Jimmy Bryant

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La Noce de Fatty

La Noce de Fatty

Aug 20, 1917
Employés d'une station d'essence, Al et Roscoe sont les prétendants rivaux d'Alice. Buster, qui doit délivrer la robe de mariée de celle-ci, l'essaie et, pris pour Alice, est enlevé par Al.
In Old Amarillo

In Old Amarillo

May 15, 1951
A drought is about to end the cattle business. The owner of a canning factory wants to buy all the remaining cattle cheap. He plans to ruin the cattlemen's plans to ship water by train and to seed the clouds for rain. Roy is sent by a packing house to investigate.
Crazy Days

Crazy Days

Jul 12, 1962
Narrator Hughie Green tells "jokes" over clips of old silent films. Including greats such as Fatty Arbuckle, Buster Keaton, Charlie Chaplin, the Keystone Cops and more.
A Reckless Romeo

A Reckless Romeo

May 21, 1917
Roscoe flirts with a girl in the park. Later he takes his wife and mother-in-law to the movies only to see his flirtation showing on the screen.
Fatty à la fête foraine
Fatty a trompé la vigilance de sa femme et part pour Coney Island. Mais arrive Keaton accomapgnée de son attirante et peu farouche amie, qui lui est immédiatement volée...
The Waiters' Ball

The Waiters' Ball

Jun 25, 1916
Fatty and Al are competing to take the same girl to the Waiters' Ball, but the formal dress requirement presents a problem: Fatty owns a tuxedo, but Al does not.
He Did and He Didn’t
A doctor, very much in love with his beautiful wife, comes to suspect that her visiting childhood friend Jack is more than just a friend. Jack's intentions are honorable, but everything he does tends to show his actions in a suspicious light, especially when burglars invade the house and Jack and the wife are caught together in their nightclothes.
Le Mécano de la Générale
Conducteur de locomotive, Johnnie Gray habite à Marietta, en Géorgie. Il est fiancé à Annabelle Lee. La guerre de Sécession éclate : le père et le frère de la jeune fille sont incorporés. Pas Johnny, qu'on juge plus utile à son poste et qu'entache ainsi, aux yeux de tous et même de sa fiancée, un soupçon de couardise. Un jour, des soldats nordistes volent sa locomotive, la «General», et enlèvent dans la foulée sa fiancée, Annabelle Lee. De peur d'être définitivement pris pour un lâche, Johnnie s'en va-t-en guerre : il se lance seul à la poursuite des voleurs...
Peanuts and Bullets

Peanuts and Bullets

Jan 12, 1915
A very young Charley Chase is a starving artist. He does not have much luck stealing fruit from a food vendor's cart. He cannot escape from his landlady, who wants the overdue rent. When a pretty girl shows up, Charley and his downstairs neighbor, who is a weightlifter, compete for her affections.