Rudolf Pankov

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First Squad - Le Moment de Vérité
Sur le front de l'Est, le conflit perdure entre les armées allemandes et soviétiques, contraintes à une guerre de position pendant l'hiver. Parallèlement à ce combat, une autre bataille se joue à coup de pouvoirs occultes: Du côté des SS, l'Ahnenerbe se lance dans la résurrection du baron von Wolff, un chevalier tué en Russie, il y a 700 ans avec ses hommes. Le renfort d'une armée de morts vivants devrait faire basculer la balance du côté allemand.Pour contrer ce plan, la section 6 des services secrets soviétiques compte sur sa pièce maîtresse, Nadia, une jeune fille dotée de pouvoirs paranormaux. Envoyée sur le front, sous couverture, Nadia est cependant victime d'une attaque aérienne, qui la laisse amnésique et coupée de sa base. Elle est en plus pourchassée par des tueuses de l'Ahnenerbe , qui cherche à éliminer tous les membres de la section 6.
Chetirimata ot vagona

Chetirimata ot vagona

Aug 02, 1970
The partisan Welichko is given the task of rescuing four Russian prisoners of war who are in one of the freight cars of a German train.
Белые горы

Белые горы

Dec 17, 1964
Mukash is chased by officials, learns of the devastation of war from a blind woman and helps her daughter to freedom beyond the river crossing, he, having to choose a tragic solution.
Задача с тремя неизвестными
Criminal investigation is investigating the case of robbery of the factory cashier. At the checkpoint of the factory of precision mechanics and optics, two criminals attack the cashier. Criminals manage to escape by the car, waiting for them around the corner. At the scene of the crime, criminal investigation officers arrive Major Dorokhov and Lieutenant Matushkin. They interview witnesses, but they did not remember properly any attackers or machine numbers, but noticed that one prevented the other from firing.
Им покоряется небо
The end of the 1940s. Test pilot Aleksei Kolchin was commissioned for the first time to fly the first Soviet jet fighter. The tests are successful, but it is necessary to improve the aircraft. When performing a test flight, Kolchin dies, his last words are recorded on tape. Having studied them, Kolchin's friend Sergei Sharov makes a new attempt and completes the test of the aircraft.
Таланты и поклонники
Negina, a popular but poor actress, receives lessons from her fiancé Meluzov. Prince Dulebov, intending to take advantage of the girl's dire circumstances, suggests sponsorship, gets refused and becomes spiteful. Despite the latter's intrigues, Negina's benefice performance is triumphant and she receives a large sum of money, part of which Dulebov himself has to provide to keep his face. Still, the entrepreneur refuses to prolong her contract. One after another ecstatic admires come to her expressing their affection, among them Narokov, Naluzov and Velikatov. She leaves honest but dull Meluzov and goes away with rich Velikatov, motivated not by greed but by the desire to work on stage, the only thing she is really in love with.
Спасите утопающего
The film tells about the pioneer Andrew and his friend. They imitate the accident in front of foreign tourists on the water. The young correspondent Egor noticed this, and as a result, the portraits of the pioneer hang wherever possible, he receives an invitation to the radio, people shot a movie about him. And now, when friends wanted to retreat, they began to realize that it would not be as easy as it seems...
Ваш сын и брат
Based on short stories by Vasiliy Shukshin. About the life and people of the modern Soviet village. Old Yermolai lived all his life in one village. He has four sons, each with their own problems. The youngest foolishly ended up in jail and, three months before his release, greatly missing his family, escaped.
Задача с тремя неизвестными
Criminal investigation is investigating the case of robbery of the factory cashier. At the checkpoint of the factory of precision mechanics and optics, two criminals attack the cashier. Criminals manage to escape by the car, waiting for them around the corner. At the scene of the crime, criminal investigation officers arrive Major Dorokhov and Lieutenant Matushkin. They interview witnesses, but they did not remember properly any attackers or machine numbers, but noticed that one prevented the other from firing.
Dix-Sept Moments de printemps
Maxim Isaev, un espion soviétique opérant en Allemagne nazie sous le nom de Max Otto von Stierlitz, infiltré depuis les années 30 au sein du SD, le service de renseignement allemand, reçoit une mission au cours du printemps 1945 : découvrir qui, au sein du personnel politique de l'Allemagne hitlérienne, cherche des contacts côté Alliés dans le but de signer une paix séparée avec ces derniers, et ainsi continuer la lutte à l'Est.
Action & Adventure