Olga Golovanova

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First Squad - Le Moment de Vérité
Sur le front de l'Est, le conflit perdure entre les armées allemandes et soviétiques, contraintes à une guerre de position pendant l'hiver. Parallèlement à ce combat, une autre bataille se joue à coup de pouvoirs occultes: Du côté des SS, l'Ahnenerbe se lance dans la résurrection du baron von Wolff, un chevalier tué en Russie, il y a 700 ans avec ses hommes. Le renfort d'une armée de morts vivants devrait faire basculer la balance du côté allemand.Pour contrer ce plan, la section 6 des services secrets soviétiques compte sur sa pièce maîtresse, Nadia, une jeune fille dotée de pouvoirs paranormaux. Envoyée sur le front, sous couverture, Nadia est cependant victime d'une attaque aérienne, qui la laisse amnésique et coupée de sa base. Elle est en plus pourchassée par des tueuses de l'Ahnenerbe , qui cherche à éliminer tous les membres de la section 6.
Турбозавры, вперёд!
New adventures of Turbozaurs and their friends - Katya, Petya and Hippolyta. The team is waiting for bright events full of unusual inventions and incredible adventures, for example, the construction of a rope park and a skating rink in the summer.
Турбозавры. Год Дракона
The adventures and magic of the New Year whirled the Tarbosaurs in a winter fairy tale. They are looking forward to new discoveries and are always ready to bravely rush to the aid of friends. Together with the Tarbosaurs, Petya and Katya prepare a holiday in honor of the year of the Dragon, find an oasis in the middle of winter and build an ice castle.


Mar 15, 2021
Alice is a lizard. She works in a fast food cafe and wishes of having a true love. But a horrible work injury makes her involved into a dark story.
It seemed that no storms of the outside world could shake the usual and measured course of village life in Prostokvashino. Time seemed to freeze. Still, every morning Matroskin tastes fresh milk obtained from his pet cow Murka. The Ball still spends time in the surrounding forests, "photo hunting" for rare game. However, now he has learned how to post photos of his prey on the Internet. And still, Uncle Fyodor visits them at every opportunity. And then they have fun and amicably spend time with their male company. And when it began to seem to them that this would always be the case, suddenly everything changed with the appearance of one little girl, Uncle Fyodor's own sister. And the name of this girl is Vera Pavlovna.