife of infidelity. Madelyn is on the verge of killing herself when a secret service agent appears, reporting that the German spy who attempted to steal secret documents from the doctor's home the night before had been apprehended.
Le Club des trois

Le Club des trois

Jul 20, 1925
Le ventriloque Echo, le colosse Hercule et le nain Tweedledee forment le 'Club des trois', une bande de voleurs de bijoux. Ils ont pour couverture une boutique de vente d'oiseaux, tenue par Echo (grimé en vieille dame). Tweedledee se fait lui passer pour un enfant. Leur prochaine cible est un prestigieux collier...
Her Surrender

Her Surrender

Oct 01, 1916
A story of violence, deceit, deception and malfeasance among the rich set and the hoodlums with whom they unknowingly become involved.
Gentleman Jim

Gentleman Jim

Nov 14, 1942
Jim Corbett, américain d'origine irlandaise, veut s'élever dans la société. Ses moyens : devenir champion du monde de boxe, conquérir la fille de son patron (banquier respectable de la nouvelle bourgeoisie de San Francisco) et être un grand acteur shakespearien. Cela paraît trop, mais son optimisme, la croyance en ses moyens ainsi que son talent le feront triompher de tout. Suprême victoire : il aura appris la modestie (ce qui lui ouvrira le cœur d'Alexis Smith) : voir la scène où Sullivan, le champion sortant et battu, lui remet sa ceinture. Corbett, devenu humble, lui rendra le plus beau des hommages.
La Veuve joyeuse

La Veuve joyeuse

Nov 02, 1934
Surpris par le roi dans le boudoir de la reine, le prince Danilo est contraint pour se racheter d’aller séduire une jeune et jolie veuve émigrée à Paris, dont l’immense fortune est nécessaire au rétablissement des finances du royaume. Évidemment, rien ne se passera comme prévu…
The Soul Market

The Soul Market

Mar 12, 1916
Having made public her disdain for wealthy men, musical comedy actress Elaine Elton is nonetheless ardently pursued by a handsome young millionaire who, for her sake, poses as his own chauffeur. A romance blossoms, but Elaine cannot accept the handsome millionaire's marriage proposal; she has already promised to marry a powerful producer who has threatened to blacklist her from Broadway if she refuses to become his bride.
The Whispered Name

The Whispered Name

Jan 21, 1924
Anne Gray (Ruth Clifford) runs off with Robert Gordon (William E. Lawrence), believing that he is going to marry her. When they arrive at a hotel, another guest, Langdon Van Kreel (Charles Clary), sees though Gordon's ploy and chases him away.
Fine Clothes

Fine Clothes

Aug 09, 1925
The owner of a London clothing store is driven out of business, but later makes a triumphant return.
The Burden of Proof

The Burden of Proof

Sep 21, 1918
Elaine Brooks marries Robert Ames, a junior member of the Department of Justice. Mrs. Durand, a spy uses underhanded means to steal important papers from Ames, which she gives to her superior, Dr. Kemp. Although she is innocent, Elaine becomes implicated in this plot.
The Breaking Point

The Breaking Point

May 04, 1924
Assuming that he has killed the husband of the woman he also loves, Judson Clark flees through a blizzard to a lonely cabin, where he nearly dies. When he recovers, he has lost his memory and is believed to be dead until an actress recognizes "the young doctor." Following many adventures, the real killer confesses and Clark regains his memory and the woman he loves.